• 保护等高小牛注入聚氨酯冲击保护

    Contoured calf protector plate is injected with PU for high impact protection.


  • 复合底护框,以提高灵活性增加冲击保护

    Dual compound toe-box for improved flexibility and increased impact protection.


  • 还有新式方向盘,其边缘具有减震功能严重的冲击缓冲保护司机头部

    There is also a new steering wheel with an energy-absorbing rim to cushion the driver's head in the worst impacts.


  • 重要的电器进行过载保护这个办法是可以信任的,因为冲击它们的等离子体并非来太阳而是来自你的电脑。

    Invest in surge protection for your essential machines, because when plasma strikes it won’t be the sun going down, it’ll be your computer.


  • 体重更大使用稳定型跑鞋无法得到他们需要支撑,事实上将会压垮缓震结构,导致鞋子失去保护你的免受冲击能力

    Bigger runners who wear stability shoes will not get the support they need and can actually bottom out the cushioning, negating the shoe's ability to protect the foot from impact.


  • 我们我们理事会一道制定与指标相连的对冲保险产品保护贫困农民国家气候和供应冲击的影响,”佐利克

    "We're working with our Board to deploy index-related hedges and insurance products to protect poor farmers and countries from weather and supply shocks," said Zoellick.


  • 万一发生事故时座椅带能保护驾驶员乘客同时减少碰撞人体冲击

    Seat belts protect drivers and passengers in case of accident. They also reduce the effect of a crash on the body.


  • 重要的是有助于未来遇到外部冲击的时候保护我们

    And, more importantly, help protect us from the future external shocks.


  • 科学家们似乎唯恐人们认为适用于虚拟世界,因此他们在2008年甚至制定一项计划,打算利用这种技术保护海岸线免受潮汐冲击

    And lest you think that cloaking applies only to the intangible world, 2008 even brought a plan for using cloaking techniques to protect shorelines from giant incoming waves.


  • 如果工资水平继续这样令人失望那么工人们反对以及低成本竞争冲击保护需求会产生。

    If wages continue to disappoint, there could be a backlash from workers and demands for protection from low-cost competition.


  • 保护曼谷免受洪水猛烈冲击而建设一系列堤坝临时障碍物似乎暂时过来了,专家警告,曼谷仍未脱离危险。

    A series of dikes and makeshift barricades designed to protect Bangkok from the full brunt of the floods appeared to be holding over the weekend, but experts warned the city isn't out of danger yet.


  • 因此,美国展示地区的武装力量实际上保护全世界免受中东石油一旦中断所引发的冲击

    Hence its armed muscle is, in effect, protecting the world from a Middle Eastern oil shock.


  • 他们承诺将会保护该国企业免受超级廉价进口品的冲击,以这种方式自由贸易这剂苦药包上糖衣

    They promised to defend companies against super-cheap imports as a way to sugar this free-trade pill.


  • 另外,“社会保护方案慷慨程度应该能够使贫困人口具有抵御冲击积累资产脱离贫困的能力。”

    In addition, "social protection programs should be generous enough to enable poor people to survive shocks and build assets to lift them out of poverty."


  • 这些项目角逐单笔金额为2万美元以下25赠款,用于保护全世界贫困弱势人口,使其免遭气候变化冲击

    They are competing for 25 grants of up to $200,000 each to protect the developing world’s poorest and most vulnerable people from effects of climate change.


  • 足够金钱保护银行免受希腊违约冲击——以及葡萄牙爱尔兰必要的话。

    It has the money to fortify its Banks against the default of greece-and Portugal and Ireland, if need be.


  • 一种属于21世纪神奇物质能够保护房屋远离爆炸冲击能够清除油料泄露,甚至能帮助人类火星

    A MIRACLE material for the 21st century could protect your home against bomb blasts, mop up oil spillages and even help man to fly to Mars.


  • 其中基本保护旨在抵抗爆炸产生两类主要威胁脉冲或者冲击以及通常弹片构成的碎片伤害。

    These two fundamental layers are designed to defeat the two main threats in an explosion: the overpressure pulse, or shockwave; and the fragmentation, commonly known as shrapnel.


  • 这些计划的目标建立保障首先10万提供保护最终使受保护人口增加到30万人,使其免受经济冲击农产品短缺造成的影响。

    The goal will be to create a safety net to protect 100,000 people initially, and eventually 300,000 people, from economic shocks and agricultural shortfalls.


  • 通常适应新的文化过程步入一阶段时想出一些帮助对付保护自己免受文化冲击影响保护性办法。

    Usually at this point in your adjustment to a new culture, you devise some defense mechanisms to help you cope and to protect yourself against the effects of culture shock.


  • 吸收碰撞冲击表面开拓者屏蔽保护徒步不平衡线索碎片

    The heel crash pad absorbs shock on hard surfaces, and the trail Shield layer protects your foot from uneven trail debris.


  • 钢铁贸易保护一种单边主义行为对世界贸易组织稳定带来巨大的冲击

    Steel-trade protection , an unilateral action , will bring about severe impact on the stability of the WTO.


  • 可能受到振动波动载荷冲击载荷动力载荷的内部螺栓加以保护防止松动。可采用螺母、防松动垫圈点焊

    Internal bolts subject to vibration, fluctuating load, impact load or dynamic load shall be protected against loosening. Double nuts, unti-loose washers, tack welding, etc. shall be used.


  • 安装之后由于绝热能力强,因而有助于减少能源费用循环时间,并保护耐火表面受热冲击的影响。

    Once installed, they can help reduce energy costs and cycling times due to their high insulating capability, as well as serving to protect refractory surfaces from thermal shock.


  • 其中基本保护旨在抵抗爆炸产生两类主要威胁脉冲或者冲击

    These two fundamental layers are designed to defeat the two main threats in an explosion: the overpressure pulse, or shockwave;


  • 新月型结构起着防波堤保护岛屿免受海水冲击作用

    This ACTS as a break water and protects the islands from the sea.


  • 这样保护免受多年学习成果在一瞬间突然释放带来精神冲击

    It serves to keep you from reeling under the impact of years of learning coming upon you in an instant.


  • 如果美国愿意的话,肯定有能力摧毁亚洲盯住汇率制度,就1971年保护主义的“尼克松冲击”一样。

    The US could certainly destroy the Asian exchange rate pegs if it wished to do so, as it did with the protectionist "Nixon shock" in 1971.


  • 如果美国愿意的话,肯定有能力摧毁亚洲盯住汇率制度,就1971年保护主义的“尼克松冲击”一样。

    The US could certainly destroy the Asian exchange rate pegs if it wished to do so, as it did with the protectionist "Nixon shock" in 1971.


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