• 基于列表控件中,开始输入希望选择名称一个经筛选弹出对话框允许快速导航所需的值。

    In list and tree based controls, start typing the name of the value that you want to select: a filtered pop-up dialog allows to quickly navigate to the desired value.


  • 例如可以用户鼠标悬停在某个项目上单击按钮下拉列表选择显示对话

    For example, the dialog can be displayed when a user hovers over an item, clicks a button, or selects a value in a drop-down selection list.


  • 点击SourceDirectory部分中的Browse按钮将会打开一个对话允许映射如图13所示子单元而选择项目列表

    Click on the Browse button in the Source Directory panel, this will open up the dialog box which allows you to select the list of projects for mapping subunits as shown in Figure 13, below.


  • 选择Done按钮完整列表添加RegisterPerson对话中的请求队列里。

    Select the Done button and the entire list will be added to the registration queue in the Register Person dialog box.


  • 这个对话框可以选择默认操作系统显示操作系统列表时间

    From this dialog, you can select the default operating system and the time to display list of operating systems.


  • 如果需要,您可以通过对话框左手复选列表选择想要数据源来为一个位置配置许多数据源。

    If required, several data sources can be configured for one location by selecting the desired data sources from the check box list on the left-hand side of the dialog.


  • 显示对话输入SAMPLEDB作为数据源名称列表选择SAMPLEDB作为数据库别名

    In the dialogue box that displays, enter SAMPLEDB as the Data source name and choose SAMPLEDB from the drop-down list for the Database alias.


  • 提示ChangeInterface对话中,一个接口可能选择过滤器因此可能需要过滤器清除接口,才能在列表看到其他接口。

    Tip: the previous interface might be selected as the filter in the Change interface dialog box, so you might need to clear that from the filter to see the other interfaces in the list.


  • Server列表对话框窗口您可以选择LotusMashupCenter服务器正确主机

    In the server list dialog window, choose the Lotus Mashup Center server and fill in the correct host name.


  • 使OpenType对话框选择类型更加简单感兴趣类型自动放在列表上面。

    To make selecting types in the Open type dialog easier, interesting types are automatically placed at the top of the list.


  • Encryption对话中,选择Locallyencrypt thisdatabaseusing选项然后列表选择合适加密等级。

    In the encryption dialog box, select the "Locally encrypt this database using" option, and then select the appropriate level of encryption from the drop-down list.


  • Createanewserverand serverconfiguration对话框servertype列表选择注意,企业(Enterprise Edition,EE)服务器需要简单J2C连接器

    On the "Create a new server and server configuration" dialog, select Test Environment from the server type list. Note that an EE (Enterprise Edition) server is not required for a simple J2C connector.


  • PromptWizard对话框选择useexistingparameter然后列表选择Month

    In the Prompt Wizard dialog, select Use existing parameter, and then select Month from the drop down list.


  • Parameters对话框选择Passdataitemvalue作为参数链接列表中的行中的一个方法

    In the Parameters dialog, select Pass data item value as the method to link the parameter to a value of the row in the list.


  • connectionSettings对话框中,选择Allowconnectionsto one of thefollowing选项然后2示的列表选择dma。

    In the connection Settings dialog box, select the "Allow connections to one of the following" option, and then select DMA from the list in the drop-down box as shown in figure 2.


  • Parameters对话框选择Passdataitemvalue作为一种方法将JobDescription报告CATEGORY参数连接列表中的行的

    In the Parameters dialog, select Pass data item value as the method to link the parameter CATEGORY of the JobDescription report to a value of the row in the list.


  • 可以列表选择颜色或者单击旁边的省略号(。)按钮显示“颜色选取器”对话选择其他颜色

    You can select a color name from the drop-down list, or you can click the adjacent ellipsis (. ) Button to display the Color Picker dialog box and choose additional colors.


  • 通过选择查找范围”列表旁边省略号按钮访问“查找范围”对话

    You can access the Look in dialog box by choosing the ellipsis button next to the Look in list.


  • 可以直接输入资料可以对话框左边列表选择'''

    You can either enter the coordinates directly, or choose a position from the list at the left side of the dialog.


  • 可以直接输入资料可以对话框左边列表选择'''

    You can either enter the coordinates directly, or choose a position from the list at the left side of the dialog.


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