• 阶段性划分训练周期就是说16-20一个周期,每个周期中特定目标这样不用每次都练习所有的训练方式实际上你也不必这样。

    Periodization divides a training cycle of, say, 16 to 20 weeks into phases, each with a specific goal, so you don't have to do every type of workout all the time. In fact, you shouldn't.


  • 然而实际目标产品环境通常更加复杂的,并且需要具有特定技能决定如何划分应用以进行部署

    However, the actual target production environment is usually significantly more complex, and you need specialized skills to determine how to partition the application for deployment.


  • 推荐每个商业目标划分一个多个”的这样实践

    It is recommended that such practices be partitioned "one to many" for each business objective.


  • 每个地理区域并发玩家目标数量根据游戏的情况划分地理区域之后,判断每个地理区域同时在线的玩家数量。

    Target number of concurrent players per geography: Once the world is divided up according to the game, determine the number of players who are going to be online in each geography.


  • 不论哪里存在角色目标劳动力划分,都存在错误传达。

    Miscommunication exists wherever there's a division of roles, goals, and labor.


  • 这些活动目标客户群为基础进行了划分这样我客户能够更加从容参会观众进行互动

    These events were segmented towards a certain targeted customer base, where the client can have interaction with the attendees in a more relaxed manner.


  • 没什么将客户粗暴地划分成群目标客户潜在客户更会影响个性化销售,尤其我们能力将客户当做特殊个体对待时。

    Nothing gets in the way of personal selling faster than tossing people around in sacks called groups, targets, or average prospect-especially when we have the means to see people as individuals.


  • 这些表达式应用于“真正的”JDBCURL被利用,这样跟踪程序就能够目标数据库划分APM系统提供性能指标

    These expressions are applied to the "real" JDBC URL and are required so that the tracer can provide performance metrics to the APM system that are demarcated by the target database.


  • 市场划分过程包括1.确定目标市场区间特点

    The market segmentation process includes: 1. Determining the characteristics of segments in the target market.


  • 讨论划分优先评估目标等级,可以更好地理解需求,减少所需精力

    Discuss, prioritise and estimate at goals level for better understanding and reduced effort.


  • 划分过程确定目标选择针对划分定位每个划分设计适当市场营销组合不同

    The process of segmentation is distinct from targeting (choosing which segments to address) and positioning (designing an appropriate marketing mix for each segment).


  • 选择目标可以为自己划分不同距离要跑15要跑90秒的距离并且根据距离来调整自己的步伐

    Make choices that mark off different distances so your pickups vary in length from 15 to 90 seconds, and modify your pace to match the distance.


  • 通过这种方式得到单一简化中介,其中的中介策略可根据情况具体应用不是根据不同目标划分多个分支

    In this way, you can have a single, simplified mediation flow, with mediation policies applied conditionally, rather than multiple flows or branches servicing the different targets.


  • 在这个市场中的竞争不是由于不同厂商目标人群划分细微差异

    Competition here is not even because of slightly different audience segments targeted by different vendors.


  • 可以将目标文件中所包含不同部分划分

    Object files contain many different parts that are divided into sections.


  • 新的一揽子方案将主要的目标划分各国任务

    The new package breaks those headline goals into national targets.


  • 设定目标,把它们划分特定的任务学习需要学习的东西,你需要做什么始终保持头脑

    Set goals, divide them into specific tasks, learn what you need to learn, do what you need to do and always keep the prize in mind.


  • 这个目标构思一个地块两个网络组织划分

    This objective is conceived with a block division organized by two grids.


  • 由于WrappingJDBCDriver用于多个(可能是不同的)数据库因此目标系统库进行划分重要的,这样收集指标可以目标数据库进行分组了。

    If the WrappingJDBCDriver is used for multiple (possibly different) databases, it is necessary to establish this demarcation so that the collected metrics can be grouped by the target database.


  • 通过维护IT组合(portfolio)、当前目标架构以及迁移路线图支持项目成本优先级划分

    Supporting project costing and prioritization by maintaining an it portfolio, current and target architectures, and a roadmap for the transition.


  • 必须划分每件事,这样是为了保持随时关注手边目标。你必须最大化时间精力捕捉目标

    You must compartmentalize everything you do in order to remain focused on the goal at hand. You must maximize your time and energy to capture the goal.


  • 霍姆斯翻译学实”一文中,对翻译学研究目标、研究范围以及学科划分提出详细的构想。

    In his article "The Name and Nature of Translation Studies", James Holmes has put forward a convincing notion of division as a basic principle of orsanization.


  • 编辑2了看二进制空间划分实现目标选项我只找到一个实现(GL2PS),我不知道如何使用

    Edit 2: I looked at binary space partitioning as an option of achieving this but I have only been able to find one implementation (in GL2PS), which I'm not sure how to use.


  • 市场划分是一公司目标市场,是整个市场的一部分

    Market Segment a portion of the entire market that your company is targeting.


  • 国际理解教育培养目标可以划分知识目标态度目标能力目标三个层次

    We can divide the aim of Education for International Understanding in three categories which are knowledge aim, attitude aim and ability aim.


  • 分析结果对于烟草销售策略制定市场划分目标客户群的确定也有一定参考意义

    In the meantime its analysis results have some reference meanings to strategy making of tobacco sales, market partition, and target client group partition.


  • 同时还对舰船目标观察空间进行形态划分减少目标表示所需图像数量提高识别效率

    The horizontal viewing sphere of ship target is divided into several aspects so as to reduce the amount of descriptive images and improve the recognition efficiency.


  • 为了进行定量分析给出系统效率效益可靠性三大目标评判等级划分

    In order to make quantitative analysis, the division of evaluation grade of three targets system efficiency, benefit and reliability is given.


  • 首先,将项目划分小步并且限定自己每天处理六个分目标

    First, break down big projects into small steps, and try to limit yourself to tackling three to six a day.


  • 首先,将项目划分小步并且限定自己每天处理六个分目标

    First, break down big projects into small steps, and try to limit yourself to tackling three to six a day.


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