• 产品主要适用隧道的:引入过渡基本出口

    This product is mainly applicable to the tunnel: entrance section, change-over portion, basic segment and exit section.


  • 公司邻近京沪高速高邮出口,西邻杭大运河高邮港,交通便捷

    Our company is closed to the Gao You exit of Jing-Hu Speedway and Jing Hang Canal in west so the traffic is convenience.


  • 固定壳体出口,其作用消除旋涡流,以减小对下游仪表性能影响。

    It is fixed at exit section of the shell to reduce whirling current and thus reduce compact on the performance of instruments of lower reaches.


  • 带钢出口经涂剪切取后成为成品卷,成品卸下包装存储

    The strip goes to exit part after exit looper for oiling, recoiling, cut into final coils. The final coils are discharged, packaged and delivered into storage.


  • 鹿山隧道出口滑坡病害阐述了滑坡现象的成因进行滑坡体性质的分析。

    Taking the defect of landslide at the exit part of Bailu Mountain Tunnel for example, the causes of landslide are expounded, and the nature of landslide is also analyzed.


  • 系统出口作为一种特殊水力元件,应用特征线计算泵系统自由出流下水力过渡过程

    Taking the outlet section as a special hydraulic element, the hydraulic transient process under the free outflow mode of pump system is calculated herein with the method of characteristics.


  • 长江口北槽口水域长江口水下三角洲组成部分,是长江口深水航道航道出口的所在区域

    The water area outside of North Passage is part of the submerged delta in Changjiang estuary, and there is the outlet of the outer navigation channel in North Passage.


  • 基本部件出口段圆柱导流壳组件等可以组装一起,根据客户要求很好地满足不同工况需要

    The basic components of head, column pipe and bowl assembly are combined and customized to perfectly match individual duty needs.


  • 针对阳宗海一隧道出口地层特点,介绍松散土体地层中遂施工方法的选择及施工中出现坍塌处理方法

    Methods of tunnel excavation in unconsolidated formations and the collapse zone treatment are intro-duced according to the formation properties fo exit section of Yangzong No.


  • 针对阳宗海一隧道出口地层特点,介绍松散土体地层中遂道施工方法选择及在施工中出现坍塌处理方法

    Methods of tunnel excavation in unconsolidated formations and the collapse zone treatment are intro-duced according to the formation properties fo exit section of Yangzong No. 1 Tunnel.


  • 结果表明通道出口存在气无气膜出流情况相比出口段有效压力分布发生变化,并且使整个通道下降

    Experimental results showed that the effective pressure distribution of the exit section was different and the flow friction decreased due to the influence of film bleeding.


  • 因为每个迭代里程碑我们处于旅行不同位置(参见1),所以对于旅行入口出口标准每个参与者不同的。

    Because we will be at different points of our vacation at each iteration milestone (see Figure 1), the entrance and exit criteria for each leg of the journey will be different for each participant.


  • 乌克兰印度时期内禁止小麦出口阿根廷大幅提高了出口

    Ukraine and India banned wheat exports for a while; Argentina increased export taxes sharply.


  • (第一成功秘诀包括国内没有房地产信用泡沫公共财政良好出口为主的经济

    Its secrets are as follows: no domestic property or credit bubble; sound public finances and its export-driven economy.


  • 其次过去各个国家同时陷入债务危机,这意味着(一时间后)快速出口增长有利于产出恢复,而这个条件现在很难达到

    Second, the number of countries afflicted simultaneously means that rapid expansions of exports, which have supported output in the past, are harder to achieve.


  • 经过一时间为减少赤字顺差国家出口变得越来越逆差国家的出口变得越来越便宜

    Over time that reduces the deficit as the surplus country's exports get more expensive and the deficit country's exports get cheaper.


  • 经济学家认为这次地震海啸可能会影响日本汽车很多电子产品出口,进而在相当长的时间里影响世界很多国家。

    Economists say the Japan quake and the ensuing tsunami are likely to have longer term ripple effects around the world, disrupting auto imports and technology products from Japan.


  • 配额制度固定时间出口商品设置上限

    A quota is an upper limit which is set on imports of a commodity for a fixed period of time.


  • 经验丰富向导约翰·罗斯(最左边)正带领一支浑身湿透队伍穿越遁世峡谷中一布满苔藓的通道,这里离峡谷的出口已经几个小时的行程了。

    Veteran guide John Robens (at far left) leads a soggy team through a moss-covered passage in Claustral Canyon, a few hours' hike from their exit point.


  • 下面两个每个出口方法完整包括代码

    Below are two code snippets for each exported method, which I have included for completeness.


  • 产品出口出发柳工目前已经处于第二,以印度公司投产为标志,柳工国际化已经进入深水区。

    Starting from exports, Liugong now in its second stage, marked by Indian companies into production, Liugong International have entered the deep water.


  • 侧板后掠角大小整流罩位置变化时,对进气道质量捕获恢复系数隔离出口均匀都有一定的影响

    Changes of sidewall sweep Angle and cowl position can influence inlet performance such as mass capture, total pressure recovery coefficient and uniformity of isolator exit flow field.


  • 整流罩位置为25%的三维侧进气道可以获得较高质量捕获恢复系数隔离出口比较均匀

    And three-dimensional sidewall compression inlet with 25 percent cowl position has high mass capture and total pressure recovery coefficient and isolator exit flow flied is homogeneous.


  • 有时使用唯一就是可变出口国际价格时,予免税。

    Sometimes the only measure used is a variable export tax that is waived when world prices become too low.


  • 这个过程已经持续了一时间,欧元走强的背景,这一过程的加速可能会有助于德国最大制造商转变为出口贸易商

    The process has been under way for some time. But its acceleration under the strong euro could help turn Germany's biggest manufacturers into import-and-export traders.


  • 从1发电机淡水冷却出口涡轮机进口这一淡水冷却管损坏换新。

    No. 1 main generator engine fresh water cooling outlet to turbine inlet damaged, to be renewed.


  • 从1发电机淡水冷却出口涡轮机进口这一淡水冷却管损坏换新。

    No. 1 main generator engine fresh water cooling outlet to turbine inlet damaged, to be renewed.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定