• 系列第7介绍数据质量分析概念详细方法

    Part 7 of this series introduces the concepts and detailed approach for conducting a data quality analysis.


  • 希望注意力第1部给出概念交叉矩阵上,使用它作为参考分析PaaS

    I'd like to turn your attention to the cross-concept matrix shown in Part 1 to use as a reference as the series continues to analyze PaaS.


  • 篇由组成的系列文章第1中,作者系统设计角度描述了Geronimo分析架构探讨了一些关键结构概念同时还介绍了一些基本用户术语

    Part 1 of this two-part series described Geronimo from a system-design standpoint, examined its architecture, probed some key structural concepts, and introduced basic user terminology.


  • 意象诗歌理论一个极其重要基本概念准确理解意象特征蕴涵诗歌鉴赏分析有着重要的作用

    Images poetry theory is an extremely important concept that an accurate understanding of the features and images came to the appreciation of poetry analysis play a very important role.


  • 一部首先资产涵义出发,对资产、资产减值相关概念进行了分析

    The first part starts from the concept of asset and analyzes the meaning of asset and impairment of assets and so on.


  • 第一部:对整合营销渠道概念进行界定,分析本质特征

    Part one: this part offers a definition of integrated marketing channel and analyses its essential feature.


  • 人类学分析倚重文化概念

    Anthropological analyses rest heavily upon the concept of culture.


  • 通过岩溶发育宏观微观规律分析,提出了岩溶元的概念用于描述岩溶发育的生长过程

    Through the analyses of macroscopic and microcosmic laws of karst, a concept, karst unit, was drawn out, and the fractal growing law of karst was described.


  • 本文介绍内容分析概念类型方法种在西方国家常见的研究方法,具有巨大的应用价值

    The paper introduces the concept, kinds and methodologies of content analysis, which is well-known among western researchers, illustrates its great application potentials.


  • 第二将介绍概念分析在法哲学中的使用进行概述思考对进路的一个最近批判

    Part II introduces conceptual analysis, offers an overview of its use in jurisprudence, and considers one recent critique of that approach.


  • 利用多重概念杂波舰船雷达目标回波进行分析,并提取出多重形特征用于舰船目标检测

    In this paper, sea clutter and radar echoes from ship targets are analyzed with the concept of multifractal, and their multifractal dimensions are extracted for detection of ship targets.


  • 一部通过对学界各种有关滥用职权概念比较分析探究滥用职权罪正确表述

    Frist of all, it tries to probe and research the right description of abusing-power crime by comparing and analysing the various concepts about the crime already available in the academic circles.


  • 首先分析潜艇CGF建模特点要求提出行为过程和行为树的概念

    The paper analyses the characteristics and requirements of submarine CGF's modeling, and puts forward the concept of class decompose of action process and action tree.


  • 一部主要纠纷概念性质入手,引发纠纷主观原因客观原因进行了分析

    From the concept and the nature of dispute, the first part analyzes the subjective and objective reasons leading to disputes.


  • 文章一部应用型人才基本概念内涵入手,分析了高等院校培养应用型人才的必要性

    The paper first analyzes the necessity for applied-type undergraduates in the colleges and universities through the concept and its meaning.


  • 第二中,主要分析行业协会性质概念功能

    In the second part, I have analysis the nature, concept and function of trade association mainly.


  • 一部探讨道德资本具体生成路径提出分析了道德资本的概念及其所具有资本特征。

    The first part studies capital morals' s path of birth, brings up and analyzes the concept of morals capital and it's the capital characteristic for having.


  • 其中,第三城市外部出发,分析论证了名城张掖自然环境区位环境特征,从而建立起了城市外围概念

    In the third part of this paper, the author analyses the natural and locational environment of Zhangye and sets up the periphery concept of the city.


  • 人力资源会计基本概念包括人力资源、人力资本、人力资产、人力资源会计内容,其进行理论分析必要。

    The basic concepts of human resource accounting include human resource, human capital, human assets, human resource accounting and so on.


  • 第三是对人文关怀概念阐述重点分析移动互联时代产品设计如何体现人文关怀。

    The third part, it explains the concept of humanistic care. This chapter mainly analyses how to embody humanistic care on product design in the mobile Internet era.


  • 利润质量这一概念上市公司财务会计报告分析重要

    The concept of profit quality is very important in the financial statement analysis of the listed securities companies.


  • 案例分析包括了四个一部结合案例介绍要约收购概念特点,要约收购的豁免要约收购的法律后果

    Analysis of cases includes four parts: in the first part, combined the case, thesis introduces the concept, characteristics, exemption and legal consequences of tender offer.


  • 本文一部,经济公益诉讼概念分析

    This article is divided into four parts: the first part, the concept and characteristic about the public economic interest litigation is presented.


  • 通过引入广义波导概念,可以统一分析单元形状任意多层频率选择表面。

    By introducing an idea of generalized waveguide, a unified treatment of multilayer FSSs with element of arbitrary shape is realised.


  • 用于自然纹理描述,指出单一形维数测度用于纹理分析局限性提出了尺度概念

    The limitations of single fractal dimension for texture analysis are pointed out and a new concept of scale fractal dimension is proposed.


  • 参考房间为基准,提出了能耗传热概念分析散热器手动调节节能效果

    Based on the reference room, gives the concept of energy consumption percentage and heat transfer percentage between adjacent rooms and analyses the energy saving effect of radiator manual adjustment.


  • 发生之事物概念思维一时间在其前之一种存在”,以及等等因而从此概念能得分析的判断。

    In the concept of 'something which happens', I do indeed think an existence which is preceded by a time, etc.


  • 提出了阀迁移节流多级节流概念分析了节流槽部位多级压、流动回环现象。

    The new concept of the shift of orifice location and multi-stage orifice in grooves was proposed.


  • 正文一部首先对逮捕概念加以界定,就逮捕相关几个要素进行了分析,并逮捕制度法律依据法律意义进行了探讨

    The first section of the main text gives definition to arrest, analyzing some factors concerning arrest and probes into the legal basis and significance of the arrest system.


  • 一部刑事诉讼启动程序基本概念分析理解阐述了什么是刑事启动程序刑事启动程序模式

    The first part is to start criminal proceedings analysis and understanding of basic concepts, explains what is a criminal procedure and criminal startup program startup mode.


- 来自原声例句

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