• 单一表中创建具有更多标签复杂列表一个图标

    You will create a complex list with more labels and an icon inside the single row table.


  • 可以创建一个新的文件打开文件,鼠标任务栏图标悬停预览缩略图搜索任何文件等操作

    You can create a new file, open documents, hover your mouse over document icons on taskbar to preview thumbnail, search for any files etc.


  • 双击图标或者可以文件创建一个快捷方式以便访问

    Double-click the icon, or you can create a shortcut to the file for easier access.


  • 单击绿色的+图标创建一个模式

    Click the green + icon to create a new pattern.


  • 打开通道面板点击图标创建一个新的阿尔法通道

    Open the Channels Palette and click the icon to create a new AlphaChannel.


  • 一个新的生成器可以让开发者快速创建通知,通知可以包括图标标题优先级标志其它所有早期版本所具有属性

    A new builder class lets developers quickly create notifications that include large and small ICONS, a title, a priority flag, and any properties already available in previous versions.


  • 利用工厂创建矢量图标一个好处就是它们可以使用当前主题所定义颜色而不是预定义的颜色。

    Vectorial ICONS created by a factory have the advantage that they can use the colors defined by the current theme instead of predefined colors.


  • 需要知道问题如果更新图标能改变新的桌面重新创建一个新的快捷方式

    Known issue: if the logo doesn't change into new one after updating, please create a new shortcut to desktop.


  • 点击屏幕左上方图标创建一个新的配置

    Click the icon in the top left of the screen to create a new configuration.


  • 现在可以启动db2game . jar文件双击图标或者为了便于访问,可以文件创建一个快捷方式

    You can now launch the db2game.jar file: Double-click on the icon, or you can create a shortcut to the file for easier access.


  • 如果创建一个文档,则单击菜单中的CreateDocument图标

    If you want to create a document, click the create document icon from the menu.


  • ConditionalStyles对话框上,单击左下角图标创建一个新的条件样式

    On the conditional Styles dialog, click the icon in the lower left corner to create a new conditional style.


  • 创建person单击工具面板Class图标设计界面一个方框

    To create the Person class, click on the class icon in the tool palette and draw a box on the design surface.


  • 插件分析cmis提要遇到cm is:document条目插件树形中创建一个节点文档图标表示文档。

    When the plug-in parses a cmis feed and encounters a cmis: document entry, it creates a node in the plug-in tree, using a document mini-icon to represent the document.


  • 选择之前创建模式,即带有RationalAutomationFrameworkfor WebSphere集成脚本一个然后单击右上方工具栏中的部署图标

    Select the pattern you created earlier, the one with the Rational Automation Framework for WebSphere integration script package, and then click the deploy icon in the upper right-hand toolbar.


  • SimplyIcon创建一个原始文件相同名称图标(最大尺寸依赖于原始文件大小)。

    SimplyIcon creates a single icon (largest size possible depending on original file size) with the same name as the original.


  • 单击Createanew serverinstance”图标服务器工程创建新的服务器实例配置

    Click onThe create a new server instance icon to create a new server instance and configuration in your server project. In the create new server instance and configuration dialog.


  • MappingEditor内可以单击associateXMLfiles工具栏图标随后使用GenerateInput按钮创建关联一个新的样例输入文件

    From within the Mapping Editor, you can click the associate XML files toolbar button, and then use the Generate input button to create and associate a new sample input file.


  • 现在我们创建图层加上一个图标”。

    Now we create a new layer and add a "logo".


  • 根据使用窗口系统管理器应该能够创建一个桌面图标,桌面菜单任务图标快速启动程序

    Depending upon the window system manager in use, you should also be able to create a desktop icon, desktop menu item, or task bar icon to quickly launch the program.


  • 注意,有三个图标用来创建新的船只列出所有船只(2),另一个删除已经持久化的船只。

    Note the three available ICONS: one to create a new ship, one to list all ships (see Figure 2) and one to remove a persisted ship.


  • 孩子加入进来创建一个标签图标,每次孩子关掉或者拔掉使用的电器或者灯的插头时候就给他个标签。

    To get smaller kids involved, create a sticker chart and place a sticker on the chart each time a child turns off or unplugs an electronic device or light that is not in use.


  • 创建两个图标(图标一个图标),它们分别表示活动调色板上和编辑器中的视觉效果

    Create two ICONS (a larger one and smaller one) to create the visual representation of the activity on the palette and in the editor.


  • 选择一个图标就可以创建图标所表示元素类型

    Selecting an icon enables the creation of a new element of the type that the icon represents.


  • R&R数据库允许创建知道拒绝(因为一个预订被接受了)的预订请求所以应该不会看到很多红色X图标

    The R&R database will not let you create a reservation request that it knows will be declined because another reservation was already accepted, so you should not see many red X icons either.


  • 但是创建繁琐的矢量需要耐心技术可能创建简单的图标或者是个很酷的T设计,如果有一批现成的矢量图会简化你的工作。

    But creating detailed vector images takes patience and skill. You might be creating something as simple as an icon, or as cool as a T-shirt design.


  • 在这里我会告诉如何使用铅笔工具设计像素图标然后再使用它们创建一个完整集合

    Here I will show you how to use the Pencil tool to design pixel ICONS, and then re-use them to create a full collection.


  • 我们使用DomBloglogo图形程序创建一个Poweredby DomBlog”图标然后将其作为图像资源添加数据库中。

    We used the DomBlog logo to create a Powered by DomBlog icon in a graphics program, then added it to the database as an image resource.


  • 为了创建一个手动测试脚本,将鼠标移到Construction图标点击CreateTestScript

    To create a manual test script, hover the mouse over the Construction icon and click create test script.


  • 为了创建一个手动测试脚本,将鼠标移到Construction图标点击CreateTestScript

    To create a manual test script, hover the mouse over the Construction icon and click create test script.


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