• Jurryt是的设计公司里充当创意总监一职,除了这个,我还要运作自己国际生意。

    Jurryt: Yes, I work as a Creative Director at the design agency I work and besides that I have my own international business running.


  • 委员会补充道“成为国际都市一个亚洲企业人才文化创意交汇点,新加坡具有竞争力繁荣的根源。”

    The panel added, "Being a global city and a meeting point in Asia for enterprise, talent, cultures and ideas will be a source of competitiveness and growth in its own right."


  • 国际足联、日世界杯组委会作出最后决定,有许多可行的故事创意产生韩国和日本的一些有创造性工作组

    Many possible story ideas were generated by creative teams in Korea and Japan, before the final one was selected by KOWOC, JAWOC and FIFA.


  • 探讨国际广告蕴含哪些主要文化因素设计国际广告时才可能这些文化角度去考虑广告创意,才能设计成功国际广告。

    What cultural elements are involved in an international advertisement is discussed for the purpose that the designers can create a successful advertisement from the angle of these cultural elements.


  • 2009年10月800秀场地举办上海国际创意,此外,场地将作为2010年世博会官方用地

    The Shanghai International Creative Week will be held in 800 Show in October 2009. The site also is an official site of the Expo 2010.


  • 加入我们,和我们一起最有创意方式庆祝国际妇女节吧!

    Come join us to celebrate International Women's Day in the most creative way possible!


  • 汇当代国际艺术中心,中心空间位于北京市朝阳区798艺术文化核心区域A05号,798创意广场西侧

    The Red Wind contemporary international art center, space center in Chaoyang District, Beijing, 798 arts and cultural core of the region A05, 798 creative west side of the square.


  • 今年月初科隆国际糖果及零食中,设计成为新产品创意主流

    At this year's confectionery and biscuit trade fair ISM, held in Cologne earlier this month, a clutch of new designs contributed to the pool of new product ideas.


  • 国际研究界正在形成多个有关创意产业研究角度。

    International researchers have already formed many perspectives on creative industries.


  • 多年专业经验独特的创意理念得到国际客户一致认可高度评价

    Years of professional experience and unique creative ideas to receive international customer recognition and highly.


  • 开放式课程要求参与《国际主义者》制作各个成员这个项目创意过程做出评价下列他们响应对话

    OpenCourseWare asked various members of this production of the Internationalist to comment on the creative process for this project. Their responses and dialogue are presented below.


  • 2002年起,我们一直帮助国际本土机构中国公众进行更有效沟通。用作品说话,作品展露我们创意锋芒。

    Since 2002, our company has been helping international and local organizations to communicate with the Chinese public. The work we have created for our clients speaks clearer than words.


  • 我们一家国际一流国内领先的动画内容创意制作公司

    We are an international first-class animation company on both original creation and project production.


  • 领导业界的国际团队,让您的品牌商业策略行销创意文案视觉互动设计专业领域都有最佳的表现。

    Jaton comprises an international team with backgrounds in business strategy, marketing, creative writing, graphic and interactive design, and other professions.


  • 如何评价中国创意环境本土创意人才?在您看来,本土的创意人才如果达到国际一流创意水准,还需要从哪些方面努力?

    What do you think about the creative environment and local talents here? How far should China creative talents go, to reach to the top level?


  • 面对国际服务计划可能了解当地社区实际需要赞助者选定特定型态的服务计划时,有些什么创意方法他们一起做?

    What are some creative ways to work with an international project sponsor who may not be receptive to the actual needs of the community or who has already selected a specific type of project?


  • 本厂综合国际家俱潮流运用无限创意设计生产大量造型美观引领时代潮流产品

    Our comprehensive international furniture trends, the use of unlimited creativity, design and production lot aesthetically pleasing to lead the trend of the times and new products.


  • 认真说,一段非常好的时机,对,也你的同伴。你可以解决国际市场上的林林总总,也可以通过一些充满创意想象力方式这个世界做点好事。

    Professionally, this is a great time for you and a business partner to work on International marketing and finding imaginative and creative ways of putting your goods and services out into the world.


  • 本书位读者提供丰富创意国际具有地方特色设计的典范。

    This book offers a plethora of ideas, and is a wealth of regional and international information.


  • D 1国际创意空间保持外观基础上进行局部改建

    D1 international creative space to maintain the original appearance on the basis of local alterations.


  • 尤其发达国家文化创意企业成长十分迅速已经出现许多具有国际竞争力大型文化创意公司

    Especially in developed countries, the cultural and creative enterprises grow rapidly, there have been many large-scale internationally competitive cultural and creative company.


  • 本次咨询活动的目的在于集思广益,通过邀请国际顶级设计机构征集具远见、富创意并且切实可行概念性空间设计方案

    The consultancy is intended for brainstorming by inviting world-class design firms to provide forward-thinking, creative and feasible conceptual spatial design scheme.


  • 本次咨询活动目的在于集思广益,通过邀请国际顶级设计机构征集具远见、富创意并且切实可行概念性空间设计方案。

    Thee consultancy is intended for brainstorming by inviting world-class design firms to provide forward-thinking, creative and feasible conceptual spatial design scheme.


  • 我们为此落户中国国际酒店集团开发了一些通讯创意作品

    We developed some communication and creative pieces for the international hospitality group in China.


  • D1国际创意空间项目前身上海市果品有限公司龙华冷库

    The predecessor of D1 international creative space is Longhua Cold Storage of Shanghai Fruit Co. , Ltd…


  • D1国际创意空间项目前身上海市果品有限公司龙华冷库

    The predecessor of D1 international creative space is Longhua Cold Storage of Shanghai Fruit Co. , Ltd…


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