• 电波望远镜就这样出现了认为二十世纪伟大发明之一

    The radio telescope thus appeared, and it is considered one of the greatest inventions in the twentieth century.


  • 考虑到一点珀斯西澳大利亚大学物理学拉尔夫·拉梅斯认为可能已经发现了为什么鲸鱼出现一些特定海滩上

    With this in mind, Ralph lames, physicist at the University of Western Australia in Perth, thinks he may have discovered why whales turn up only on some beaches.


  • 史学家认为,中国文字早在公元前1500年就出现了

    Historians believe Chinese writing began as early as 1500 BC.


  • 我告诉她们我认为正确的事情时,阿莉森真正的智慧之言出现了

    As I was telling them what I thought right, Allyson's real words of wisdom came about.


  • 科勒认为,(居住地)废弃直接原因海拔地区玉米生长季节较短,因此生产出现了问题

    Kohler attributes the immediate cause of the abandonment to problems with corn production at a high altitude during short growing seasons.


  • 看起来,可能认为出现CPU瓶颈因为系统工作得非常辛苦,几乎没有什么空闲时间

    On first glance, you might think you have a CPU bottleneck, as the system is definitely working hard and there is little idle time.


  • 他说:“认为,由于美国现在出现问题,所以不会很多游客泰国了。”

    "Now America there is a problem; I think not more tourists come to Thailand," Chittiprapa said.


  • 认为比如说初期阶段未来之间有趣的差别在于,现在出现通过合并接驳扩大成员趋势

    I think one interesting difference between say, the earlier periods and the future, is that there is a trend toward expanding membership by merging or docking.


  • 半数美国认为人类这么出现,再然后就自学成才

    Over half of the people in this country thought humans just showed up one day and were ready for homeschooling.


  • 正当认为不会看到会使你感到惊讶景观的时候,其他一些令人惊讶的东西出现

    Just when you think the landscape can't surprise you anymore, something else even more amazing comes along.


  • 于此同此出现另外一种质疑声音,认为问题关键求职者技能不符合空缺岗位要求。

    But another, more skeptical account has emerged, which argues that a big part of the problem is a mismatch between the jobs that are available and the skills that people have.


  • 美联储做法表明认为尽管经济出现了复苏但依然脆弱几个月来有所复苏的房地产市场刚刚开始走出低迷

    The Fed's action signals its belief that the economy, while in recovery, remains fragile and that housing, which has seen some improvement in recent months, has only started to pull out of its slump.


  • 在原来认为自己依旧安然无恙的时候,突然出现了些传闻都是需要斯科尔斯负责任的站出来评论

    Just when he thought he was safe, along came a scandal, a talking point Scholes was obliged to comment on.


  • 选择python作为两种补充因为Perl一样,它已经出现段时间并且拥有一些认为令perl如此流行的特性这些特性现在我们Ruby中也看得到

    I've chosen Python to complement these two because it, like Perl, has been around for a while and has some of the features that I think made Perl so popular and which we now see in Ruby.


  • 卢西恩尽管百科全书出现一些错误仍然认为这部书唯一最好信息来源

    In spite of the mistakes, Lucian said he still considered the encyclopaedia to be the single best source of information.


  • 之后,有一份认为更好的工作出现他面前,他就走人了

    After a year, what he thought was a better offer came along, and he was gone.


  • 不过之后出现股票市场危机人们广泛认为程控交易”这种技术策略引起的,于是没有出现大规模银行危机信心降低

    But then the stock market crisis was widely perceived as having been caused by a technical strategy called program trading, and again there was no huge banking crisis or loss of confidence.


  • 有人认为可能是出现了某个阶段海洋酸化

    It is also thought to have seen a period of ocean acidification.


  • 某些情况下聚集数据明显匹配错误于是出现了两个不同的罗伯特·米切尔认为一个身份结果

    In some cases, aggregated data clearly had been mismatched, which appeared to be the result of mashing together two different Robert Mitchells into one identity.


  • 认为是因为他们已经学会沟通掌握应对日后出现问题技巧

    I think it's because they've learned to talk and have the skills to work with issues that come up.


  • 他们认为已经系统性解决了挤兑问题去年出现银行挤兑

    They thought they had the system solved, but then they had a bank run last year.


  • 哲学家》中,詹姆斯·汉南驳斥了科学启蒙时代自发出现神话认为中世纪自然哲学科学铺平道路。

    In God's Philosophers, James Hannam dispels the myth that science burst onto the scene spontaneously during the Enlightenment, arguing instead that medieval natural philosophy paved the way.


  • 一个特别激动人心发现因为之前人们认为长期记忆24小时心理学家就算长期了)直到89个月出现

    It was an especially exciting finding because it had previously been thought that long-term memory (and 24 hours is long-term for psychologists) didn't emerge until as late as 8 or 9 months.


  • 1997年以前,西尼罗河病毒并未认为鸟类具有致病性那时以色列出现能够导致多种鸟类出现脑炎麻痹症状继而死亡力更强的毒株。

    Before 1997 WNV was not considered pathogenic for birds, but at that time in Israel a more virulent strain caused the death of different bird species presenting signs of encephalitis and paralysis.


  • 并非所有该片的人都出现蓝色阿凡达”抑郁,有一小部分人认为影片带有种族主义色彩,白人英雄再次拯救了原始土著

    But not everyone viewing the film has been hit by the 'Avatar Blues', as a small but vocal group have alleged it contains racist themes - the white hero once again saving the primitive natives.


  • 在此我们认为尽管确实出现一些规范不诚信的行为,但是这些行为不应实践中成为通告预期行为。

    We argue here that although malfeasance and dishonesty do indeed occur, they are not necessarily the normal or expected behavior in practice.


  • 文章一张相片看上去像是碰运气容易就会认为只是正确时刻出现正确的地点,但并不全是事实

    The image at the top of this article might seem like the result of pure luck, it’s easy to believe that I was simply in the right place at the right time, but that isn’t entirely true.


  • 认为这么欧洲监督人员出现山顶国际酒店喀布尔最好的酒店之一,就展示了他们“阿富汗民众打成一片”的意愿

    He said the presence of so many European observers at one of Kabul's best hotels, the hilltop Intercontinental, showed willingness to "live among the Afghan population".


  • 认为这么欧洲监督人员出现山顶国际酒店喀布尔最好的酒店之一,就展示了他们“阿富汗民众打成一片”的意愿

    He said the presence of so many European observers at one of Kabul's best hotels, the hilltop Intercontinental, showed willingness to "live among the Afghan population".


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