• 这本书引导你解构网站设计磨练创意技巧

    Deconstruct website design and learn to hone your creative skills with this comprehensive guide to the web.


  • 没有发觉许多学习很多的创意技巧他并没有创意

    Don't you find many people who had learned all those creativity skills but still not being creative!


  • 我们拥有高效剪辑设备创意技巧塑造画面生动和真实,渲染独特的影片风格

    We have efficient editing equipment and creative skills, to Create a vivid and true movie, Rendering a unique film style.


  • 当地图书馆关于这个问题书籍录像带互联网提供字面想法创意技巧可以帮助选择最佳位置材料天井数以百计

    Your local library has books and videos on the subject, while the Internet will provide literally hundreds of ideas and creative tips that can help you select the perfect patio location and materials.


  • 掌握这种创意技巧设计者需要美学好的感觉,懂得如何表达“空间”的概念,千万不要变成一种类似老版Windows屏保的怀旧效果。

    This technique should only be used by designers who have a real feel for aesthetics and how to take an idea like "space" and not make it look like something from an old Windows screensaver.


  • 通过定期记下白天验证战略创意技巧,你就可以积累这些知识

    Add to this knowledge by routinely documenting new strategic ideas and techniques that become evident throughout the day.


  • 涉及了需要认知能力来解决问题的优良表现包括抽象思维技巧更高概念形成技巧创意制定

    This involves superior performance in problem solving, which is cognitively demanding, including abstract thinking skills, higher concept formation skills and creative hypothesis formulation.


  • 解决问题的技巧就是选择真正潜力的创意足够自制力忽视其他诱惑。

    The trick is choosing the one that really is a winner and having the discipline (see item #9) to ignore all the others.


  • 所言网站灵感动力之还有思维导图的贴士绘制思维导图的贴士、提升创造力增加创意技巧

    As he says, the site is a source of inspiration and motivation, plus mindmapping tips, drawing tips, techniques for enhancing your creativity and improving idea generation


  • 然而,仍然有人严肃认真地看待芦笋根茎(译注:参见euell Gibbons所著的Stalking thewild asparagus一书),并且将富于创意思想、实干的努力付诸后工业化时代的生存技巧

    There were those, however, who took the stalking of the wild asparagus more seriously and put a deal of inventive thought and practical energy into the skills of postindustrial survival.


  • 如果确实满足自己创意需求灵感插上双翼,那么你必须掌握反射摄影技巧

    You must master the skill of Reflection Photography if you really want to satisfy your creative hunger and give wings to your imagination !


  • 提及这种创意或许嗤之以鼻所能继续讲解掌握这种创意设计技巧伟大图片成就伟大的设计。

    I mention this idea so much you're probably sick of it, but I'll continue to drill it into your head for as long as I can: great photography makes for great design.


  • 创意技巧产品知识可以好地补偿理由

    Creativity, skill and product knowledge are the reasons you can be well compensated.


  • 研究人员指出并不是每种技巧适用所有孩子一些家长会找到适合自己孩子其他创意解决方案。

    Researchers noted that not every technique is effective for every child. Some parents find other creative solutions that work for their kids.


  • 对于一专业市场商人而言,重要技巧如何去发挥创意或是去维持保护增加品牌产品服务的利益。

    The most important skill of professional marketer is the ability to create, maintain, protect, and enhance the brands of their product and services.


  • 论述了橱窗展示中的色彩陈列材质空间创意等要素以及如何运用艺术手段设计技巧使商品展示良好的视觉效应

    The factors of color, display materials and space originality of window display are discussed, and how to use art and design techniques to show perfect visual effect.


  • 想法挺好的但是问题在于古坎德缺乏实际的创意转化成文字的写作技巧

    The idea was good, but the problem is that Goodkind lacked the actual writing skills to translate ideas to paper.


  • 前言模块化方式探讨工业设计造型的技巧寻找创意产业批量化复制规律

    Preface: Using modular design methodology to explain industrial design skills. Try to find the rule of how to batch of creative industry.


  • 同时摄影师借鉴各种流派观念技巧基础产生破除常规的创意

    Simultaneously, based on the conceptions and skills of multifarious genres, a photographer should dispel conventionality in order to produce the originality.


  • 他们赢得最佳创意奖,再说一次,一部很好的录像乐队跑步机上技巧排演。

    They won for Most Creative, and again, that's a great video. The band is expertly choreographed on treadmills.


  • 文章结合实践探讨了图形创意图形制作医学CAI课件界面设计与制作中的应用规律技巧

    This article discusses the rules and skills of applying creative ideas and graphics making in interface design and making of medical CAI courseware.


  • 文章逆向思维内涵实质常用技巧角度探讨了逆向思维广告创意关系

    Hence, this paper analyses the relationships between reverse thinking and advertising creation from such angles of implicate essences and conventional techniques.


  • 一个源自咆勃乐风时期名词代表乐手们在台上轮流争相展现实力、巧思、创意技巧的竞争时刻。

    Jam session, a noun from bebop era, is a stage for jazz musicians demonstrates their technique and creative ideas.


  • 因此创意音乐并不一定神秘莫测、技巧超群、高不可攀的音乐。

    So it is not necessarily some kind of arcane, super-intellectual, super challenging thing.


  • 汉字创意设计就是将特定汉字个性化内涵现代设计技巧表现出来。

    The creative design of Chinese characters can be defined as a way to represent the individualized content of special Chinese characters with modern design techniques.


  • 为了获得巴赫构想具体技巧我们必须细致地分析这部创意曲。

    In order to acquire the specific techniques that Bach had in mind, we must analyze this Invention in some detail.


  • 不仅仅课程参与者老师倡导创意写作技巧商业中的重要性

    It is not just the courses' participants and tutors who espouse the importance of creative writing techniques in business.


  • 不仅仅课程参与者老师倡导创意写作技巧商业中的重要性

    It is not just the courses' participants and tutors who espouse the importance of creative writing techniques in business.


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