• 们被随机分为四组,并被置于不同等级的背景噪音环境中,从完全寂静到有50分贝、70分贝和85分贝的噪音。

    They were randomly divided into four groups and exposed to various noise levels in the background, from total silence to 50 decibels, 70 decibels, and 85 decibels.


  • 这种装置将100分贝左右声音转换轻微电流,100分贝相当于嘈杂车流疾驰火车或者附近剪草机工作时发出的噪音。

    The device can convert sounds of around 100 decibels -the equivalent of noisy traffic, a passing train or a nearby lawnmower -into a mild electrical current.


  • 加拿大研究中,志愿者们边开车边不同分贝音乐53分贝(相当于办公室的声音环境)95分贝(相当于石油钻探时的声音环境)不等。

    In the Canadian study volunteers carried out tasks while listening to levels of noise varying from 53 decibels (equivalent to an office environment) to 95 decibels (equivalent to an oil rig).


  • 研究人员所定义听力受损听不见25分贝以及25分贝以下的谈话声音也是世界卫生组织(WHO)听力受损的定义

    The researchers defined hearing loss as being unable to hear speech sounds of 25 decibels or less, which is the World Health Organization (WHO) definition for hearing loss.


  • 裁判哨音耳朵伤害第四名,达到121.8分贝但是单单热情球迷就是个问题两个热情高唱球迷音量也达到121.6分贝

    The referee's whistle was the fourth most harmful to our ears at 121.8 decibels, but passionate fans alone can be just as problematictwo singing supporters reached 121.6 decibels.


  • 裁判哨音耳朵伤害第四名,达到121.8分贝但是单单热情球迷就是个问题两个热情高唱球迷音量也达到121.6分贝

    The referee's whistle was the fourth most harmful to our ears at 121.8 decibels, but passionate fans alone can be just as problematic - two singing supporters reached 121.6 decibels.


  • 100分贝100分贝以上的声音15分钟内听力造成损害

    When subjected to 100 decibels or more, hearing damage can occur in just 15 minutes.


  • 嗡嗡泽拉发出噪声忧虑并不是空穴来风充斥着嗡嗡泽啦球场里的噪音水平高达130分贝,而电锯发出的噪声也只不过是100分贝而已。

    The worries about the vuvuzela's noise seem to be well justified. A stadium full of vuvuzelas can hit up to 130 decibels - a chainsaw can only reach a meagre 100.


  • 锣鼓发出的响声为122分贝裁判哨声为121.8分贝

    The sound from a drum was put at 122 decibels while the sound from a referee 's whistle registered 121.8 decibels.


  • 分贝声音标准单位正常谈话的声音大约在60分贝左右。

    A decibel is a standard unit of sound, and normal conversation is around 60 decibels.


  • 志愿者选择不同音量喇叭向研究人员发出爆破般的噪声,可选音量分贝震耳欲聋的130分贝之间。

    Volunteers chose between horn sounds that blasted noise at the students of varying volumes varying from 10 decibels to a deafening 130 decibels.


  • 正常通话声音的音量大约在60到70分贝之间,但是这项技术目前能将100分贝的声音转化成电能。

    A normal conversation is about 60-70 decibels, but the technology currently only operates at 100 decibels. Getty images.


  • 处于100分贝噪音15分钟后对听觉造成伤害94分贝噪音会在1小时候造成伤害。

    Noise at 100 decibels can cause damage after 15 minutes, while noise at 94 decibels can cause damage after an hour.


  • 即使列车全速运行内部噪声能限制65分贝以内,飞行飞机20分贝

    Even when the train runs at full speed, the noise inside is limited to 65 decibels, which is 20 decibels lower than in a flying airplane.


  • 结果纯音测听平均值位数左右波动变化3分贝并且有72%患者听力损失维持术前水平10分贝以内

    Results: The median PTA changed by 3 dB, and hearing was preserved to within 10 dB of preoperative level in 72% of patients.


  • 玩具一种噪音最大的玩具,距离时可以发射120~140分贝的声音,当举到接近耳朵时可以达到130~143分贝

    Toy guns were the worst offenders, emitting 120 to 140 decibels when held at arm's length and 130 to 143 decibels when held close to the ear.


  • 分贝计算,噪音强度可以感到最低声音160分贝以上

    Measured in decibels, noise intensity can range from zero, the quietest sound the human ear can detect, to over 160 decibels.


  • 在乎男朋友妈妈上周家庭聚餐时怎么不尊重真的你说话时一定音量降低1分贝10分贝

    No one else CARES how your boyfriend's mom disrespected you at last week's family dinner. Seriously. By all means, talk, just take the volume down by a decibel or 10.


  • 许多爸爸戴着耳塞必须因为据说在单向乐队的演唱会上声音高达122分贝远远超过最高安全级别的85分贝

    Many of the dads were wearing earpieces, which makes sense as decibel levels at a One Direction concert have reportedly gone as high as 122 – considerably more than the maximum safe level of 85.


  • 众所周知私人住宅正常噪声阈值55分贝。而此地的噪声高达67分贝

    As you all know, the normal noise threshold for private housing is 55 decibels. At this site the levels have been recorded as high as 67 decibels.


  • 相较于那些生活在噪音水平为55分贝(大概相当于大声说话)区域大于60分贝日间交通噪音包围的人群的死亡率要高出4%。

    People surrounded by daytime traffic noise louder than 60db were 4 per cent more likely to die than those where noise levels were 55db - roughly the level of a loud conversation.


  • 警报声音三个开关位置嘈杂地区可以将声音设置分贝,在安静环境中设置分贝,还可以设置静音使用LED闪烁视觉操作

    Alarm has three switch positions which allow setting to a high decibel for noisy areas, low for quiet environments, or off (muted) for silent visual fl ashing LED operation.


  • 规格120分贝,比- 100分贝噪音展示了无与伦比表现就是这个阶层

    Specifications such as a signal-to-noise ratio of 120 dB and noise floor of -100 dB demonstrate a level of performance that is unsurpassed in this class.


  • 并利用单片机耳机本身频率响应进行修正,使得显示分贝实际分贝数。

    Specially, the displaying number of decibel is equal to actual number of decibel, because frequency response of earphone is corrected by software of microchip.


  • 有趣的是大部分根本分不出85分贝100分贝的差别,尽管后者听力的伤害大得

    Interestingly, most people find it difficult to distinguish between 85db and 100db SPLs, despite that the latter is more injurious to hearing.


  • 有趣的是大部分根本分不出85分贝100分贝的差别,尽管后者听力的伤害大得

    Interestingly, most people find it difficult to distinguish between 85db and 100db SPLs, despite that the latter is more injurious to hearing.


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