• 人们担心如果Aaron判和任何方式获得原谅,其他受害者他们骚扰者采取同样行动

    People are afraid that other victims may do the same to their molesters if Aaron gets a light sentence or if he gets off in any way.


  • 他们中的绝大多数花费太多时间要么站着瞅着队友,要么沿着容易被对手破坏的线路瞎跑

    Most of them spend too much time either standing still and watching their colleagues or running in lines that are easy for defenders to predict and nullify.


  • 如果补时问题受到球迷影响他们受到严重限制那么他们其它情况下,比如给红黄牌点球时,不也受到影响?

    And if referees are influenced by fans in decisions on extra time, where their discretion is heavily constrained, might they not be influenced in other areas too - CARDS and penalties, for example?


  • 他们不是简单地解决一个案例罪犯刑,他们领导团队中包括检察官辩护律师警察治疗职业培训顾问个案工作人员

    Rather than simply resolving a case and sentencing the offender, they preside over teams that include prosecutors and defence lawyers, police, treatment and job-training counsellors and case workers.


  • 公司律师们表示虽然法院往往会他们胜诉,结果却无助于改变现状

    But companies and lawyers say that while the courts often uphold their cases, the penalties do little to change the situation.


  • 一种及其可怕及其残忍酷刑死刑那些严重罪行谋杀,危害人身安全更为严重的罪行

    It was a spectacularly gruesome and public form of torture and execution, and was reserved only for this most serious crime, which was deemed more heinous than murder and other capital offences.


  • 全球变暖实验中按照格子悬挂加热器组成加热非加热区,来来回回这样款交互影响

    In his global warming experiment, he suspended heaters in a grid pattern to create heated plots, then unheated plots, back and forth, so he can judge the effects side by side.


  • 由于全球市场持续稳定,消费者日常开销也反复无常,快公司必须进行准确地市场减少成本维持利润。”补充道

    "As the global economy continues to be volatile and consumer spending remains unsteady, consumer products companies must accurately predict sales to decrease costs and maintain profits," he added.


  • 首先俱乐部所属协会/联盟声明球员参加所有比赛其俱乐部负。

    First of all, the association (and/or the league) to which theclub belongs shall declare any match(es) in which the player took part to havebeen lost by the club concerned.


  • LawsonElyse以及很多我们一样的人来说,诊断不是给我们了死刑而是我们能够重新开始,把生活得更好更充实。

    For myself, Lawson, Elyse, and many like us, the diagnosis was not a death but a the start of being able to fully live our lives.


  • 法官de Margerie先生平局去除脚链绷带,以免谋害他自己

    The judge ordered that Mr. de Margerie’s tie, shoelaces and belt be removed, lest he try to harm himself.


  • 法新社20日报道韩国明星Rain经纪公司JYP娱乐因2007年夏威夷火奴鲁鲁演唱会取消一事,被美国法院赔800万美元损失。

    The agents for South Korean star Rain said they are consulting their lawyers after a US court ordered them to pay more than $8m for cancelling a concert in Honolulu in 2007, AFP reported Friday.


  • 首先采用译码器输入输出电压进行确定转换系数,提高系统效率

    The decoder determines the optimum conversion ratio to improve the efficiency of system from the relation between the input and output voltage.


  • 原告请求法院被告向原告支付合理律师费以及进行本离婚诉讼而已经发生将要发生的诉讼费

    Plaintiff requests the court award Plaintiff reasonable attorneys fees and court costs incurred and to be incurred in prosecuting a contested divorce action.


  • 其采用非连续性、非逻辑性叙述则对过去一切小说传统拒绝

    Sartre's discontinuous illogical narrating is a rejecting and rebelling against all the novel traditions.


  • 观察客户需要

    Observing and anticipating the needs of our customers.


  • 内容能够体现质量司法状况

    The contents of court verdicts shall embody the quality of the judgment and the judicial conditions.


  • 技术艺术知识必须与其参的比赛等级相适应。

    They have a commitment to maintaining a level of technical and artistry knowledge, comparable to the level of performances they are judging.


  • 发现任何人鼓吹场防御战,就这些精巧怪物生活两个小时

    Any persons found advocating a preventive war should be condemned to two hours a day with these ingenious monsters.


  • 技能水平反应准确性反应上均表现一致趋势,技能水平越高,预反应时反应准确性越好

    Skill levels in response to the accuracy and reaction time shows the consistent trend of movement, the higher the skill level, the better the reaction time and response accuracy.


  • 目的应用单核细胞单层试验抗体价测定试验预新生儿溶血效果比较

    Objective To compare the prediction effect on hemolytic disease of the newborn between monocyte monolayer assay and antibody titre.


  • 文章依据模糊模式识别专家系统基本原理研制出一类模糊专家系统的方法

    According to the basic theory of fuzzy model recognition and expert system, this paper develops a recognizing approach to fuzzy expert system.


  • MODIS资料进行火情监测原理通道特性进行厂分析,提出了一种用于林火监测的资料处理流程量化指标

    The principle of fire monitoring and the fire channel are analyzed on the basis MODIS data and the data processing flow of forest fire monitoring and quantitative identifying index are given.


  • 输入数据进行系数预特定输入情况下,有效提高了处理速度降低功耗

    Processing speed and power dissipation are well optimized for special inputs with prejudgment for input data.


  • 正确预结构不同爆炸事件可能产生碎片分布特性提高结构的抗爆安全性减轻爆炸灾害具有重要意义

    In order to improve the explosive security of structures and reduce the hazards caused by blast events, it is significantly important to predict the fragment distribution in different blast scenarios.


  • 正确预结构不同爆炸事件可能产生碎片分布特性提高结构的抗爆安全性减轻爆炸灾害具有重要意义

    In order to improve the explosive security of structures and reduce the hazards caused by blast events, it is significantly important to predict the fragment distribution in different blast scenarios.


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