• 人们希望能够切换

    We may want to switch the value.


  • 如果上下文切换非常则增加时间切片提高性能必须经过大量分析之后才能实施。

    If the value of context switching is very high, increasing the time slice can improve performance, but this should only be done after extensive analysis.


  • 如果用户改变文本框中的切换了下拉列表中的选定元素就能够注册一个事件处理程序引发事件执行代码

    If the user changes the value in a textbox or switches the selected element in a dropdown list, you can register an event handler and have code execute when the event is raised.


  • 然后EditPageProperties窗口中,切换Advanced单击Add添加首选项 com.ibm.rcp.bookmark_level,设为selection

    Then switch to Advanced in the Edit Page Properties window and click Add to add the preference com.ibm.rcp.bookmark_level with the value selection.


  • 如果没有活动选择Inactive链接切换这个激活它(27)。

    If it is inactive, select the inactive link to toggle the value to active (Figure 27).


  • 可以根据预定义环境比如developmentproductiontesting切换

    You can flip among values based on predefined environments such as development, production, and testing.


  • 运行一个处理器克隆线程切换num_proc1的(并且根据另一个处理器修改变量进行转移)。

    The cloned thread running on another processor toggles the value of num_proc2 based on the value of num_proc1 (and branches based on the value of the variable modified by another process).


  • 很遗憾缺省检查CD所以如果匆忙没有假想的光标切换Skip直接Enter 键,那么您只能Esc取消检查。

    Unfortunately, the default is to check the CD, so if you're in a hurry and press Enter without shifting the imaginary cursor to Skip, you'll have to cancel the check using the Esc key.


  • 与此类似线程切换 num_proc1导致克隆线程中的转移的错误预测。

    Similarly, toggling the value of num_proc1 by the parent thread causes branch misprediction in the clone thread.


  • 为了引用来自原始请求中获取,您可以切换url定义,会向这个定义发送条请求,检查Data区域得到合适,如图11所示。

    To reference the value captured from the original request, go to the URL definition where a dummy request was sent, and check in the Data field for the appropriate value; see Figure 11.


  • OracleNoSQLDatabase一种键-数据存储设计时考虑到了扩展性高可用性部署多个互相复制节点上,以便进行快速故障切换负载均衡

    The Oracle NoSQL Database is a key-value datastore designed for high scalability and availability, and deployed on multiple replicated nodes for rapid failover and load balancing.


  • 我们需要数据库迁移新的服务器上时,切换计划中的最终步骤只是更新cname,使其指向db04

    When it came time to move the database to a new server, the final step in the cut over plan would be to simply update that CNAME entry and point it to db04.


  • 运行处理器进程根据num_proc2切换num_proc1的(并且根据另一个处理器修改变量进行转移)。

    The parent process running on one processor toggles the value of num_proc1 based on the value of num_proc2 (and branches based on the value of the variable modified by another process).


  • 最大信号电平”是能够切换但又不会损坏关卡电压电流功率最大

    "Maximum signal levels" refers to the highest levels of voltage, current, and power that can be switched without damaging the switch card.


  • 通过二、三逻辑开关函数转换系统地描述三相CSR逻辑PWM信号发生中的状态切换

    A systematic description of the state switching in trilogic PWM signal generation of three-phase CSR by using the conversion between bilogic and trilogic switching functions.


  • 在所设计观测器基础系统状态的观测为依据设计各子控制器切换方案,使整个闭环系统指数渐近稳定的。

    Based on designing the observer, a switching strategy and sub-controller, which use the observer value, are designed to guarantee that the closed-loop system is exponentially asymptotically stable.


  • 根据输出变量不同误差等级进行分级模糊控制稳态输出切换,以便在直线电机位置控制中的不同阶段采取不同的控制模式。

    According to the deferent error hierarchy of the output variables, the hierarchical fuzzy control and the steady state output is switched over.


  • 这些应用所采用关卡类型技术取决于切换信号阻抗

    The types of switch cards and the techniques used in these applications will depend on the magnitude and impedance of the voltages switched.


  • 仪器具有测量精度高自动量程切换电导率读显示操作简单优点

    The instrument has high measurement accuracy, automatic switching range, the conductivity value of direct reading, the advantages of simple operation.


  • 然后应用检测理论提出支持模型的自适应预测切换算法

    An adaptive decision vertical handoff algorithm using the detection and estimation theory to support this model is provided.


  • 脉冲到来瞬间,电源输出电压切换

    When the pulse of wire feed occurs, the output is switched to the base value.


  • 继电器,提出仅利用保护安装处的电压变化构成同相点切换判据可以有效降低系统参数的影响。

    For the receiving end, a new switching criterion based on the bus voltage is described, which is immune to the system parameters.


  • 基础上通过采用单刀双掷电子开关切换不同的直流量实现时延方信号输出

    On this basis, realizing low delay square wave signal output by Switching two different amplitude DC signals with SPDT;


  • 选择-切换字段

    SELECT - to toggle field values.


  • 通过引入切换机制解决了输入控制量幅约束问题

    The problem of the control input constraints is solved via introducing the switching mechanism.


  • 新的带钢进入某工艺设备时,控制设定需要作相应变动,为了使工艺设备正确时刻切换控制设定,就必须依靠正确的材料跟踪。

    While different coil strip enters a device, the data needs changing correspondingly. Whether control setpoint could be switched at correct time depends on correct material tracking.


  • 这个档案内,可以加入切换控制设定移除切换控制,清除应用程序先前设定所有切换控制。

    Within the XML configuration file, you can add a switch and set its value, remove a switch, or clear all the switches previously set by the application.


  • 获取设置一个指示是否下了切换按钮

    Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the toggle button is pressed or not pressed.


  • 同时计算补偿电容切换以及电动机特性曲线

    At the same time, the value of the compensating capacitance, the switching threshold and the character curve of the motor are calculated.


  • 同时计算补偿电容切换以及电动机特性曲线

    At the same time, the value of the compensating capacitance, the switching threshold and the character curve of the motor are calculated.


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