
  • 音乐泉,冲破奔涌向前。

    The holy stream of thy music breaks through all stony obstacles and rushes on.


  • 音乐光辉照亮世界。您音乐的气息透彻诸天。您音乐冲破奔涌向前。

    The light of thy music illumines the world. The life breath of thy music runs from sky to sky. The holy stream of thy music breaks through all stony obstacles and rushes on.


  • 本文通过对矿山荒料电气控制系统进行了调研。提出基于P LCHMI的控制系统技术实现

    After studying the electric control system of Quarry Cutter Machine, we bring up a system based on PLC and HMI control and realize it in technology.


  • 也许始于布拉尼之撒尿

    Maybe all this started when I peed on the Blarney stone.


  • 种种成为上司,朋友家人承认错误绊脚

    All these will be the obstacle of admitting the mistakes to your boss, friends and family.


  • 而且库特兹并非驻足岸边赏景,在划着单人小艇穿越激流滩时,于湍急白浪间见到的。

    And he was seeing them not from dry land but from the midst of churning whitewater, as he paddled his kayak through the rapids and the rocks.


  • 俄亥俄州立大学劳拉·福肯领导下的研究小组让一水落

    A team of researchers led by Laura Fonken of Ohio State University has cleared the matter up.


  • 赫托收集很多哺乳动物骨骼工具留下的我们不知道这些动物被赫托人猎杀还是其他食肉动物杀死后留给赫托人残羹冷炙。

    Many of the mammal bones collected from Herto bear cut marks from stone tools. It is impossible to say, however, whether the people were hunting the animals or scavenging the kills of other predators.


  • 水落章子怡接受采访时泣不成声。

    The truth finally coming out, Zhang could not help tearing when being interviewed.


  • 1996年,研究小组出土了带有工具痕迹羚羊其他哺乳动物的骨骼,年代要回溯至250万年前,这是古人类使用工具迹象最早时期。

    In 1996, the team uncovered antelope, horse, and other mammal bones showing the telltale cut marks of stone tools-at 2.5 million years, one of the earliest signs of tool use.


  • 9月初水落出。

    We will all know, come first of September.


  • 本文分析金刚大理时,引起表面平面度偏差其它缺陷主要因素以及合理工作条件选择

    This article analyzes the main factors and selection of rational cutting conditions influencing the surface flatness error and other defects in sawing marble plates with diamond saw blade.


  • 38岁的乐队主唱马汀告诉《》杂志“关于接纳拥抱降临在生命中的。”

    "It's about love and acceptance and embracing what happens to you," Martin, 38, said to Rolling Stone.


  • 千层月光溶合天成,一是为了静心所设。

    Qianceng stone color amalgamation with moonlight, everything is a heaven, it's all about people's meditation.


  • 波斯人法拉瓦哈图案雕刻曼尼国王坟墓上位于伊朗的贝撒顿里,这些雕刻不同。

    The Persian Faravahar is carved on the rock-cut tombs of the Achaemenid Kings at Bisetoon in Iran, and varies from one carving to the other.


  • 不顾一大幅重,体重掉到了所属轻量级

    Stone desperate to force a substantial weight loss, weight fell husband belongs to the most lightweight.


  • 沉思中转过头来。他正凝神专注于表现红衣主教畅饮的画,那幅八角乌木框镶在大理浮雕上。

    Archer turned from the fascinated contemplation of a small painting representing two Cardinals carousing, in an octagonal ebony frame set with medallions of onyx.


  • 喜欢阅读喜欢阅读郑渊洁作品成了努力成为童话作家垫脚

    I like reading, like reading more Zheng Yuanjie's work, and all this, have become I try to be a stepping stone to a fairy tale writer.


  • 沉思中转过头来。他正凝神专注于表现红衣主教畅饮的画,那幅八角乌木框大理浮雕上。

    Archer turned from the fascinated contemplation ofa small painting representing two Cardinals carousing, in an octagonal ebony frame set with medallions of onyx.


  • 假设我们电气晶体薄片一种特殊方式出来的,的方法我们需要在这里描写

    Suppose we have a very thin plate of tourmaline crystal , cut in a particular way which we need not describe here.


  • 本文分析进口工作原理工况条件基础,根据磨料磨损机理提出了适于进口锯新型砂的选材依据

    This paper proposed the criteria to select qualified abrasives for imported granite—cutting machines on the bases of abrasive wear mechanisms and the working principle and conditions of the machines.


  • 建造所用宝贵的,是按着尺寸成的,是里外锯齐的。根基直到外头直到大院,都是如此

    All these were of costly stones, according to the measures of hewed stones, sawed with saws, within and without, even from the foundation unto the coping, and so on the outside toward the great court.


  • 过去保存在这里,在沙海热浪里诉说,向我们低语气候变化反复冲击以及人类退却和挺进的历史

    The past survives here and speaks from the sand, rock, heat, and dry winds. It whispers to us about a history of repeated jolts of climate change and of the advance and retreat of humanity.


  • 1994年1995年玉溪市城镇刺桐关办事处狗头,云南松纵坑梢小蠹虫危害云南松林,进行施肥试验

    The fertilization test on the trees damaged by Tomicuspiniperda has been done in the forest of Pinus yunnanensis in 1994 and 1995 in Shigoutou village, Citongguan office, Beicheng town of Yuxi city.


  • 1994年1995年玉溪市城镇刺桐关办事处狗头,云南松纵坑梢小蠹虫危害云南松林,进行施肥试验

    The fertilization test on the trees damaged by Tomicuspiniperda has been done in the forest of Pinus yunnanensis in 1994 and 1995 in Shigoutou village, Citongguan office, Beicheng town of Yuxi city.


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