• 多年冻土埋藏于地表下多年不融化土层,是古代冰川气候的残留物。

    Permafrost is underground soils containing ice which keep frozen for several years, it is remains of ancient glacial climate.


  • 贵州是珙桐、桫椤、秃杉古生物最后家园。新生代第四纪全球性冰川气候席卷全球时,它们这里躲过灭顶之灾,成为“动植物的活化石”。

    Guizhouis the last home to some ancient plant species that survived the last ice age, such as the Chinese dove tree, spinulose tree ferns and Taiwania Flousiana Gaussen.


  • 这些土壤冰川随着气候变暖而后退证据

    These soils were evidence that the glaciers retreated as the climate warmed.


  • 秘鲁当地冰川雪山周围农民已经成为气候变化受害者

    In Peru, local farmers around a mountain with a glacier have already fallen victims to climate change.


  • 冰川系统两个基本气候变量控制降水温度

    The glacial system is governed by two basic climatic variables: precipitation and temperature.


  • 古老冰川物质之间发育良好土壤,它含有(生活在)温暖气候中的植物化石

    Between the older layers of glacial material were well-developed soils containing fossils of warm-climate plants.


  • 即使没有冰川时期天文周期也会地球气候产生影响

    Astronomical cycles have an effect on Earth's climate even during periods when there is no glaciation.


  • 间冰期通常在冰期之间时间,这时气候变暖冰川会暂时消退直到气候再次冷,下一个冰期开始。

    Interglacial periods are, typically periods of time between Ice Ages, when the climate warms, and the glacial ice retreats for a time, before things cool off again and another Ice Age begins.


  • 最后阿加西其他人说服了地质学家普通大众一个巨大的大陆冰川作用已经极地延伸到了现在享受温带气候地区

    Eventually, Agassiz and others convinced geologists and the general public that a great continental glaciation had extended the polar ice caps far into regions that now enjoy temperate climates.


  • 学家表示,冰川融化是由气候变化造成的。

    Scientist say the melting is caused by climate change.


  • 来自迅速融化冰川气候变化影响范围扩大上升海平面也改变物种的分布范围

    The broader impacts of climate change range from rapidly melting glaciers and rising sea levels to shifts in species ranges.


  • 气候突然变化使原本逐渐消融冰川再次凝结,同时北美洲哺乳动物35个完全灭绝

    The change in climate caused retreating glaciers to advance once again, and coincided with the extinction of 35 families of North American mammals.


  • 无论是海平面上升荒漠化季风暴雨,冰川融化或是海洋酸化气候变化正在迅速改变我们这个星球景观

    Whether it's rising sea levels, desertification, torrential monsoons, melting glaciers or ocean acidification, climate change is rapidly altering the landscape of our planet.


  • 对于气候变化来说——并且已经使永冻土化冻海冰融化阿拉斯加冰川退化——碳引起的酸化也许首先在这里发威。

    As with climate change - which has already thawed permafrost, melted sea ice, and shrunk glaciers in Alaska - carbon-caused ocean acidification will likely hit home here first.


  • 冰川缩小,可能缘于气候科学家们尚未真正搞无数自然振荡中的一种

    The glaciers could be retreating because of one of the countless natural oscillations in the climate that scientists do not properly understand.


  • 近几年以来,这一进程已经出现一些细微迹象包括联合检测冰川以及研究气候海洋相互作用的协议

    There have been small signs of progress in recent years, including agreements to jointly monitor glaciers and study the interaction between the atmosphere and the ocean.


  • 多久,全球气候冰川融化海平面大幅度回升,再次淹没了通往亚洲的大陆架。

    Not long after this, warming climate and melting ice raised sea levels sharply so that the land-bridge to Asia flooded once again.


  • 研究人员发现只要地平线处于海床外部隆起处,在裂缝增加之前,气候轻微变化就会相应导致冰川体积的微妙变化。

    The researchers foundthat as long as the grounding line is on the outer rise of the sea bed, before the lip, small changes in climate lead to correspondingly smallchanges in the glacier's ice volume.


  • 昨天印度环境部长拉梅记者气候变化导致喜马拉雅山冰川在2035年前彻底融化的断言没有事实根据。

    Yesterdaythe Indian environment minister, Jairam Ramesh, told reporters theclaim that climate change would cause Himalayan glaciers to melt awayby 2035 was unfounded.


  • 这个地区的气候干燥寒冷,广布冰川除了少量盆景式矮化林以外,再也找不到别的树木

    The dry, frigid site is now surrounded by glaciers and is completely treeless, except for a few bonsai-size dwarf trees.


  • 据预测如果喜马拉雅山冰川气候变化影响溶化南亚地区5亿多人口可能遭受旱灾洪灾

    And more than a billion people in South Asia may eventually be subject to droughts and floods if, as projected, the Himalayan glaciers melt from the effects of climate change.


  • Tulaczyk博士工作圣克鲁兹加州大学冰川水流专家,他认为气候变化所造成灾难性后果之一便是海平面上升

    Dr Tulaczyk, a specialist in glacial flow who works at the University of California, Santa Cruz, observes that one of the most catastrophic consequences of climate change could be a rise in sea level.


  • 冰川巨大长期存在除了气候湿度变化以外,海拔冰川寿命了关键性作用

    Apart from climate change and humidity, elevation also appears to play a critical role in the lifespan of glaciers, which are large persistent bodies of ice.


  • 而且它们可再生能源方面取得合作共同研究气候变化喜马拉雅冰川所造成影响

    And they will cooperate on renewable energy and research into the effects of climate change on Himalayan glaciers.


  • 气候变化10项指标包括船只进行海平面上升测量气象气球上层大气温度的测量以及冰川融化进行实地调查

    The 10 indicators of climate change include measurements of sea level rise taken from ships, the temperature of the upper atmosphere taken from weather balloons and field surveys of melting glaciers.


  • 气候变化10项指标包括船只进行海平面上升测量气象气球上层大气温度的测量以及冰川融化进行实地调查

    The 10 indicators of climate change include measurements of sea level rise taken from ships, the temperature of the upper atmosphere taken from weather balloons and field surveys of melting glaciers.


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