• 此外分解过程可能需要大量磁盘空间,这取决于分辨

    In addition, the disassembly process can require vast amounts of disk space, depending on your source resolution.


  • 接下来还要经过一些数学处理程序,比如小波分解多重分辨傅立叶分析多相过滤离散余弦变换等

    It is then subject to such mathematical indignities as wavelet decomposition, multi-resolution Fourier analysis, polyphase filtering and discrete cosine transformation.


  • 尝试将目标分解算法用于分辨极化目标的识别。

    This paper applies target decomposition theory to high resolution polarization target classification.


  • 提出了基于小波变换改进奇异分解分辨雷达目标维距离像特征提取方法

    A feature extraction method of high-range-resolution radar profiles, which takes advantage of wavelet packet transform and modified SVD (singular value decomposition) was proposed.


  • 通过算子矩阵地震波矩阵进行多分辨分解压缩,得到了小波域中地震波场正演模拟算法

    Through the multiresolution decomposition and compression of operator matrix and seismic wave field matrix, we proposed a new method of seismic modeling in wavelet domain.


  • 本文根据平移变子空间尺度分解理论系统结地构造各类条多分辨分析

    Several types of spline multiresolution analyses are constructed systematically simply based on the general decomposition theory of two-scale shift-invariant subspaces.


  • 然后提出可用于高距离分辨雷达目标识别距离象多分辨分解目标结构特征的多分辨描述方法。

    Then, in the light of high-resolution radar target one dimensional range profiles, it is decomposed in multi-resolution and the multi-resolution feature description are obtained.


  • 利用拉普拉斯金字塔分解算法图像进行多分辨分析分解后的图像采用基于区域特征量测方法进行融合。

    This paper adopts a Laplacian Pyramidal decomposition method to analyze two images, And the decomposed images are fused with the method based on regional features measurement.


  • 首先通过拉普拉斯金字塔变换将图像分解各级分辨率的子图像。

    Firstly, the source images are decomposed into sub-images at different scales through Laplacian pyramid transform.


  • 可变分割的方法采用基于分辨率四分解运动分割。

    The variable block segmentation is based on a multi-resolution quadtree-based motion segmentation.


  • 文中研究了简单图像融合方法基于多尺度塔形分解分辨图像融合方法基于小波变换的图像融合方法。

    The simple image fusion method, the multiresolution image fusion techniques based on multiscale pyramid decomposition (MPD), and the image fusion method based on wavelet transform are studied.


  • 利用阵列输出协方差矩阵特殊结构本文提出一种基于QR分解分辨估计方法及其改进形式。

    In this paper, by using the special structure of the covariance matrix, a fast high resolution method based on QR decomposition is presented.


  • 本文详细介绍通过分辨分析分解实现正交小波变换基本原理给出实现算法

    In this paper, we particularly explain the basic principle of orthonormal wavelet Transform by multiresolution and wavelet decompose and give a realization algorithm.


  • 信号分辨经验分解方法可以解释信号极值特征尺度为度量的时空滤波过程。

    The multiresolution empirical mode decomposition method of signal can be interpreted as spatial filtering based on the signal's extremum characteristic scale.


  • 本文提出一新的多分辨率纹理分类方法,该方法采用称为余小波分解,从而获得具有稳定性和平移不变性特征描述

    The method adopts redundant wavelet, which is called wavelet frame, to decompose and then to achieve the characteristic description of stability and translational constancy.


  • 该文模拟不同空间分辨遥感图像混合造成的分类情况,同时应用线性模型混合像元进行了分解提纯,用以提高分辨精度

    This article simulates misclassification because of mixed pixels on different spatial resolution images, then applies linear model to decompose mixed pixel, so as to improve classification accuracy.


  • 变换提供了一种图像分辨分解重建表示形式这种小波分解能够有效的利用人类视觉系统特性压缩图像。

    Wavelet provides a compact multi-resolution representation and reconstruction of image, which makes it possible to exploit the property of Human Visual System for image coding.


  • 本文结合小分辨快速分解算法提出小波实现HRP快速算法,进一步给出减少运算时间的HRP的并行算法结构

    The fast HRP algorithm is advanced at wavelet domain by taking advantage of wavelet multiresolution decomposition, and a parallel algorithm framework is used to further reduce operation time.


  • 介绍几种常用于多传感器遥感图像方法基础采用分辨小波分解的图像融合法来达到对影像的去云目的。

    Saveral methods previously used in cloud removal of multi-spectral image are discussed firstly, and then multi-resolution analysis of image fusion based on wavelet transform is introduced.


  • 本文从连续图像出发,将二阶偏微分算子应用于影像函数,利用多重网格算子得到近似影像的性质,得出一种分辨影像分解方法,经过图像重建过程得到融合影像。

    Using the so-called approximation of image property by a multi-grid operator, we can derive a method of multi-resolution decomposition of the image, thus the fusion image is formed by reconstructing.


  • 分解技术使常规地震资料达到理论分辨

    Spectral decomposition technology makes the theoretical resolution of the common seismic data achieved.


  • 首先基于小波分辨分析方法负荷序列分解成具有不同频率特征序列。

    Firstly, based on wavelet multi-resolution analysis method, the load serials are decomposed to different sub-serials which show the different frequency characteristics of the load.


  • 变换多分辨分解优良特性大幅度压缩图像数据很好的保留图像绝大部分信息

    The wavelet has the good multi-resolution decomposition features, which both have a significant compression of image data, but also retain most of the information of an image.


  • 提高分辨率遥感影像城市研究中的应用,必须解决混合像元分解问题

    To improve the accuracy of Medium-Resolution image in urban studies, we must solve the problem of decomposition for the mixed pixel.


  • 算法利用变换分辨特性来进行图象的小波域分解这样可以获得更好的图象保真度并且比在空域中的水印嵌入算法更稳健

    The multiresolution structure of wavelet is used to construct the image frequency components., which has better image fidelity preservation and robustness than spatial domain based techniques.


  • 本文采用地震记录道信号逐次分离出具有不同分辨率背景的方法,实现时间地震记录道信号的分解

    Decomposition of seismic signals in time domain can be achieved by sequentially separating out the seismic components that show different resolutions.


  • 分解信号分辨分解可以突出信号的特征信息,便于QRS波群检测

    The wavelet transform does multi-resolution analysis on the signal which clarifies the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal characteristics to more easily detect the QRS complex.


  • 离散变换将离散时间信号分解一系列分辨离散逼近离散细节。紧支的正交规范子波与完全重建正交镜象滤波器组相对应。

    The discrete wavelet transform decomposes a discrete time signal into an approximation sequence and a detail sequence at each level of resolution.


  • 方案结合逐次逼近量化思想根据图像小波分解系数的多分辨特点模拟人类视觉系统特性,在图像试验结合感兴趣区域进行编码

    The scheme simulates HVS with the idea of SAQ based on the character of MRA of image coefficients after wavelet transform, which is put into experiments with ROI encoding.


  • ROAM算法就是通过采用分解合并方法实时调整三角形网格交互式地实现观察依赖、局部可调整的地形网格化处理,生成分辨的地形模型

    ROAM method adopts split and merge operations to adjust triangle meshes, can interactively perform view-dependent, locally-adaptive terrain meshing and can construct multiresolution terrain model.


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