• 卖力着,为的是能够及时就序。

    She worked hard so that everything would be ready in time.


  • 所有一时冲动下当然已经过失吸取了教训。

    It was all done in the heat of the moment and I have certainly learned by my mistake.


  • 这个行业收入来源,包括用户、广告以及分类广告,都遭受了股强力的破坏冲击波,把报纸业务洗刷得一二净

    All of the industry's sources of revenue-subscriptions, advertising, and classifieds-have seen a powerful wave of disruption come through and really clean the newspapers' business out.


  • 旺盛的需求俄罗斯去年糟糕天气最近在澳大利亚发生洪水以及阿根廷拉尼娜现象,结果就是农产品价格暴涨

    Agricultural product prices have jumped, the result of robust demand, bad weather last year in Russia, recent floods in Australia, and dry and hot la Nina conditions in Argentina.


  • 奶制品。不在菜单之列的有:牛奶酸奶黄油类的食物。

    Dairy products. Off the vegan menu: everything from milk and yogurt to cheese and butter.


  • 沙拉-在混杂绿色鲕梨蕃茄细的达乳酪上面的鸡招标胡椒大农场选矿

    "Chicken Tender Salad" - Chicken Tenders atop mixed Greens, Avocado, Scallions, Tomato and shredded Cheddar, tossed in Peppercorn Ranch Dressing.


  • 但是全球变得暖又

    But global warming made things even hotter and drier.


  • 脚掌踏埃及

    With the soles of my feet I have dried up all the streams of Egypt.


  • Hackenberg:“我们正在声讨EPA,我们他们抓了个正着他们在赤裸裸不该的事儿,毫无理由的抛开一于不顾,化工企业毫无约束。”

    We've caught them with their pants down doing things they're not supposed to be doing…putting lots stuff out there without questions being asked and giving chemical companies a free hand.


  • 2汤匙好的新鲜1茶匙欧芹(可选)。

    2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley or 1 teaspoon dried parsley flakes (optional).


  • 不想帮。从不去改变自己毛病我们所做忘得一二净。

    I don't want to. He never changes his bad habit. And forget everything that we did for him.


  • 不想帮。从不改掉自己毛病我们忘得一二净。

    I don't want to. He never changes this bad habit. And forget everything that we did for him.


  • 如果人们厌恶事情没有超过死亡的,那么可以躲避灾祸坏事桩不可以呢?

    If people are disgusted by things that did not exceed the dead, then all you can to avoid the scourge of evil, which one can not do it?


  • 今天欧洲北美洲那个时候还在赤道地区,地上生长大量的热带雨林。但是全球变得暖又

    Present-day Europe and North America were on the equator back then, and were covered with rainforests. But global warming made things even hotter and drier.


  • 脏活累活湖人胜利付出了很多,他值得的赞美之词。

    He has done all the dirty work and deserves much credit for the Lakers' success.


  • 赛道某些地方了后,巴里·换成胎后1分34455领跑,然而巴顿只是最后几秒第15上升第5

    As the track dried out in places, Barrichello switched to slicks to set the pace with 1m 34.455s, while Button only jumped from 15th to fifth in the last seconds.


  • 虾仁去泥肠蚵仔抓洗沥撕碎丝,

    Take intestines of shrimps off, clean with oysters by salt, strain. Slice fish chop, tear crab sticks. Shred ginger, cut green onion into pieces.


  • 菠菜,烫,取出水份,然后加进拌匀成为馅料

    Cut spinach into small sections, parboil until cooked, squeeze to drain, then add into the minced pork, stir up to form stuffing.


  • 虽然两个镇子工作,他公寓酒吧开始,等到一顺利,天逐渐下来上路赛普酒吧。

    He worked two towns though and he would start out of The Flats along after it was good and dark on his way up to Jessup.


  • 锅炉运转一个紧要参数确水平浸染热采锅炉运行和平性热力采油效益

    Thermal recovery boiler operation dryness is an important parameter, which affects the accuracy of thermal recovery boiler operation safety and the effect of heating oil.


  • 现在重要事情是作好了准备后,就是

    Now the important thing, after everything I've been through, is to do well.


  • 当时明白了,刚才所发生的事而责备自己,好象这桩罪案是我自己似的。

    Then all became clear and manifest to me, and I reproached myself with what had happened, As though I myself had done the guilty deed.


  • 暗示我们睡眠受到没关系,做梦受到有问题

    The implications of all this were that it was not the disturbance of sleep that mattered, but the disturbance of dreaming.


  • 过去保存在这里,在沙海石漠热浪里诉说,向我们低语气候变化反复冲击以及人类退却和挺进的历史

    The past survives here and speaks from the sand, rock, heat, and dry winds. It whispers to us about a history of repeated jolts of climate change and of the advance and retreat of humanity.


  • 奸诈政客常常放在他们伸手可及的地方,或是奶酪,一定抵制诱惑

    Insidious politicians will often leave biscuits within easy reach or perhaps some cheddar cheese, but they must be resisted.


  • 该文研究了牛肉冷冻使升华速率最大化所需要的操作条件

    The operation conditions for the higher sublimation rate during freeze drying of cooked beef slice were studied.


  • 得很苹果葡萄香料有时加朗姆酒白兰地合成的混合物用作馅饼的馅。

    A mixture, as of finely chopped apples, raisins, spices, meat, and sometimes rum or brandy, used especially as a pie filling.


  • 家里不完事情,因为带孩子,夫妇中的任何方都没有精力把一有条不紊。

    There is always too much to take care of and, with kids, neither one of a couple has the energy to keep on top of it all.


  • 家里不完事情,因为带孩子,夫妇中的任何方都没有精力把一有条不紊。

    There is always too much to take care of and, with kids, neither one of a couple has the energy to keep on top of it all.


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