• 所获得经验教训是从各个开发人员以及我们团队内部收集而来的。

    The lessons learned were collected from both the individual developers and from within our team.


  • 我们最近内部收集整理了一个为什么Y一代人与众不同列表

    We recently ran down a list of reasons why Gen Y is different from the rest of us.


  • 将显示出系统测试内部情况,因为数据收集机制系统测试进行的,而不是负载驱动

    This shows the inside of the system under test, because the data collection mechanisms are on the systems under test, not the load drivers.


  • 负责收集和整理内部外部审计师需要的各类相关资料

    Responsible for collection/preparing all of relevant documentations required by the internal and external auditors.


  • 探测器雷达可穿透冰层,收集有关内部结构线索可能可以确定冰川海洋的交汇点。

    The probe's ice-penetrating radar will gather clues about the frozen shell's interior structure, possibly identifying where ice and ocean meet.


  • 可以内部算法比较收集统计信息已保存的一统计信息,基于某些触发条件发出包含抽样RUNSTATS

    An internal algorithm is used to compare newly collected statistics with a saved set of statistics, and RUNSTATS with sampling is issued based on certain conditions being triggered.


  • 是,SSD必须内部切换数据以便尽可能减低称为垃圾收集耗损均衡的进程引入错误的可能。

    To make matters worse, the SSD must internally shift data to minimize the introduction of errors in a process called garbage collection or wear-leveling.


  • 收集信息包括来自环境外部数据UI其他部分反馈回来内部信息。

    The information to collect includes external data from the environment as well as internal information fed back from the other parts of the UI.


  • JVM需要内部线程使用优先级以达到一些特殊目的比如垃圾收集GC)。

    The JVM also requires priorities for internal threads for special purposes such as garbage collection (GC).


  • 内部爬行一种收集扫描活动旨在针对一些不频繁的活动执行因此目标系统不会过分地受到活动影响。

    Crawling by its very nature is a gathering and scanning activity designed to be performed on an infrequent basis so that the target system is not overly impacted by the activity.


  • 由于被包裹层由太阳能电池组成的薄膜里,所以这个螺旋能够产生足够的电能供自身内部使用同时表面收集雨水然后储存在地下蓄水池里。

    Wrapped in a thin membrane of solar cells, the tower generates power for interior USES, while water is collected on the facade and then stored in a cistern underground.


  • 内部光合反应中心收集太阳能驱动空气中的二氧化碳形成滋润造就了我们的星球

    Within it, photosynthetic reaction-centres collect solar energy to drive the transformation of water and carbon dioxide in the air into sugars that nourish and build the plant.


  • 企业顾问付费让学究有机会组织内部四处闲逛收集学说基础素材

    And the business, paying the consultants, and giving the academics the opportunity to wander around in their organizations, gathering material to base new theories on.


  • 公告指出,该项目日常除了探测其他类型网络攻击,还将检测内部威胁设置收集数据

    The announcement notes that what sets insider threats apart from other types of attacks is the use of normal, day-to-day activities to collect data.


  • eXplore门户可以定制的界面提供外部内部网站收集信息应用软件程序,一位用户营造独特体验

    The eXplore portal delivers information, applications and processes gathered from external and internal Web sites on an interface that is customizable to provide a unique experience for each user.


  • py .test检查Python测试模块内部时,收集名称以test _开头的每个函数名称test开头的每个

    When py.test looks inside of a Python test module, it collects every function whose name starts with test_ and every class whose name starts with test.


  • nose检查python测试模块内部时,采用选择测试模块时使用正则表达式收集这个正则表达式匹配函数

    When nose looks inside of a Python test module, it collects functions and classes that match the same regular expression that it USES for choosing test modules.


  • TNO决定建立一个内部关于BIMserver适用技术知识收集项目

    TNO decided to establish an internal knowledge gathering project focusing on the most suitable technology for BIMservers.


  • 由于内部函数持有外部函数变量引用,所以这个属性a范围对象不会垃圾收集

    Because the inner function holds a reference to the outer function's variables, the scope object with property a will not be garbage collected.


  • 统计信息消息驱动的 bean (MDB)收集,MDB构建收到消息侦听主题增量内部计数器

    The statistics are being collected by a message-driven bean (MDB) that is constructed to listen to the topic and increment an internal counter when a message is received.


  • 全面STW收集具有以下优点:可以跟踪对象引用JVM内部结构应用程序不会干扰对象中的链接

    Full STW collectors have the benefit of being able to trace through object references and JVM internal structures without the application perturbing the links in the object graph.


  • 于是,他们博物馆以及各种展览中收集20个木乃伊样本,其进行了全身CT扫描了解了这些木乃伊的内部状况

    So they collected 20 mummies from the museum basement and from various displays, and subjected them to whole-body ct scans to look at their insides.


  • 收集错误作为内部事件跟踪,它将收集遇到异常递增

    Collection Errors is traced as an interval incident, incremented on any exception encountered while taking a collection.


  • 如果存在内部技术或者需要使用人口统计学营销详细信息数据进行其他充实操作,通常会收集的数据发送外部企业进行清理工作

    If in-house technology does not exist or additional enrichment of data with demographic or marketing detail is desired, collected data is often sent to outside firms for this cleansing.


  • 1以图表形式说明存在内存泄漏应用程序垃圾收集周期之后可用内存(该图表使用内部IBM工具)。

    The chart in Figure 1 is an example of the charted free memory after a GC cycle in an application with a memory leak (the chart was using an internal IBM tool).


  • 存储PerformanceWarehouse中的其他类型数据指那些可以DB2PE内部运行语句事件监视器收集的数据。

    The other type of data stored in the Performance Warehouse is that which is collected by the statement event monitors you can run from within DB2 PE.


  • 这个解析器一个内部列表self.text收集Title元素文本节点,并在到达close()方法后返回列表。

    This parser collects the text children of the Title element in an internal list (self.text) and, upon reaching the close() method, returns that list.


  • 科学家们已经开发出一种装置收集建筑物内部包括布局精确尺寸在内有关信息

    Scientists have developed a device to gather information about building interiors – the design and exact measurements of a building.


  • 科学家们已经开发出一种装置收集建筑物内部包括布局精确尺寸在内有关信息

    Scientists have developed a device to gather information about building interiors – the design and exact measurements of a building.


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