• 冬季到来时,阿尔卑斯山脉为大雪所覆盖。

    Winter brings extensive snowfalls in the Southern Alps.//


  • 第四,应在冬季到来之前一些措施防止冻伤

    Fourth, before the winter comes, using some measures to prevent frostbite.


  • 藏北的牧民每年冬季到来之前就把牛羊赶到这里,度过风雪寒冬。

    Northern nomads, before the winter every year took sheep and cattle, wind and cold days.


  • 然而决胜投票必须冬季到来之前迅速举行,因为冬季大雪使许多地区交通断绝

    But that would have to happen quickly before snow fall would make many areas inaccessible for the winter.


  • 夏季展馆纽约市滑雪场借来滑雪障碍桩,冬季到来还回去。

    The pavilion will use slalom gates, which are useless during summer, borrowed from a ski resort outside NYC and returned for the next ski season.


  • 保护区冬季到来抓紧长膘,棕熊九月寒意红的莓里搜寻着果实

    Racing to pack on pounds before winter grips the reserve, a brown bear hunts for fruit in a blueberry patch reddened by September's chill.


  • 如果冬季到来之前毛呢水管包上,可以防止管内冻结,管子也不会爆裂

    If you lag the water pipes with pieces of old woollen garments before the winter starts, you can prevent the water from freezing and bursting the pipes.


  • 毫无疑问,指望冬季到来之前结束一切,并美国海军空军进行干涉之前击溃大不列颠

    He hopes, no doubt, that all this may be ac-accomplished before the Winter comes and that he can overwhelm Great Britain before the fleets and air power of the United States will intervene.


  • 还有就是低回蛙鸣——有牛蛙也有树蛙——从每年春季开始,一直可以持续到凉爽冬季到来之前

    Another is the deep bass-noted humming of the frogs - bull frogs and tree frogs - which began each Spring and continued until the cooler winter weather set in.


  • 中国争取应对全国煤炭运输存在一个问题显示出冬季到来之际煤炭存货较低担忧日益加剧

    China sought to address a problem of transporting coal around the vast country, in a sign of growing concern over low coal stocks as winter weather sets in.


  • 报道冬季到来的时候,红外线技术阿富汗战场上会更加威力,因为人体外界之间温差变大了。

    Some reports have suggested that infrared technology will become more effective as winter arrives in Afghanistan, since contrasts between body temperatures and the external temperatures will increase.


  • 变成预示冬季到来

    Fog turning into frost forecasts the coming of winter.


  • 竹竿在当地称为“挈劳舞”,常在米佐部落查普查尔库特(又名春日节)之际表演,象征着冬季结束夏季到来

    The bamboo dance, locally known as the Cheraw dance, is the harbinger of the Chapchar Kut festival of the Mizos tribal group, which marks the end of winter and advent of summer.


  • 我们再也不用冬季服装搭配犯愁了,接下来几个月里特别是冬天真正到来就要驼色风暴了。

    Right now the choice is slightly limited with regards to true winter overcoats, but you can be sure this will pick up in the coming months, especially once Winter truly arrives.


  • 经过了一个漫长鸟儿稀少的冬季很多者都在翘首期盼春天的到来。 注意以下要点可以帮助你简单最大程度地享受春天鸟。

    This is the season many birders look forward to most after a long winter with fewer birds, and with the right spring birding tips it is easy to make the most of this season’s best birds.


  • 科学家证明过去五十春天到来提前漫长寒冷冬季则消息听起来似乎令人愉快

    The news might seem welcome in the middle of a long, cold winter: Scientists have shown that the start of spring has moved almost two days earlier in the last 50 years.


  • 鱼鳞天气现象,经常出现节,预示着冷空气到来

    Mackerel sky is a kind of weather phenomenon which forecasts the upcoming cold air in autumn and winter.


  • 两只的争斗似乎像放慢镜一样,好像他们很快到来冬季尽量多储备些热量

    Everything the bears do seems to unfold in slow motion, as if they're trying to conserve every last calorie for the coming winter.


  • 北半球春季一个到来了,春天第一来到之前,让我们再看一眼过去几个月里寒冷下雪冬季

    With one month of the season left before the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, take a look at the cold, snowy days of the last couple months.


  • 电视台报道,“峰会”不会孤独,因为不久后一个即将到来冬季亚运会而得名女孩亚达也将加入他的阵营。

    The TV channel suggested that Summit could soon be joined by little Asiada, a girl to be named for the upcoming winter Asian games.


  • 韩国访问坟墓他们祖先低头清洁即将到来冬季

    The Koreans visit the graves of their ancestors to bow and clean the area for the coming winter.


  • 立冬意味着冬天到来秋季丰收作物全部收藏入库,冬季第一节气

    Start tof winter is the first solar term of winter, which means winter is coming and crops harvested in autumn should be stored up.


  • 一个传统的外教象征冷战结束冬季到来春天

    This is a pagan tradition and symbolizes the end of the cold winter and the coming of the spring.


  • 到了每年这个时候英格兰人们就可以感受到漫长冬季到来

    By this time of year, a New Englander can feel the long cold winter approaching.


  • 去年冬季咖啡豆收获段时间(从9月到来年2月),最小农户只向雀巢交付5咖啡豆,最大的农户却交付了413

    During the last season, after the harvest (September-February), the smallest farm delivered Nestle five pounds whereas the largest farm delivered 413 tons.


  • 去年冬季咖啡豆收获段时间(从9月到来年2月),最小农户只向雀巢交付5咖啡豆,最大的农户却交付了413

    During the last season, after the harvest (September-February), the smallest farm delivered Nestle five pounds whereas the largest farm delivered 413 tons.


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