• 语就是骂人的话,作为一种语言现象研究得十不够

    Swearwords, or curses, have not been studied much as a linguistic phenomenon.


  • 雅思写作如果第一部不够150或者第二部分不够250字,但是个部没有最多字数限制。

    If you write less than 150 words in Task 1 or less than 250 in Task 2 you will lose marks, but there is no maximum number of words for either.


  • 了解应用知识还是不够的,必须成为生活的一部

    It is not enough to know and apply the knowledge, you must live it!


  • 就像是怕以前作用不够似的,现在防晒霜遮阳剂包含纳米粒子越来越多,比人类头发直径的千之一还

    As if that were not enough of an impact, sunscreens increasingly contain nanoparticles, smaller than one one-thousandth the diameter of a human hair.


  • 2008年2009年全年GDP增长调低了0.3和0.9个百点。2010年的数据高,不够补偿

    Annual GDP growth for 2008 and 2009 was revised down by 0.3 and 0.9 percentage points; the 2010 figure was revised up, but not by enough to compensate.


  • 一切花销,百之三不够的。

    It all costs. 3% is not enough.


  • 首先一些银行需要破产——百之百的通过率唯一能够证明就是之前那些问题不够强硬

    First, some Banks need to fail-the only thing a 100% pass rate would prove is that the questions asked were not hard enough.


  • 范布伦获得了多数票,即146不够之二。

    Van Buren won a majority of the votes — one hundred and forty-six. But that was not enough.


  • 之56受访者表示他们既不支持也不反对这次持续两个月的活动之59的人表示对此次活动的目的了解不够

    Fifty-six percent of those surveyed said they neither support nor oppose the two-month-old movement and 59 percent said they didn’t know enough to form an opinion about its goals.


  • 考虑美国精神,就是美国可以做到一部可以向上层流动证据暗示如果生活的不够原因

    Combined with the American belief that anyone can make it, evidence that some people are moving up suggests that if I am not doing well, it is my fault.


  • 仅仅成为冠军不够的:通过选举成为菲律宾萨兰·加尼议会议员,据说他对待这份工作还十认真。

    Being a champion is not enough: he is an elected Congressman from the Philippines' Sarangani province, a job that, by all accounts, he takes seriously.


  • 接受自己这一部,并用任何方式使之发挥出来但不久你就会感觉到自己不够优秀了。

    You accept that part of yourself and treasure it in any possible way. Soon you start feeling that you are not great enough.


  • 12基础缺陷缺陷,这种现象可能表明先前版本测试不够我们应该基础代码进行回归测试

    Figure 12: The higher percentage of Base defects than New defects may indicate that the previous release is not sufficiently tested, and we should perform a regression test on the base coding.


  • 如果英格兰队之一击败,人们不够好。

    If England get knocked out in the quarters, people will say that's not good enough.


  • 之一被调查者承认他们手机短信结束了上次恋情其中28%男人16%的女人表示用短信结束恋情是因为对方不够重视

    One in seven respondents admitted to ending their last relationship by text, while 28 per cent of men and 16 per cent of women said they had simply ignored the person they were dumping.


  • 针对资金不够笔者一个想法就是国家强制车辆所有者需要支付一定数额保险金这些保险金可用支付受害者医疗费用一部

    In terms of lack of funds, I also have another idea. That is to require every vehicle owner to pay a certain amount of premium that will be used as part of the victims' medical treatment expenses.


  • 但是大约有之一房主因房产价值不够进行抵押无法重新贷款。

    But roughly a quarter of homeowners cannot refinance because their mortgages exceed the value of their homes.


  • 关心她自己觉得不够,还学到更多照顾青少年的方法。

    She cared deeply about Lizzie but was still trying to figure out how to raise a teenager.


  • 每月还款利息当中一部银行与汽车经销商成的,因此他们非常乐于确信,你的信贷级别不够,所以无法获得更低的贷款利率

    Part of the interest you pay is Shared with the dealership, so they might be pleased to confirm your belief that you don't qualify for a low interest rate.


  • 人们他们锋利的但似乎不够锋利,仍旧割鱼皮,连把红色鱼肉成薄片困难

    The men were using their sharpest knives, which did not seem sharp enough, and they had difficulty slicing through the skin and chopping out chunks of dak red meat.


  • 那里,前来投票的选民人数不够,并不是所有投票的参与投票,对此我们并不十满意

    We are not entirely satisfied that the lists were sufficient in number to permit all Pakistanis who wanted to, to vote.


  • 如果压力不够不会拿出百的努力,而且也很可能会犯错误

    Without enough stress, you're unlikely to give your full effort and you may also be prone to making mistakes.


  • 《新巴塞尔资本协定》就可以明显看出达成国际协议的过程缓慢,就算达成了,可能不够

    As the Basel II bank capital rules clearly showed, international agreement is slow in arriving and, when it does arrive, it is likely to prove inadequate.


  • 有关基因整个基因组中十稀少所以携带该基因的生物数量可能不够

    The genes concerned are rare in the overall metagenomic analysis, so creatures carrying them may not be abundant.


  • 如果考虑我们时间多么宝贵—光是配给工作家庭朋友都已经不够—那么一部出来清扫公园或者派发食物就确实是一个非常有价值的贡献

    Given how precious our time iscramped by demands of work, family and friends — setting some of it aside to clean parks or deliver meals seems like a valuable donation.


  • 如果西方面对这个现实不够心胸开阔,前面的路途定艰难。

    If the West is not broad-minded enough to face this reality, there is sure to be a tough road ahead.


  • 如今越来越家庭乐意家人送入老人疗养院。但健康专家远远不够

    But today, a growing number of families are desperate to place relatives in a nursing home. The problem, health experts say, is that there simply are not enough.


  • 如今越来越家庭乐意家人送入老人疗养院。但健康专家远远不够

    But today, a growing number of families are desperate to place relatives in a nursing home. The problem, health experts say, is that there simply are not enough.


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