• 研究分析预测全国安全生产形势综合协调组织全国安全生产大检查专项督查专项整治工作

    To study, analyze and forecast national work safety situations; to coordinate and organize comprehensively the national general inspection and specific inspection and rectification of work safety.


  • 然后分析这些男人女人DNA特别是查看组成一部分免疫系统基因,即人们所主要组织相容复合物MHC)。

    He then analysed the men's and women's DNA, looking in particular at the genes that build a part of the immune system known as the major histocompatability complex (MHC).


  • 分析环境尝试组织磁盘,了解空闲未充分利用磁盘从而获得事务日志提供可靠可用好处

    Analyze your environment and try and organize the disks so that a disk is free or underutilized so you can benefit from the reliability and availability benefits offered by transaction logging.


  • 通常来说业务分析非常关注所需组织操作需求满足将要满足商业目标目的

    Usually, business analysts will focus on business organizational and operational requirements necessary to meet business goals and objectives that achieve some business vision.


  • 正在样本送往国外,以便组织一个合作实验室进行诊断核实进一步分析

    Samples are being sent abroad for diagnostic verification and further analysis by a WHO collaborating laboratory.


  • 因为现在机会如此广阔,通过批评分析性思维制定套健全策略营销人员乃至整个组织至关重要的。

    Because the opportunities are so vast now - critical and analytical thinking that leads to a sound strategy is crucially important for marketers and throughout the organization.


  • 我们没有全球网络流量分析,我们组织中的大部分成员需要彼此协作,他们手头上的匿名提交的信息进行分类。

    Without specialized global Internet traffic analysis, multiple parts of our organisation must conspire with each other to strip submitters of their anonymity.


  • 多数分析员对此不予重视.直接攻击安全部队转向策划自杀爆炸事件小规模埋伏行动或许就是游击队组织势力相对较一个标志

    The group’s switch from direct attacks on the security forces to suicide bombings and small-scale ambushes may be a sign of relative weakness.


  • 平克斯顿国际危机组织”驻首尔的分析人士。他推测华盛顿平壤很快核实核清单的问题达成妥协协议。

    Dan Pinkston, a Seoul-based analyst with the International Crisis Group, speculates Washington and Pyongyang may soon reach a verification compromise.


  • “(这个时代)太具流动、变化太快以及过于纷繁错杂,”国际危机组织高级分析Peter Harling提到,“很难找到一个范例。

    “It is too fluid, too fast-moving, too complex, ” says Peter Harling, a senior analyst with the International Crisis Group. “It is too difficult to come up with a paradigm.


  • SWOT分析任何公司组织一种简单非常有效方式,用以确定竞争市场间的相对关系。

    SWOT analysis is a simple and incredibly effective way for any company or organization to determine how it's doing relative to the competitive market.


  • 进行这个侵入操作后,组织样本送到实验室里进行分析通常大约需要周来确认结果

    After this invasive procedure, tissue samples are sent to a laboratory for analysis, often taking a week or so for results to be confirmed.


  • 成熟标志组织能够自我识别问题根本原因进行分析实施有效纠正措施解决个人系统问题

    A sign of a mature organization is one that is able to self-identify issues, conduct root cause analyses, and implement effective corrective actions that address individual and systemic problems.


  • 随后本文分析企业组织适应变革演化过程

    Subsequently, the process of organization's active adaptation and evolution is analyzed.


  • 如果开始组织自己文章,就要留出空间进行分析辩论,这样写出文章的可能就会大大增加

    If you start out organizing your essay strategically, with room for analysis and counterarguments built in, your chances of building a great essay improve by quite a bit.


  • 方法临床肉眼诊断基础上,采用DP皮肤肿瘤进行辅助诊断,组织病理确诊诊断结果进行对照回顾分析

    Method: on the basis of visual diagnosis, DP diagnosis of skin tumor is carried out, and after histopathological diagnosis, comparison and retrospective analysis are made on the diagnostic results.


  • 组织水平在各观察点通过检测组织中伊文氏(EB)含量定量分析安定氟马西尼BBB通透影响

    Tissue level: Examining the content of the Evan's blue (EB) inside brain tissue was used to analysis the effect of diazepam and flumazenil on the BBB permeability quantitatively.


  • 一项艰苦对于超过400个大脑组织样本进行分析研究表明帕金森细胞动力工厂(称为线粒体)的损伤之间具有关联

    A painstaking analysis of more than 400 brain tissue samples has bolstered the link between Parkinson's disease and the loss of cellular powerhouses called mitochondria.


  • 注意研究人员并未分析研究对象组织他们风湿关节炎源自关节以外一观点目前还只是一个推测。这项研究规模较小。

    Caveat: Researchers didn't analyze lung tissue from subjects. The concept that ra is generated outside the joints is speculative, they said. The study was small.


  • 方法回顾分析应用带血管蒂(皮瓣组织瓣移植修复足部组织缺损临床资料

    Methods Analysis retrospectively the clinical data that vascularized flap or musculocutaneous flap or muscle flap or bone flap to repair tissue defect in ankle or foot had been performed.


  • 方法回顾分析320胆囊息肉样病变病例临床资料病理组织特点

    Methods: Clinical data were retrospectively correlated with histopathologic characteristics of polypoid lesions in 320 patients who had cholecystectomy.


  • 主要优点清晰明了易于操作组织规模越大流程复杂流程图分析体现出优越

    Its main advantages is that, it is clear, easy to operate, and the bigger the organization size is, the more complicated the procedure is, the more the flow charts analysis can reflect its advantages.


  • 运用博弈论数学分析工具,对球队型企业组织结构模式组织有效进行了必要的分析

    This paper uses the Game theory to analyze the ball-team enterprise-organization's organization efficiency.


  • 非营利组织委托—代理关系受益人主体虚位以及其公益等方面分析非营利组织所有权剩余收益权缺位原因。

    As for the ownership of NPO as well as the absence of residual right are analyzed from the aspect of NPO entrusting-agent relation and the phantom of beneficiary.


  • 进而通过组织复杂刻画考察特征诊断归因分析评价基准角度加深对组织涌现理解

    Then through the organization system complex portray and inspection, the paper deeps the understanding from the characteristic diagnosis, cause analysis and appraisal datum angle.


  • 文章详细分析了我国建立农村专业合作组织必要存在问题继而提出相应解决思路和对策。

    This article analyses the necessity of establishing the countryside specialized cooperative organization and its existed problems, and then proposes the corresponding solutions and countermeasures.


  • 文章详细分析了我国建立农村专业合作组织必要存在问题继而提出相应解决思路和对策。

    This article analyses the necessity of establishing the countryside specialized cooperative organization and its existed problems, and then proposes the corresponding solutions and countermeasures.


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