• 谷歌市场份额大约下滑同样幅度,至24%。

    Google's market share fell by about the same amount, to 24%.


  • 11接入点在户通常只限于几个房间那么范围户外大约一百米左右

    The range of an 802.11 access point is typically only a few rooms if inside, or about a hundred meters when outside.


  • 背景星系大小大约NGC7331表面大小的十分之一,距离上大约10甚至更远

    The background galaxies are about one tenth the apparent size of NGC 7331 and so lie roughly ten times farther away.


  • 编写报告专家组发现充分水合妇女每天摄入91盎司液体男性大约125盎司。

    The expert panel that prepared the report found that women who appeared to be adequately hydrated consumed the equivalent of about 91 ounces of fluids each day, and men about 125 ounces.


  • 专家们认为大约只有15%幸福感来自收入财产其他经济因素90%来自于态度支配生活的能力和人际关系

    Experts say only about 15 percent of happiness comes from income, assets and other financial factors. As much as 90 percent comes from elements such as attitude, life control and relationships.


  • 将可吸入颗粒物(PM 10)立方米70微克减少20微克,空气质量有关死亡减少大约15%。

    By reducing particulate matter (PM10) pollution from 70 to 20 micrograms per cubic metre, we can cut air quality related deaths by around 15%.


  • 人类大脑神经键大约100个1万亿 --但是大脑体积不会改变,而全球电脑数量每隔几年就要翻番

    The human brain has about 100 times that number of links -- but brains are not doubling in size every few years. The global machine is.


  • 就像刚才的大猩猩实验一样,只有大约一半确实注意到了和他们说话了,而其他人根本没有发觉。

    Like the gorilla experiment, only about half the students notice that they were actually talking to a different person. Another failure of attention.


  • 模型显示,若村庄一半家庭使用诱捕陷阱减少蚊帐大约相同数量的疟疾传播

    Modeling suggests that traps could reduce malaria transmission about as much as bed nets do in villages where half the households use them.


  • 通常块巧克力大约100其中健康固体可可含量千差万别

    A typical chocolate bar weighs around 100 grams, but the amount of healthy cocoa solids it contains varies greatly.


  • 奶油土豆浓汤可以追溯到大约100年前,西班牙凉菜汤的历史久远得多,具体日期确定。

    While vichyssoise can be dated to about 100 years ago, gazpacho has a much longer history and one that's a little harder to date.


  • 希腊方面原始债券价值大约20%(或者是展期债券总价值的30%)转移一个特殊目的公司(SPV),这个公司购买AAA级的30到期债券。

    Greece in turn would pass on about 20% of the original bonds' value (or 30% of the amount being rolled over) to a special-purpose vehicle (SPV) that would buy AAA-rated bonds maturing in 30 years.


  • 强调该报记者每周努力完成大约200至300新闻报道,其中约100篇出版直接参与所涉及的报道数目小。

    He emphasised that reporters at the paper would work on about 200 to 300 stories every week, of which 100 would be published and he would have direct involvement in a smaller number.


  • 失业率-大约美国相同-对于担心未来年轻人,失业率更高

    Unemployment is high - about the same rate as the United States' - but it is even higher for young people who are worried about the future.


  • Kearney小汽车轻型卡车销量去年的一千一百六十万回升今年的一千三百二十万辆,2013年恢复到衰退前的水平大约一千六百万辆。

    Kearney said sales will rise to 13.2 million cars and light trucks this year, from 11.6 million last year, and will approach pre-recession levels of about 16 million by 2013.


  • 现在process_racluster . pl被重新启动并且192.168.1.33计算机网络使用量10分钟降低大约5.5MB以下发送关闭命令

    Now when process_racluster.pl is restarted and the total network usage for the machine drops below approximately 5.5 MB over 10 minutes, the shutdown command will be sent.


  • 至于更大混合动力车比如福特Escape是一加仑油耗只能支撑大约34英里的大家伙。

    And bigger hybrids, such as the Ford Escape, still clock in at around 34 miles per gallon.


  • 美国宇航局表示UNITeS合同开始于2004年1月1日,价值大约13.1亿美元,其中包括这个扩展合同的总价值。

    The UNITeS contract, which began Jan. 1, 2004, has a total value of approximately $1.31 billion, including this extension, NASA said.


  • 如果测量时候,需要精度控制在2%以内,计时精度,就得大约1/10毫秒,因为1/10毫秒正好,5的。

    And if I want to make a measurement to two percent accuracy I have to know this timing to about one-tenth of a millisecond because one-tenth of a millisecond 2% is about two percent of five.


  • 委内瑞拉石油去年售价大约每桶90美元,现在到了每桶低于40美元。

    Venezuela’s oil currently fetches below $40 a barrel, down from an average of about $90 last year. Oil accounted for over 90% of Venezuela’s exports last year, up from 64% in 1998.


  • 对于石膏板大约两三天,而玻璃纤维夹板仅仅只用一个小时

    This generally takes two or three days for plaster casts, and an hour for fiberglass casts.


  • 总之我们在那儿呆了大约个把钟头,只有状况还好,享受这儿的优惠,柯林斯菲尔留在楼下姑娘们聊天。

    Anyway we stayed there an hour or so, and as I was the only one in condition to enjoy the privileges of the house, Collins and Fillmore remained downstairs chattering with the girls.


  • 现在土耳其西欧之间货运仅有2%通过铁路完成,大约22%的货运通过公路,75%通过海路

    Now only 2% of freight between Turkey and western Europe is carried by rail. Some 22% goes by road and 75% by ship.


  • 通常情况下伴随着财富增长生育率下降大约需要一代人的时间来实现,排放增长极为迅速

    Under normal circumstances, it takes perhaps a generation for the birth rate to drop with increasing wealth, whereas carbon emissions go up very quickly.


  • 女人表现诚实一些,她们平均撒谎728大约次谎。

    However the average woman appears more honest, lying 728 times a yeararound twice a day.


  • 女人表现诚实一些,她们平均撒谎728大约次谎。

    However the average woman appears more honest, lying 728 times a yeararound twice a day.


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