• 如果打滑减缓下降同时,你失去了控制

    If you are skidding to slow down while descending, you are out of control.


  • 专家评审没有找到充足证据推荐任何可以预防减缓认知能力下降药物膳食补充剂

    The expert review also found insufficient evidence to recommend any drugs or dietary supplements that could prevent or slow cognitive decline.


  • 消息这种影响可能会是减缓因为适宜工作的人口总人口下降更快一些。

    The bad news is that this looks likely to slow because working-age populations will decline more rapidly than overall populations.


  • 虽然冰川几乎消失了但是一些两三的冰川还增加,它们可能会变至少会在短时间内减缓冰川面积下降的趋势。

    While the very oldest ice has all but disappeared, there has been an increase in two - and three-year-old ice, which could potentially thicken and slow the decline at least for a while.


  • 由于HIV流行正在非洲减缓全球发病率增加正在减速但是清楚何时全球发病率将开始下降

    The rise in global incidence is slowing because HIV epidemics are slowing in Africa, but it is unclear when the global incidence rate will begin to decline.


  • 然而下降速率上个月减缓

    However, the pace of declines slowed from the previous month.


  • 亚洲地区经济增长减缓目前还是源于内需不足,而非出口下降

    Most of the slowdown in regional economic growth so far stems not from a fall in net exports but from weaker domestic demand.


  • 若假定2008年全球GDP增长率为2.5%3%,那么全球货物贸易增长减缓到4.5%,比2007年下降1个百分点。

    Assuming a basic scenario of global GDP growth between 2.5% and 3%, global merchandise trade could slow down to about 4.5% in 2008, or about 1 percentage point less than in 2007.


  • 英国国家建筑协会在3月份放假上涨了0.9%,减缓年度利率下降15.7%水平。在美国,工业订单令人吃惊的增长

    In the UK, Nationwide building society said that house prices increased by 0.9% in March, slowing the annual rate of decline to 15.7%, while in the US there was a surprise increase in factory orders.


  • 保罗·沃克:“黄金产量下降虽引人瞩目,但还没到灾难性下滑的程度。南非其他国家的产量下滑抵消了(中俄)产量的增长,但下滑趋势已经减缓。”

    The slowly declining production in South Africa and other countries has offset growth, " says Walker.


  • 现在放宽货币减缓生活水平下降,结果是驱散房地产泡沫,又吹起了商品泡沫。

    Cushion the decline in living standards with easy money now and you just move from a housing bubble to a commodities bubble.


  • 然而非洲区域病例通报年度增长正在逐年下降可能是由于非洲国家艾滋病毒流行正在减缓所致

    However, the annual increase in case notifications from the African Region is declining each year, probably because the HIV epidemics in African countries are also slowing.


  • 毫无疑问,随着经济逐渐底,国内衰退速度减缓通货紧缩经济活动螺旋式下降发生的可能性越来越小。

    To be sure, with the economy gradually finding a bottom and the rate of decline in home prices slowing, the chances of a downward spiral of deflation and economic activity have diminished.


  • 中国出口下降速度有所减缓根据电力消耗推算的工业生产去年年底的低水平上有所上升

    The decline in Chinese exports has been slowing, and factory activity, as measured by electricity consumption, has started to pick up from the lows at the end of last year.


  • 类似意大利这样公债负担沉重国家加入欧元所带来的利率成本下降减缓他们削减预算压力

    For countries such as Italy with huge public-debt burdens, the reduction in interest costs on joining the euro relieved pressure to trim budgets.


  • 下降速度有所减缓——2009年第二季度GDP只减少1.1%,而一季度减少了5.9%。

    The pace of decline is slowing-gdp contracted by 1.1% in the second quarter of 2009, compared with 5.9% in the first.


  • 而且,随着移民不断到来减缓了旧有社会问题的解决步伐,年轻人粗鲁无礼、酗酒作乐家庭功能下降等问题。

    And while new people were arriving, old problems were disappearing only slowly, including binge-drinking, crude, rude young people and dysfunctional families.


  • 受对美国经济增长减缓欧洲主权债务危机担忧驱使欧洲股市午后交易中有所下降亚洲股市则继续颓势

    European stocks were down in afternoon trading, and some Asian markets continued their slide, driven by fears of slowing growth in the United States and the sovereign debt crisis in Europe.


  • 其他一些研究表明学习语言改善你们记忆力以及减缓随年龄而逐渐下降大脑能力

    Other studies show that studying languages can improve your memory and slow age-related decline in mental acuity.


  • 如果足够多想要戒烟的人转而购买更加安全”的烟草,烟草公司可能会减缓甚至扭转那些看似永久下降趋势

    If enough would-be quitters switch to "safer" cigarettes instead, firms could slow or even reverse what had seemed a permanent downward trend.


  • 大部分新兴经济下年增长将会减缓比如中国增长率可能下降只有”10%。

    Most of them will slow a bit next year: for instance, China's growth rate may dip to "only" 10%.


  • 发现掌握多门语言有助于减缓年龄有关智力下降例如可以预防老年痴呆症

    She also found that multilingualism may help protect against age-related mental decline, such as Alzheimers and dementia.


  • 新的研究结果显示加入浆果草莓饮食可能有助于减缓下降衰老时候会发生老化

    New research findings suggest adding blueberries and strawberries to the diet may help slow the decline or senility that often occurs with aging.


  • 2009年后出生率下降速度减缓表明经济衰退带来影响逐渐减轻但青少年怀孕的数量仍在大幅降低丝毫没有缓解迹象

    While the decelerating decline in birth rates since 2009 reflects the easing of the recession's impact, the striking drop in teenage pregnancies shows little sign of abating.


  • 2009年后出生率下降速度减缓表明经济衰退带来影响逐渐减轻但青少年怀孕的数量仍在大幅降低丝毫没有缓解迹象

    While the decelerating decline in birth rates since 2009 reflects the easing of the recession's impact, the striking drop in teenage pregnancies shows little sign of abating.


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