• 除非心里有数,否则布拉德将军不会来的。

    General Bradley wouldn't send for you unless he had something in mind.


  • 尼·派尔西西里一个秘密武器,布拉德将军

    Ernie Pyle says you have a secret weapon here Sicily, General Bradley.


  • 009年美国阿富汗派了一个新的指挥官实际上现在北约在阿富汗最高指挥官,斯坦将军

    Again in 2009 America put a new commander in Afghnastan who is in fact now the supreme Nato commander in Afghnastan, General Morquisto, Stanley Morquisto.


  • 莫塞利将军已经敦促美国空军评估在外太空防御选项更多的在外太空战略害关系更高超过任何时候

    Gen Moseley said it had spurred the USAF to evaluate its defensive options in outer space and added that the strategic stakes are higher than ever in outer space.


  • 布莱德利将军首要问题之一没有足够空间容纳训练有素、装备精良、正等候英国之N个师投入战斗——遑论其巴顿将军

    One of Bradley's chief problems was he had not enough room to bring the well-trained and equipped divisions waiting in England into the battle—not to mention General Patton.


  • 斯坦·麦克里斯特尔将军《赋能》一书描述伊拉克战争早期军队等级结构对军事行动阻碍

    In his book, Team of Teams, General Stanley McChrystal describes how the army's hierarchical structure hindered its operations during the early stages of the Iraq war.


  • 几个北约将军只要艾哈迈德·势力对于坎大哈大规模进攻就没有意义。

    A few months ago NATO generals said that a big offensive in Kandahar was pointless as long as Ahmed Wali remained in power.


  • 本杂志公开了联军最高指挥官斯坦迈克切尔斯特将军采访中对战争美国文官领导不满之后遭到解职

    General Stanley McChrystal was sacked as commander of coalition forces after a magazine published an interview in which he disparaged the handling of the war by America's civilian leadership.


  • 古德因“拉”的质疑,“将军射杀了史古德,然后要求“公司中的所有人动用他们资源取回“锡拉”。

    When Scuderi questions him about it, Pad Man shoots him. He has the others in the Company activate their assets to retrieve Scylla.


  • 本月早些时候区域美军最高指挥官斯坦·麦克克莱斯特将军一次采访中表示叛军获胜

    Earlier this month, General Stanley McChrystal, the US's top commander in the region, suggested in an interview that the insurgency was winning.


  • 他们却忘记耶和华他们就把他们付与夏将军西西拉手里士人摩押手里于是这些常来攻击他们。

    But they forgot the LORD their God; so he sold them into the hand of Sisera, the commander of the army of Hazor, and into the hands of the Philistines and the king of Moab, who fought against them.


  • 现在这个国家又有了一新的战斗英雄“克”——扎伽泰勒将军

    The country had a new military hero now. "Old Zach" — General Zachary Taylor.


  • 这样黯淡背景下,巴拉克·奥巴马面临阿富汗美国北约联军最高统帅斯坦·麦克里斯特尔将军大量增加驻军人数要求(文章)。

    Against this gloomy backdrop, Barack Obama is faced with a request from the American and NATO commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, for large Numbers of new troops (see article).


  • 自己以色列人打败,打发使者大河那边亚兰人调来哈大将军朔法率领他们

    After the Arameans saw that they had been routed by Israel, they sent messengers and had Arameans brought from beyond the River, with Shophach the commander of Hadadezer's army leading them.


  • 迄今整整60来考虑阿富汗北约指挥官斯坦·麦克克里斯托将军(Stanley McChrystal)关于增兵44 000人避免失败请求

    He has spent a full 60 days thus far considering a request from General Stanley McChrystal, Nato commander in Afghanistan, for another 44, 000 troops to stave off defeat.


  • 49日,南方军总司令罗伯特.将军北方总司令塞斯.格兰特将军投降,随后周内,美国内战结束了

    On April ninth, eighteen sixty-five, Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his army to Union General Ulysses Grant. Within weeks, the Civil War would be over.


  • 维克斯大捷传到了尤西斯·格兰特将军那里。命为北方联军西部司令,被田纳西州的查塔加市。

    The victory at Vicksburg went to General Ulysses Grant. He was named commander of all Union armies in the west. Then he was sent to Chattanooga, Tennessee.


  • 1863年7月4,尤西斯·格兰特将军包围密西西比维克斯堡迫使邦联军投降

    Also on July 4, 1863, General Ulysses Grant was able to force the surrender of the besieged city of Vicksburg, Mississippi.


  • 发现罗马将军乌斯·凯撒当时正在亚历山大,于是我设计潜入亚历山大城内向求援。

    I found out that the Roman general, Julius Caesar, was in Alexandria and I devised a plan to enter into the city of Alexandria to make a plea to him.


  • 将军指挥一支纵队带头将军跟随移动

    A small column under command of General Collineau took the lead, General Jamin followed the movement.


  • 问及美国因埃特·里亚声称支持青年军警告一事时,美国将军谴责了外界任何支持索马里叛军的言行。

    When asked about U. s. warnings to Eritrea against its alleged support of al-Shabab, the U. s. general condemned any outside support for the Somali rebels.


  • 直至永乐朱棣继位,才实现日本义满将军友好往来

    Not untill the Ming emper- or Yongle did the friendly intercourse between the Emperor and Japanese General Ashikaga Yoshimitsu come true.


  • 将军的头衔毫无用处。

    Wille and Joe had no use for generals.


  • 斯坦·麦克里斯托将军北约空袭造成21名平民死亡表示道歉

    General Stanley McChrystal is apologizing for a NATO air strike that killed at least 21 civilians.


  • 麦克西将军最初接到的命令纳尔维克登陆后,应该迅速·瓦勒铁矿区推进

    General Mackesy's original orders had been that, after landing at Narvik, he should push rapidly on to Gellivare orefield.


  • iphone music transfer发现罗马将军乌斯·凯撒当时正在亚历山大,于是我设计潜入亚历山大城内向求援。

    I found out that the Roman general, Julius Caesar, was in Alexandria and I devised a plan to enter into the city of Alexandria to make a plea to him.


  • 将军安纳波海军学院台糖果前,拦住经过的一位新生

    An admiral is standing by a candy machine at the Naval Academy in Annapolis when he stops a plebe walking by.


  • 长官,麦考将军拒绝德军的招降。

    Sir, General McAuliffe turned down a German surrender demand.


  • 长官,麦考将军拒绝德军的招降。

    Sir, General McAuliffe turned down a German surrender demand.


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