• 状态更加自我时刻,”拉利伯特。”

    "These were the times where I lived more personally, " Laliberté said.


  • 美国利伯特精密工业公司世界知名柔性加工系统供应商

    Liberty Precision Industries is an innovative global provider of flexible manufacturing solutions.


  • 但是大概很少有地面游客媲美·拉利伯特影集,这位一手创建太阳马戏团亿万富翁戏称自己为“第一位太空小丑”。

    But few terrestrial travelers can match the portfolio of Guy Laliberté, the billionaire founder of Cirque du Soleil and self-described "first clown in space."


  • 对于利伯特而言,这些时刻夜晚降临因为国际空间站在大约超过1,7000英里上轨道旋转,一个24小时地球日会刚好遇到30分钟爆炸16

    For Laliberté, these moments came at night, which happens to come in 30 minute bursts 16 times per every 24-hour Earth "day," as the ISS orbits at over 17,000 mph.


  • 2009年,太空探险公司(Space Adventures)安排下,拉利伯特搭乘俄罗斯联盟号飞船抵达国际空间站,成为第七位在那儿度过两个星期假期民间人士。

    In 2009 Laliberté became the seventh civilian to spend a two-week vacation aboard the ISS by way of a ride on a Russian Soyuz capsule, arranged by Space Adventures.


  • 一轮对阵·特雷伯的比赛中,终于职业生涯中第一次获得147次官方突破

    He finally compiled the first official 147 breaks of his career during a first-round win against Julian Treiber.


  • 星期一路易斯安那州的诺科,当洪水分流伯尼特·加泄洪道条鱼跳出水面

    A fish jumps as water is deposited into the Bonnet Carre spillway from the Mississippi River in Norco, Louisiana, Monday.


  • 今年年初,吉尔伯特女士出版了一承诺书,讲述了是否嫁给她爱人——中名叫费佩——的问题上,痛苦纠结的过程。

    Earlier this year, Ms. Gilbert published a follow-up book called "Committed," an anguished account of her ambiguous feelings about marrying her lover, called Felipe in the books.


  • ·博尔格,伯特·拉尔杰克·赫行头可怕了,所以他们不得不更衣室吃饭以免米高梅餐厅里其他用餐者

    So scary were the costumes worn by Ray Bolger, Bert Lahr and Jack Haley that they had to eat meals in their dressing rooms, lest they alarm other diners in the MGM cafeteria.


  • ·伯特太空探险公司第一主要拥有创造性工作背景科学背景的乘客是耐人寻味的第一次。

    Laliberte is the first Space Adventures passenger to come from a primarily creative rather than scientific background, which is an intriguing first.


  • 二十世纪福克斯公司负责发行的伯特·温斯顿里约大冒险大象眼泪》能入围前三欣慰。

    "It's nice to have two movies in the top-three," said Bert Livingston, distribution executive for 20th Century Fox, which released both "Rio" and "Water for Elephants."


  • 研究者伊万乌尔里奇, 达 派恩斯,肖恩伯特他们来自马里兰大学已经发表了他们关于机器翼果研究报告最新一 生物灵感和仿生学 上

    The researchers, Evan Ulrich, Darryll Pines, and Sean Humbert from the University of Maryland, have published their study on the robotic samaras in a recent issue of Bionspiration &Biomimetics


  • 人们认为 米特·罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)麦克·哈克比(Mike Huckabee)再次参与竞选,白宫发言人特·金里奇(Newt Gingrich)和今密西西比州州长·巴伯(HaleyBarbour)也是备受支持,跃跃欲试。

    Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee are thought likely to run again, with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Haley Barbour, currently governor of Mississippi, also tipped to stand.


  • 旁白:美国经济解除管制舞台已经搭好现在这些想法他们送进吉尔伯特文真正祖国

    NARRATOR: the stage was set for deregulation of the, and now these ideas were about to make their entrance in the very homeland of Gilbert and Sullivan.


  • 名为可可叶斯伯特只鸽子收集数据用来即时回复市民消息,告知市民所在地污染水平

    Data from three of the pigeons, called Coco, Julius and Norbert, will then be used to instantly reply, telling them about the level of pollution in their area.


  • 卡塞校长还希望不远将来伯特中学会开设中文课,而刚刚起步交流项目将来继续下去。

    Casseri said he hopes that Chinese will be taught in Lew - Port schools in the not-too-distant future and that this initial exchange program will expand greatly in future years.


  • 神经学研究员维诺卡·鲍伯特及其蒙特吉尔大学的同伴共同发表了三项关于GPS人脑影响研究结果

    Neurological researcher Veronique Bohbot and her colleagues at Montreal's McGill University released three studies on the effect GPS has on the human brain.


  • 尽管出现这些挑战国际奥委会执行主任吉尔伯特·表示温哥华奥组做出优异的成绩。

    But despite the challenges, International Olympic Committee Executive Director for Olympic Games Gilbert Felli says that Vancouver organizers have done an excellent job.


  • 伯特看到班佛拔剑对着卡布特家的名仆人,于是很快地加入这场对峙,保护自己家族的

    Tybalt said he saw Benvolio draw his sword against some Capulet servants and quickly joined in to protect his own people.


  • 旁白美国经济解除管制舞台已经搭好了,现在这些想法他们进吉尔伯特文真正祖国

    NARRATOR: the stage was set for deregulation of the U. S. economy, and now these ideas were about to make their entrance in the very homeland of Gilbert and Sullivan.


  • 取消下达给罗伊泰伯·特的进攻命令。

    Murray canceled the attacks to be made by Roise and Taplett.


  • 杰佛叟的名著《坎特伯雷故事集》描述了朝圣者坎特伯雷参观托马斯贝克特坟墓的旅行。

    Geoffrey chaucer was an english poet, his best known work is the canterbury tales, which describes a group of pilgrims traveling to canterbury to visit thomas becket ' s tomb.


  • 摩尔特正在警棍有条不紊伯格斯往死里的要害部位。

    It's Hadley and Mert methodically and brutally pulping Bogs with their batons, and kicking the shit out of him for good measure.


  • 表哥班佛卡布夫人那位性格急躁侄儿伯特

    His cousin Benvolio and Tybalt, the hotheaded nephew of Lady Capulet.


  • 表哥班佛卡布夫人那位性格急躁侄儿伯特

    His cousin Benvolio and Tybalt, the hotheaded nephew of Lady Capulet.


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