• 冬季覆盖北美大部分地区微弱高压

    A weak area of high surface pressure that covers most of North America in winter.


  • 土壤微生物活度在水稻生长过程呈增加趋势,前茬冬季覆盖作物区明显高于冬闲田

    The former-stubble crop treatments were higher amount of microbe than winter fallow stubble during early rice growth.


  • 因此虽然冬季海冰覆盖面积可能减少,但表层足够冰冷因此海冰覆盖面积不会减少太多。

    Thus, although the winter sea-ice cover might decrease, the surface waters would remain cold enough so that the decrease would not be excessive.


  • 冬季过后花园里的树木覆盖着,地面上一片银白,惟有一些蔬菜叶子微微露出一点绿色

    After a snow in winter, the trees in the garden are covered with snow. The ground is all white with only some green leaves of vegetable sticking out from beneath.


  • 研究人员制造了一个电脑模型用来模拟斯堪的纳维亚北部巴伦支海不断减少冬季冰雪覆盖情况下,对气候类型产生的影响

    The researchers created a computer model simulating the impact on weather patterns of a gradual reduction of winter ice cover in the Barents-Kara sea, north of Scandinavia.


  • 冬季时,二氧化碳脱离大气冷凝成固体二氧化碳(干冰)覆盖星球极地地区

    During winter, carbon dioxide condenses out of the atmosphere and forms a frost of dry ice that coats the planet's polar region.


  • 鉴于长期被覆盖山地地形滑雪冬季运动斯洛伐克最有名和流行运动。

    Ski and winter sports in Slovakia are very prominent and popular given the mountainous topography of the region and the fact that much of the country is covered by snow for a greater part of the year.


  • 冬季到来时,阿尔卑斯山脉为大雪覆盖

    Winter brings extensive snowfalls in the Southern Alps.//


  • 那儿寂寞冬季,是白雪覆盖荒原如同是一张无限大冰床他们静静地休眠银色梦幻里,在咀嚼着往昔的春时夏日的欢乐之后,丛立在他们面前的,不是再生次或几次的美丽轮回,而是生者为悼念死者而树起的墓碑。

    There is a lonely winter and the wilderness is covered with snow. As a infinite bed of ice, they slept quietly in their silver dreams.


  • 秋天降雪可能已经覆盖了冰层表面杂质;崩塌发生后第一冬季降雪季节性海冰大部分杂质封冻在当地

    Autumn snows have probably already dusted the surface of the melange of ice; snowfall and seasonal sea ice kept much of the debris frozen in place the first winter after the collapse.


  • 建筑开口悬挑屋顶覆盖可以引入更多冬季阳光同时遮蔽夏季炎热日晒。

    The building's large opening is covered by a roof overhang, which allows in light during cold winter months while shading the home in the summer.


  • 价值作为衡量因此他们马匹进入家庭帐篷带来真正财富寒冷沙漠之夜冬季覆盖

    Horses were valued as the single measure of true wealth thus their horses were brought into the family tents, blanketed against the cold desert nights and winter winds.


  • 根据效果图可以看到建筑屋顶呈波浪型,冬季被雪覆盖夏季则绿草如茵

    The images show a building with an undulating roof that is snow-covered in winter and grassy in summer.


  • 是因为大面积反射特性北半球冬季,雪覆盖40%陆地表面)。

    This is because of the highly reflective nature of snow combined with its large surface coverage (snow can cover up to 40% of the Earth's land surface during the Northern Hemisphere winter).


  • 英格兰地区的冬季气候恶劣,冰雪覆盖大地长达数月之久夜晚漫长寒冷

    The New England winters are hard; snow and ice cover the fields for months, and the nights are long and cold.


  • 美国西北部大部分地区经受着冬季暴风雪的恶劣条件华盛顿到纽约州,大学覆盖厚度超过英尺

    Much of the northeast of the United States was experiencing a major winter storm with blizzard conditions and over a foot of snow expected from Washington, D.


  • 冬季双层覆盖温室地下系统蓄热保温测试了温室内外空气温度、湿度、苗床温度。

    The air temperature, humidity and the soil temperature inside and outside of greenhouse were measured in the underground heat storage system during heating in winter.


  • 形成土壤空气之间屏障结果是,覆盖的土壤夏季较凉爽冬季不会让土壤没有盖土的区域一样那么深。

    Mulch forms a barrier between the soil and the air. As a result, mulched soil will be cooler in the summertime. And in winter, it may not freeze as deeply as areas without mulch.


  • 所以上周末覆盖了整个国家贝克汉姆人们很快出来享受冬季

    So when the white stuff blanketed the nation over the weekend, the Beckham boys were quick to head out and make the most of the winter weather.


  • 为了能够保持桥梁冬季不被冰雪覆盖低温地板取暖就成了设计出发点

    In order to be able to keep the bridge free from ice during the winter, floor heating with a low temperature was a departure point in the design.


  • 冬季水雾凝结了这些石头学校供暖系统所散发的蒸汽覆盖

    In the winter, when mist would freeze, the stones are shrouded with steam from the university heating plant.


  • 为了把露天运动场改为冰雪公园人们引进一些地面覆盖厘米厚积雪,同时设置一些冬季比赛项目。

    In order to reinvent the stadium as a snow park, snow blowers were brought in to cover the field with a few centimeters of snow and some winter games were set up.


  • 其结果是覆盖土壤夏季较凉爽冬季不会让土壤没有土的区域一样得那样严重。

    As a result, mulched soil will be cooler in the summertime. And in winter, it may not freeze as deeply as areas without mulch.


  • 冬季火星极冠薄薄的二氧化碳覆盖

    Every winter, Mars's polar cap is sheathed in a thin blanket of carbon dioxide.


  • 计算气温周期变化水泥水化热作用下及冬季模板覆盖板墙温度

    The calculation system of 3 temperature fields about batten-wall under the mean annual temperature, the cement hydration and the form-covering in winter is presented.


  • 计算气温周期变化水泥水化热作用下及冬季模板覆盖板墙温度

    The calculation system of 3 temperature fields about batten-wall under the mean annual temperature, the cement hydration and the form-covering in winter is presented.


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