• 学会现实和解,过去已经成为过去,今天才是唯一拥有的。坚强并且足够强大能够在在即将到来并且可以抓住挑战创造未来快乐

    Having reconciled with the fact that the past has no power and today is the only day I have, I am strong, powerful enough to create the future and delight in its coming and tackle challenges.


  • 为此可能召集其他人帮助创造现实这个现实之中,那个批评者处在错误位置,则会辉煌的、毋庸置疑的处于正确的立场。

    At this point, I may enlist others to help me assemble an alternative reality in which the critic is in the wrong and I am splendidly, undeniably in the right.


  • 有时它们深陷梦境中时告诉它们,它们在现实创造真实世界

    Sometimes when they are deep in dreams, I want to tell them, they are building true worlds in reality.


  • 工作创造自己摄影复制放置现实世界而不是

    In the work I create a photographic copy of myself and place it in the real world instead of me.


  • 所创制伪装如此巧妙,以至你们必须必然地将你们注意力集中创造出来的物质现实

    The camouflage is so craftily executed and created by the inner self that you must, by necessity, focus your attention on the physical reality which has been created.


  • 能够发现自己被赋予东西问题,告诉力量她身上,她能用它创造希望现实

    I can also ask questions, which may help her see how blessed she already is, and also what powers lie within her that she can use to create the reality she desires.


  • 男童-如此有趣创造现实”,肯定的。

    Oh boy- it is SO FUN to BE "Creating my reality", for sure.


  • 相信通过这次活动未来越来越人士参与进来大家可以携手同心,直面艾滋现实共同创造一个更健康包容世界

    I believe that through this event, there will be an increasing number of people involved, we can join hands, to face the reality of HIV and work together to create a healthier, more tolerant world.


  • 现实世界大雨倾盆的时候,是创造出了一个虚拟的世界让躲避风雨。

    It created a virtual world that I could dwell in when the real world is raining hard.


  • 不想设计个非现实乌托邦或是风景线相反创造一个分享周围流光溢彩自然风光的房子

    I did not want to design an unsociable utopia nor a symbol of the scenery there; conversely, I wanted to create a house that can participate in the flow of the natural environment around it.


  • :“门口中知道,许多认为真实的世界不是美好的,觉得创造某种迷思和‘邪恶现实’,毁灭了剧中所有角色

    Noh: I've heard many things from people who think reality is not too appealing, who think I fabricate intrigue and create a sort of 'wicked realism' destroying all the characters inside it.


  • 目标帮助现实创造

    My goals aid the creating of my reality.


  • 艾丽有意思原本相信现实由人创造

    Ellie Arroway: Funny, I've always believed that the world is what we make of it.


  • 理想认为自己可以创造段属于自己平凡的历史现实是,账户能够撑到领工资的几率负值。

    The ideal is that I convinced myself to creat a fatanstic history of my own, however, the reality is that there is no chance for me to survive by the money in my account.


  • 不敢自己是创造技巧先驱别人那里学到了很多尝试这些技巧脑海中的灵感现实化。

    I can't really say I'm this great technique pioneer in any way, but I learned a lot from those guys and tried to use those techniques to write the music that I want and the music I hear in my head.


  • 自己天地创造一个逃避现实的世界时,并不知道其实正在开辟自己的命运

    When I withdrew into myself to create a world of escape, I did not know that I was carving my destiny!


  • 自己天地创造一个逃避现实的世界时,并不知道其实正在开辟自己的命运

    When I withdrew into myself to create a world of escape, I did not know that I was carving my destiny!


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