• 他们一系列不正确的商业决策一些可疑的账目导致美国联邦证券交易委员会开始调查文古德。

    There was a litany of bad business decisions, and some questionable accounting led to Livengood being investigated by America's federal securities and exchange commission.


  • 欧盟竞争委员会专员·科洛斯要求一份书面承诺,保证这次援助不会现在或是未来限制汽车制造商单一市场方面的自由

    But Neelie Kroes, the EU competition commissioner, demanded a written promise that the aid would not be linked to any measures limiting carmakers' freedom in the single market, now or in the future.


  • 随后了个难题他说鸡蛋立起来,谁能力建造穹顶,那么委员会应该任务委派他。

    Filippo then issued a challenge, saying that the commission to build the dome should be given to the man who could make an egg stand on end, as that man would have the skills required for the job.


  • 国际投资银行安诺基(HoulihanLokey)目前米高梅债权人委员会提供咨询服务,其发言人迈克尔·阿特里(MichaelUtley)拒绝此事进行评论

    Michael Utley, spokesman for Houlihan Lokey, the investment bank advising MGM’s creditor committee, declined to discuss the matter. Susie Arons, an outside spokeswoman for MGM, also declined comment.


  • 得到了甜头选区重新划分的计划通过颁法律边界委员会要求在2013年10月前完成工作

    The Tories have their prize already: a plan to redraw constituencies has passed into law, and boundary commissioners have been told to complete their work by October 2013.


  • 苏格兰2000——2002年因为剥夺区域流动导致的死亡率》,丹尼斯·布朗、阿拉斯塔尔·H·兰德,英国医学研究委员会(MRC)社会与公共卫生科学中心

    Scottish mortality rates 2000–2002 by deprivation and small area population mobility


  • 他们两相似处,使我们这些年前曾看着另一个委员会提供证据感到不安、难受

    For those of us who, seven years ago, watched Kelly give evidence to another committee, the resemblance was disturbing and painful.


  • 华盛顿金融危机调查委员会举行第一次听证会美国银行高盛公司,摩根大通摩根斯坦总裁们会上提供证词

    The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission in Washington held its first hearing, at which the bosses of Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase and Morgan Stanley provided testimony.


  • 大卫·这样一个温和,受到了国会委员会近乎野蛮折磨。 当发言时,他的声音如此以致关上空调才能听到他讲的内容。

    A modest man, David Kelly was savagely grilled by the Committee, and spoke in a voice so soft that the air conditioning had to be turned off so that his words could be heard.


  • 这个福里亚人具有强大的影响力,委员会掌管着医疗保健方方面面的事务,他从前名助手刚刚被巴拉克•奥巴马选为国会联络人

    The Californian will be a powerful influence—his committee oversees health-care as well as much else, and one of his former aides has just been chosen by Barack Obama to liaise with Congress.


  • 约翰来自加州共和党人,纵容妻子他的竞选委员会筹款的时候提取15%的佣金

    John Doolittle, a Republican from California, has been allowing his wife to take a 15% commission for raising funds for his political action committee.


  • 非洲联盟和平安全委员会星期五坚决拒绝承认拉掌控马达加斯加

    The African Union Peace and Security Council Friday emphatically rejected Andry Rajoelina's rise to power in Madagascar.


  • 塞斯考先生说道联合中国三个公司,每个公司都有自己总裁轮流地区主管汇报两个主管还要向执行委员会的两个成员提供回复

    In China, says Mr Cescau, Unilever had three companies.Each had its own chairman, who in turn reported to two regional presidents, who answered to two members of the executive committee.


  • 是因为流行文化,”负责洛杉矶警察局涂鸦专门调查委员会警探雷蒙娜•芬德说道

    "It's because of the pop culture," said Ramona Findley, a Los Angeles police detective who heads the department's graffiti task force.


  • 普卡通知制造商美国消费品安全委员会他们发布一条官方召回公告

    He also notified the manufacturer and the CPSC, which put out an official recall notice.


  • 现在学校里数学,”哈特湾社群委员会(Hartley BayBand Council)会员卡梅隆·希尔(Cameron Hill)

    "I teach math at the school here, " said Cameron Hill, a member of the Hartley Bay Band Council.


  • 真相和解委员会提议禁止埃伦·约翰逊·夫涉政30年。

    Liberia's Truth and Reconciliation Commission recommended that Ellen Johnson Sirleaf be banned from politics.


  • 我们需要传输超级高速公路系统,”联邦能源管理委员会(the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission)成员休迪恩。g .(Suedeen g . Kelly)

    "We need an interstate transmission superhighway system," said Suedeen G. Kelly, a member of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.


  • 芬兰研究院Sigridjuselius基金会斯坦医学研究学院,医学研究委员会NARSAD注资

    The study was funded by the Academy of Finland, Sigrid JuseliusFoundation, Stanley Medical Research Institute, Medical Research Council, and NARSAD.


  • 糟糕是,比里亚事实和解委员会曾经列举出瑟以及过去现在盟友,认为他们应为比里亚14年的内战而受到一定的指责。

    To make matters worse, Liberia's Truth and Reconciliation Commission has listed Ms Sirleaf, along with some of her past and present Allies, as partly to blame for Liberia's 14-year-long civil war.


  • 全国运输安全委员会称,科赫公司未曾向包括一家斯通一家在内绝大部份管线附近家庭提供紧急情况下如何处理任何信息

    The company didn’t give 40 of the 45 families near the explosion site -- including the Smalley and Stone families -- any information about what to do in case of an emergency, the NTSB wrote.


  • 会议委员会表示美国消费者信心正处于5年来最高水平。 NPR新闻的戴夫·马汀相关详细报道。

    The Conference Board says consumer confidence in the US is at its highest level in nearly 5 years. Details from NPR's Dave Maddingley.


  • NPR新闻的戴夫·马汀报道来自会议委员会最新消息。

    NPR's Dave Mattingly reports on the latest outlook from the conference board.


  • 委员会任职期间,绝地大师-冈·金提出训练阿纳金·天行者。

    Gallia served on the Council when Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn presented Anakin Skywalker to be trained.


  • 普修斯大厦对面就是贝尔莱蒙大厦。是一由巨大的玻璃和钢架结构而成的大厦,也是欧洲委员会欧盟常驻机构)的办公楼。

    Across the street is the Berlaymont, a building of sweeping glass-and-steel curves that houses the European Commission, the EU's standing bureaucracy.


  • 国际匹克委员会已经宣布了举办2024年夏季奥运会五个候选城市。

    The International Olympic Committee has announced five finalists under consideration to hold the 2024 Summer Olympic Games.


  • 国际匹克委员会已经宣布了举办2024年夏季奥运会五个候选城市。

    The International Olympic Committee has announced five finalists under consideration to hold the 2024 Summer Olympic Games.


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