• 终于完成了这部一生难得著作教授什么感受呢?

    How did Professor Kay feel when she finally completed the work of a lifetime?


  • 教授应用“调神治疗神经症克服上述不足,疗效满意。

    Dr. LI Kai applies the "Four methods for regulation of mental activity" to treatment of neuroses and conquers difficulties which are described above, and the methods…


  • 评论中的“教授应该汉森教授接受了罗宾•麦采访

    Comment 3 refers to "Professor McKie". It's Professor Hansen. Robin McKie conducted the interview with him.


  • 教授表示,这部词典与《罗格同义词词典》主要区别在于,它追溯了英语起源

    Professor Kay said that one of the main differences from Roget`s Thesaurus was that the new volumes go back to the origins of English.


  • 杨纲教授巴特利特为提供机会欣赏意大利文艺复兴时期成果探讨起源

    Professor Kenneth Bartlett offers you the opportunity to appreciate the results of the Italian Renaissance and to probe its origins.


  • 1989年开始接管该项目的教授说:“盎格鲁撒克逊人时代很多病相关词汇。”让人吃惊。

    "It is amazing to see how many words there were in Anglo-Saxon times for diseases of the feet," said Professor Kay, who took over the running of the project in 1989.


  • 我们已经知道B细胞过度表达突变NIKTRAF3分子人类多发性骨髓瘤相关,”教授

    "We already know that the over-expression or mutation of molecules known as NIK and TRAF3 in B cells is associated with human multiple myeloma," said Professor Mackay.


  • 来自以色列特拉维夫大学丹·凯教授一个可以使等待中的顾客心情愉悦商业窍门研究结果发表了《神经数理学》杂志上。

    But Dan Zakay of Tel Aviv University has some tricks for businesses to keep waiting customers happy. He published the psychology research in the journal NeuroQuantology.


  • 终于完成了这部一生难得著作教授什么感受呢?“只是有种获胜的感觉。“,”之前,我有时会怀疑我们是否完成。(但是现在,我们做到了。)”

    How did Professor Kay feel when she finally completed the work of a lifetime? "I just felt triumphant," she said. "I sometimes doubted that we would ever finish it."


  • 牛津大学教育心理学教授西·西尔瓦通过3000名35儿童研究得出了结论

    Kathy Sylva, professor of educational psychology at Oxford University, reached her conclusions from a study of 3,000 children from the ages of three to five.


  • 这些词语旨在工作赋予更深刻的意义正如另一位教授什·库拉纳所言,这会提高员工对公司忠诚度

    Theses terms are also intended to infuse work with meaning—and, as Rakesh Khurana, another professor, points out, increase allegiance to the firm.


  • 国俄亥俄州克利夫兰斯西大学的詹姆斯·祖尔教授说:“学习就是改变大脑。”

    "Learning is brain change," says Professor James Zull from Case Western University in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.


  • 赫特福德大学教授、《女性经济议题》一书作者•派恩说:“这种消费类型称为补偿性消费可以调节紧张情绪。”

    "This type of spending, or compensatory consumption, serves as a way of regulating intense emotions," said Karen Pine, a University of Hertfordshire professor and author of "Sheconomics" .


  • 弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯郡乔治·马松大学研究幸福感心理学教授托德士丹这些发现意义重大,虽然没有看到这项研究。

    Although he has not read the study, Todd Kashdan, an associate professor of psychology at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., who studies well-being, says these findings make perfect sense.


  • 精神科医师西亚·西教授皇家医学院同事一次私人讲话:“传出这种信息(流产比生产安全)让人担心的。

    Speaking in a personal capacity, Prof Patricia Casey, a consultant psychiatrist and fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, said: “The message this sends out is very worrying.


  • 2000年,埃利斯·什摩尔教授斯坦福大学开设了研究大卫·贝克汉姆的课程,一时间舆论大哗。

    In 2000, there was a big media backlash to Professor Ellis Cashmore introducing a module where students could study David Beckham at Staffordshire University.


  • 被广泛认为伊朗核计划负有重任大学教授莫森·夫拉德已经伊朗了起来,他们知道死亡排行榜上高居榜首

    The man widely believed to be responsible for much of Iran’s program, Mohsen Fakrizadeh, a college professor, has been hidden away by the Iranians, who know he is high on the target list.


  • 但是牛津大学退休教授、达•芬奇专家马丁并不为格里的理论信服:“画中主人公显然(意大利贵妇)丽莎•乔康多。

    But retired Oxford University professor Martin Kemp - a Da Vinci expert - is not convinced by Miss Glori's theory."The portrait is almost certainly of Lisa del Giocondo.


  • 我们11个基因中识别出了13个可以提供信息“基因组片段”预测一个头发颜色”,伊拉·斯莫兹大学法医分子生物系教授说道。

    "We identified 13 'DNA markers' from 11 genes that are informative to predict a person's hair colour," said Professor Kayser, chair of the Department of Forensic Molecular Biology at Erasmus.


  • 艾伦·加伯,亨利·教授已经签约作为哈佛大学一任教务长

    Garber, the Henry J.Kaiser Jr.Professor at Stanford, has been appointed the next provost of Harvard University.


  • 拉巴波特洛夫教授证据1928年,巴甫洛夫医生·泽诺乌巴黎的讨论会上,这次讨论会文献记载。文献保存在纽约哥伦比亚大学

    Miss Rappaport said that proof of Pavlov's assertion are in a documented conversation, held at Columbia University New York, he had with a fellow doctor, Mikhail Zernov, in Paris in 1928.


  • 艾伦·加伯,亨利·教授已经签约作为哈佛大学一任教务长

    Alan M. Garber, the Henry J. Kaiser Jr. Professor at Stanford, has been appointed the next provost of Harvard University.


  • 阿桑尼’弗教授皇家妇产科学院的院长。,关于公众健康主要信息是,“轻度饮酒是可以的,但是重度饮酒狂欢应该避免。”

    The key public health message is that "light drinking is fine but heavy and binge drinking should be avoided", he said.


  • 初学者可以先听一听耶鲁大学哲学课程,比如谢利•教授的课程《死亡》。

    Beginners can watch Yale's philosophy department's course, Death, by Shelly Kagan.


  • 但是牛津大学退休教授 芬奇专家马丁并不为格洛里的理论信服:“画中主人公显然是(意大利贵妇)丽莎乔康多。

    But retired Oxford University professor Martin Kemp - a Da Vinci expert - is not convinced by Miss Glori's theory.


  • 斯林教授口号:“合成生物学工具我们不必仅仅接受大自然的赐予。”

    Professor Keasling's slogan is: “With the tools of synthetic biology we don't have to just accept what nature has given us.”


  • 西北大学管理学院(Northwestern ' s Kelloggmanagementschool)管理学教授罗伯特·利文斯顿表示:“要想获得支配地位,必然会面临隐性威胁。”

    "In order to have dominance, there must be a tacit threat," says Robert Livingston, a professor of management at Northwestern's Kellogg management school.


  • 西北大学管理学院(Northwestern ' s Kelloggmanagementschool)管理学教授罗伯特·利文斯顿表示:“要想获得支配地位,必然会面临隐性威胁。”

    "In order to have dominance, there must be a tacit threat," says Robert Livingston, a professor of management at Northwestern's Kellogg management school.


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