• 特种部队名士兵迈克尔·埃切尼只需转,使山羊停止心跳,”顿中士,“当时是看着的。”

    'One of the Special Forces soldiers, Michael Echanis, could stop the heart of a goat just by thinking about it,' says Sergeant Wheaton. 'I watched him do it.


  • 特种部队名士兵迈克尔·埃切尼只需转,就能使山羊停止心跳,”顿中士,“当时是看着的。”

    One of the Special Forces soldiers, Michael Echanis, could stop the heart of a goat just by thinking about it, 'says Sergeant Wheaton.' I watched him do it.


  • 一切都是从突尼偏远外省小镇上一个贫穷的卖菜小贩绝望中的死亡开始

    Everything began with the death in despair of a pauperized vegetable vendor, in a small provincial town in the hinterland of Tunisia.


  • 如果其他一切顺利的话,埃及突尼应当能力额外的一些支出提供资金

    If nothing else goes wrong, Egypt and Tunisia should be able to finance some extra spending.


  • 伊拉克展馆位于威尼双年展第54号,这次展览作品表达了他对家乡河流群山亲密感情,因为在一切的背后,是他颠沛流离生活的真实写照。

    On display at the Iraqi Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennale, Mr Siti's works convey an intimacy with this region-the river, the mountains-that belies the peripatetic life he has led.


  • 城里很多没有大块地方可以种植城市园艺组织“阿那卡提亚园艺活”的丹尼·切塔特其实人们并不需要大块的地来种东西。

    And for those who don't have access to a large space, Dennis Chestnut of the urban gardening group, Groundwork Anacostia, says you don't really need one.


  • 因为据说卡塔尔曾向突尼作出承诺如果突尼卡扎菲断绝一切往来,将帮助突尼重建旅游业

    Qatar is said to have promised to rebuild Tunisia's tourism industry if it cuts all ties with the colonel.


  • 最新统计罗切旅馆客房邻城米尼亚波尼相同而后者比罗市大四倍。

    At the last count, Rochester had the same number of hotel rooms as nearby Minneapolis, which is about four times as large.


  • 根据利提供的数据,杰估测爆炸发生23英里高空,然后他计算幸存碎片坠落位置

    Jenniskens estimated that the explosion took place 23 miles up-the number that best agreed with Chesley's track-and then worked out where along the line the surviving fragments would fall.


  • 这倒不像布切先生代表英格兰队踢球场上头撞击突尼队队员,从而给别人树立多么好的榜样

    Unlike Mr Butcher, who set them such a fine example by head-butting Tunisians on the field while playing for England.


  • 美国运通首席执行官肯尼•切诺特说:“尽管经济形势严峻我们依然专注拓展高额借贷业务。”

    "We are focused on expanding premium lending, despite challenging economic times," says Kenneth Chenault, the firm's chief executive.


  • 图书项目另外一名参与者乔切南·温特1920年出生当时还属于德国的哥尼堡(如今俄罗的加里宁格勒),出生时他原名叫做·温特。

    Another book owner included in the project, Jochanan Winter, was born Hans Winter in the former German city of Königsberg -- today Kaliningrad in Russia -- in 1920.


  • 8月份,肯尼·塔尔在第一个大案失败了这个案子反映出他的工作人员怎样不顾一切地想把一些事情归罪于

    In August, Kenneth Starr lost his first big case, one that reflected just how desperate he and his staff were to pin something on me.


  • 乔治娜·波蒂·尔希德·英尼可能世界节俭夫妻了,他们结婚典礼遵从节约一切费用的原则。

    Georgina a Porteous and Sid Innes could be the world's thriftiest couple after tying the knot in their all expenses spared wedding.


  • 如果芝加哥一名纺织品分析家或者加尔维沃尔玛工作,那么我为什么在乎突尼发生的一切呢?

    If I'm a textiles analyst in Chicago or I work at a Walmart in Galveston, why should I care about what's happening in Tunisia?


  • 威尼法律规定任何企图杀害谋害任何威尼公民人,所有的一切必须没收

    The law of Venice says that if anyone tries to kill or murder any citizen of Venice, everything that he owns shall be taken away from him.


  • 往返于巴黎威尼午夜列车,情况截然不同英尺高的卧铺,周围的一切让你感到惊喜不断。

    But add in that this is the night train between Paris and Venice, and that you are tucked up in bed six feet off the floor, and everything is somehow more exciting.


  • 这倒不像布切先生代表英格兰踢球场上撞击突尼队队员,从而给别人树立了多么好的榜样

    Unlike Mr Butcher, who set them such a fine example by head- butting Tunisians on the field while playing for England.


  • 第三战争开头格雷迈恩之建造起来,这堵高墙切断吉尔尼外界一切联系使其“摆脱联盟带来麻烦”。

    At the beginning of the Third War, the Greymane Wall was constructed, cutting off all contact with the outside world, leaving Gilneas "free from the troubles of the Alliance".


  • 爱德华呢喃告诉胜过这世界上他一切——或是未来即将出现的一切。

    Edward told me he loves Nessie and me more than anything he has ever loved, or will ever love.


  • 研究小组成员亚利桑那大学的丹尼 ·扎瑞茨基指出,“我们宇宙 90%的物质明确的情况下,却声称了解宇宙的一切有点令人难堪。”

    It's a little embarrassing to claim we know anything about the universe when we don't know what 90 percent of the matter out there is.


  • 研究小组成员亚利桑那大学的丹尼 ·扎瑞茨基指出,“我们宇宙 90%的物质明确的情况下,却声称了解宇宙的一切有点令人难堪。”

    It's a little embarrassing to claim we know anything about the universe when we don't know what 90 percent of the matter out there is.


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