• 文摘土壤颗粒组成数据基础,分析我国土壤颗粒组成的分形维数

    Abstract: This paper analyzed the fractal features of particle size distribution (PSD) of soils in China.


  • 文摘目的分析探讨巨细胞术后复发相关因素

    ABSTRACT Objective: to study the factor affecting the recurrence of giant cell tumor of bone.


  • 文摘分析探讨城市环境噪声特征影响控制管理措施

    Abstract: in the paper, it is analysed and inquired into the characteristic and the influence and the control and the management of urban environment noise.


  • 文摘介绍构造煤矿生产中的表现形迹分析了层滑构造的特征及其矿井地质工作中的应用

    Abstract: It introduces the appearance of layer slide structure in coal mine production and analyzes the character and application in mine geology work.


  • 文摘研究基于形变理论金属板料成形快速有限元分析方法——反向方法,实现计算程序

    Abstract: the method of fast finite element analysis of sheet metal forming based on deformation theory was explored, and the computer program was implemented.


  • 文摘:对砖混结构顶层墙体普遍存在温度裂缝进行观测分析,探讨其开裂原因,并提出简单合理有效处理方法

    Abstract : the temperature cracks of mansonry structure in the body of attique were observed and analyzed, a simple, reasonable and highly effective method of crack control is given.


  • 文摘分析了SDH网络基本拓扑结构特点,对合理选择拓扑结构及保护方式进行组网提出建议。

    Abstract: Analysis is made on the features of basic topology structure of SDH network with Suggestions made to choose a rational topology structure and protective method in networking.


  • 文摘分析一般结构特征值问题特点,建立了一般粘弹结构的分析方法

    Abstract: the characteristics of the eigenvalue problem of general viscoelastic structure are analyzed and its modal analysis method is put forward in this paper.


  • 文摘:试以环境观点分析一个处于特殊环境中的中小型建筑设计

    Abstract: the article analyzes the design of a medium and small? Sized architecture situated in a special environment from the environmental idea.


  • 文摘讨论数字制图几种数据采集方式误差来源这些误差进行分析评价。

    Abstract: the error sources of some data acquisition methods are discussed in digital cartography, and these errors are analysed.


  • 方法收集中国生物医学文摘CBMD) 1987/1999所有相关文献进行系统综述成本效益灵敏度分析

    METHODS We collected all of related literatures in Chinese Biological Medicine Digest (CBMD) from 1987 to 1999. Then systematic review, cost effectiveness and sensitivity analysis were employed.


  • 文摘本文针对某机载雷达天线驱动元件液压马达进行分析结构相应改进

    Abstract: in this paper, the reasons for internal leakage of hydro - motor as driving component of antenna base for airborne radar are analyzed, and their structures are correspondingly improved.


  • 文摘总结了自来水实践中存在问题,并分析产生这些问题原因提出一些对策。

    Abstract: The problems of air flotation process to remove algae in waterworks are summarized. The causes are dis-cussed and counter-measurements are suggested.


  • 文摘介绍椭圆微驱动电火花加工机理基础上,分析了椭圆微驱动器对驱动电路的要求。

    Abstract: The paper deals with a linear direct drive mechanism of electrode for electrical discharge machining (EDM) and its drive and control principle.


  • 文摘分析电力机车车顶瓷瓶放电原因提出有效防治措施

    Abstract: Analyzing the cause of the porcelain insulator discharging and putting forward effective protective measures.


  • 本文分析科技期刊一些常见的不规范现象指出编写文摘注意问题

    This paper analyses some subnormal phenomenon of Chinese abstract of technology peridoical and points out the problem that should be noticed in writing chinese abstract.


  • 文摘本文旨在分析制作多模组并联之直流-交流转换器

    This thesis is concerned with the analysis and implementation of a paralleled multi-module dc-to-ac converter.


  • 文摘分析大型内部组织特点以及状态吊装方式小件不同,制定适合大型滚筒轴的调质工艺

    Abstract: This paper analyses organize characteristic interior of large axle and hoisting way under hot status. It is different from small piece. Modified technique of large drum axle are work out.


  • 分析美国《化学文摘中的各种索引使用方法基础上,制定出了符合个性需求检索策略

    Based on analyzing CA index system and the use method of various indexes, this paper gives some retrieval strategies fitting in with the individualized demands.


  • 本文文体学角度理论分析统计学方法研究写作

    From the point of view of stylistics, this paper studies English abstract writing by theoretical analysis and statistical method.


  • 文摘:从网络所面临的威胁、网络安全等级、网络安全策略网络安全措施等四个方面,分析与探讨网络安全问题

    Abstract: this paper discussed four network security problems-network insecurity problems network security classification network security policy and network security measure.


  • 文摘分析200MW汽轮机组协调控制系统控制原理,阐述了协调控制系统主要控制方式以及如何通过DEH系统实现控制目的

    Abstract: Analyzes the control principle of CCS for 200mw Turboset, specifies the main control manners of CCS and how the control goal is realized via DEH system.


  • 文摘分析了音河水库多孔有闸门控制溢洪道出流,并用出流实测资料进行了检验。

    Abstract: the outflow through gate controlled multi-opening spillway of Yinhe Reservoir was analyzed. The analysis results were checked by the site observed data.


  • 系统分析DCE总体框架安全机制,研究基于博士学位论文摘角色访问控制机制的设计,提出了DCE环境中实现基于角色访问控制方法

    Following the systematical analysis of the whole framework and the mechanism of DCE, the method of role-based access control is designed within the DCE environment.


  • 传统自动文摘方法基于词语统计抽取文摘句,未进行文本语义分析,导致文摘精度高。

    Most of the previous summarizing methods are based on word counting, which misses deep semantic analysis of texts, so the generated abstract is unsatisfying.


  • 本文系统功能语言学理论框架,从语篇体裁的角度英文学位论进行分析

    Within the framework of systemic functional linguistics, this thesis conducts an integrative genre analysis of English dissertation abstracts.


  • 文摘岩石热解分析岩样碱金属碱土金属离子含量较高时,经常发生离子化干扰的影响。

    Abstract: in rock pyrolysis when the content of base metals and base earth metals is relatively high ionization interference will frequently occur.


  • 文摘岩石热解分析岩样碱金属碱土金属离子含量较高时,经常发生离子化干扰的影响。

    Abstract: in rock pyrolysis when the content of base metals and base earth metals is relatively high ionization interference will frequently occur.


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