• 给出系统技术路线决策判断过程合理建议

    The strategy of system technology, decision process and reasonable suggestions are proposed in the paper.


  • 也可以通过其他压力症状使得决策判断失误增多比如说睡眠不足

    This loss of judgment is exacerbated by other symptoms of stress, such as sleep deprivation.


  • 针对肾功能不全诊断决策判断问题提出一种扩展粗糙方法

    An extended rough set method is proposed with respect to decision problem of renal insufficiency diagnosis.


  • 不同文化背景人们进行决策判断有可能具有不同的风格特点。

    People with different cultural backgrounds are more likely to use different styles in making decisions.


  • 确定效应决策判断中,比起最初可能的影响人们常常偏好确定性结果

    Certain effect, which is refer to people usually prefer certain result compared to possible function at first in judging and decision-making.


  • 前额既是高级认知活动功能也是决策判断行为抑制性控制的功能脑区。

    The prefrontal lobe is the vital brain region in charge of advanced cognitive function , and it is also involved in decision making and in inhibitory control .


  • 本文决策判断密切相关的两个重要因素(职业决策风格与职业决策自我效能)进行研究

    This study was conducted on two important cognitive constructs: career decision-making styles and career decision-making self-efficacy.


  • 一问题目前没有很好的解决方法主要决策判断过程停留手工阶段效果理想

    There is not a good resolution method for this problem now. The main process of decision-making and judgement still stay on the manual phases, so the effect isnt very perfect.


  • 首先计算改造方案产生增量现金流,然后根据增量现金流进行增量效果指标计算,最后根据指标计算结果决策判断

    Firstly, calculate the cash increment of the alteration, then calculate the increment index, at last make the decision by the index.


  • 快速决策可以重要防御机制判断某人是否是个危险人物时,我们大脑身体自发几毫秒内做出快速反应

    Snap decisions can be important defense mechanisms; if we are judging whether someone is dangerous, our brains and bodies are hard-wired to react very quickly, within milliseconds.


  • 工作高效决策果断而且判断准确

    I work very efficiently and am decisive, and accurate in my judgement.


  • 由于工作特性大多数项目经理不能客观地判断架构设计决策

    By the nature of their work, most project managers cannot objectively judge architecture and design decisions.


  • 其它两个最近刊登判断决策》的杂志没有发现传说无意识思考益处

    Two other recent papers published in the journal Judgement and Decision Making also failed to find the purported benefit for unconscious thought.


  • 这一区域可以帮助抽象思维决策判断不断成熟的,因此也不抑制享乐行为

    The regions that help with abstract thinking, decision-making and judgment are still maturing, and therefore less likely to inhibit the pleasure-seeking behavior.


  • 呈现了一个可信令人忧心未来图景:日常决策变得越来越自动化判断作用局限计算式提供信息

    But it presents a convincing and disturbing vision of a future in which everyday decision-making is increasingly automated, and the role of human judgment restricted to providing input to formulae.


  • 应该十分清楚如何制定明智决策,做出正确的判断合理把握轻重缓急,带领企业向前迈进

    But you need to know enough to make good decisions, exercise sound judgment, set proper priorities, and move work forward.


  • 组织任务就是设计这种环境使个体能够在他们决策尽可能做到(以组织目标的角度判断)理性可行。

    The task of organization is to design this environment so that individuals approach as close as practicable to rationality (judged in terms of the organization's goals) in their decisions.


  • 这个决策非常时间内形成的,分类带来成见鲁莽判断人们根据第一印象他人做出假设

    This decision is made in an extremely short period of time, and categorizing then leads to stereotyping and simplification, with people making presumptions about others based on first appearances.


  • 目标分成34类例如动手能力决策判断能力以及人际交往能力。

    The goal is to have three or four piles at first - for instance, manual skills, decision-making and judgment skills, and interpersonal skills.


  • 第一工作中进行决策通常存在一个正确答案人们可以运用逻辑经验判断找到正确答案。

    The first is that when making a decision at work, there usually is a right answer and one can deploy logic, experience and judgment to find it.


  • 一直都质疑判断决策

    I am constantly questioning my judgment and decisions.


  • 唯有如此人们才能根据信息做出决策判断并且保持企业部门协调统一。

    Only then can people make informed tradeoffs and decisions, and keep the various parts of the business coordinated.


  • 大多数情况下这些决策具有体系结构本质最好体系结构团队进行判断

    In most cases, these kinds of decisions are of an architectural nature and so are best judged by an architecture team.


  • 开发过程中软件架构师应该仔细地判断技术决策是归属框架还是代码生成器的。

    During the development process, software architects should carefully decide if a technical choice belongs to the framework or to the code generator.


  • 一直质疑判断决策。我时常在想,生意是不是还稳定我们有没有能力变革?我们服务顾客满意吗?

    I am constantly questioning my judgment and decisions. Is the business stable? Are we capable of change? Are we responding to our customers?


  • 使得这些信息有用数据必须连接ERP那样的系统或者连接到能够作出决策人员,去判断,或者是否需要执行特别的行动

    To make use information this useful, the data must connect to a system, like an ERP system, or a person that can determine if that is good or bad, or if additional action needs to be taken.


  • 贷款人能够转向依靠自己特定公司个人判断因为他们典型决策过程没有项。

    Lenders can't fall back on their own judgments of a specific company or individual, because such judgments aren't part of their typical decision-making process.


  • 贷款人能够转向依靠自己特定公司个人判断因为他们典型决策过程没有项。

    Lenders can't fall back on their own judgments of a specific company or individual, because such judgments aren't part of their typical decision-making process.


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