• 想了好一会儿明白发现那些台阶也是向内部倾斜的,城堡里的那样。

    It took me a few minutes to figure out why, but I realized that the steps tilted inward, just like the ones at the chateau.


  • 这些角度看起来不大,但这种倾斜可能急剧增加这些卫星内部压力,常常可能导致一个全球构造裂纹”,尼解释说

    While these angles might not seem much, such tumbling would have dramatically increased stresses inside these moons, leading very likely to "a global pattern of tectonic fractures," Nimmo explained.


  • 机舱内部应急灯着,机身倾斜一个奇怪角度

    The aircraft's interior emergency lights were still functioning, the fuselage tilted at an odd Angle.


  • 客厅通过顶部采光,从倾斜外墙内部垂直面之间自然光

    The living room is toplit as natural light enters between the diagonal outside wall and the inside vertical surface.


  • 在建筑内部,向两个方向倾斜双层高演讲大厅楼板下方一个大型公共信息咨询处

    Inside, beneath the floor tilting in two directions of the double-height lecture hall, is a large public information desk.


  • 建筑倾斜白色平面构成,天色阴沉时会从内部发亮光,通过玻璃窗可以看到里面“幻想世界”。

    In murkyconditions, the building’s structure of angled white planes glows fromwithin, offering glimpses through huge windows of an “imaginedlandscape” inside.


  • 倾斜屋顶边缘延伸超过建筑占地面积天花板上窗户光线投射到内部条纹墙上

    Edges of the tilted flat roof extend beyond the building's footprint, and Windows in the ceiling cast light onto the striated walls inside.


  • 建筑这种方式创建分隔元素通过内部的墙屋顶这些倾斜线连接而成。

    The separate elements of the building created in this way are linked by slanted lines in the exterior walls and roof.


  • 内部明快白色墙壁外部材料形成鲜明对比开放式的客厅、厨房餐厅倾斜的坡屋顶所覆盖。

    Inside, crisp white walls contrast the exterior's materiality. An open-concept living room, kitchen, and dining room are contained under the steeply-pitched roof.


  • 玻璃围绕允许充足自然光进入,安装天花板上倾斜蓝色面板可反映内部

    It is surrounded by glazing that allows for plenty of natural light, while a angular blue panel mounted on the ceiling reflects the interiors.


  • 粉刷块的特点是有一倾斜较低边缘,以暗示倾斜内部布局

    The rendered volume above features an angled lower edge that hints at the sloping internal layout.


  • 建筑的顶层采用了坡屋顶因此内部形成倾斜天花板

    The upper storey is defined by the roof pitch, which creates angled ceilings on the inside.


  • 内部天花板倾斜,显现60屋面坡度桁架结构

    The internal ceilings are raked to express the 60 degree roof pitch and timber truss structure.


  • 小径高比叶片采用静叶片的正倾斜方法能够有效地控制流道内部径向二次叶栅顶部分离流动

    The method of forward leaning stator blade, which can effectively control the radial second flow and the top separate flow, is applied to the design of the small diameter-height ratio blade.


  • 内部形式不断交织形成延续钢铁元素倾斜排布它们一个角落另一个角落,支撑整体的外部结构

    Derived from intersections of the inner form, continuous steel elements are inclined running from corner to corner supporting the entire outer structure.


  • 工作室部分嵌入倾斜场地中,意味着内部地板道路表面齐平,这也使得空间天花板高度增加

    The studio is partly submerged into the earth of the sloping site. This means the floor inside is level with the surface of the road, resulting in an increased ceiling height within the space.


  • 建筑外表面的排气口长期着,同时内部区域允许空气通过自动化倾斜翻转开口布置

    Vents are permanently open in the outer skin, whilst the inner section allows the passage of air via a motorized tilt and turn opening arrangement.


  • 建筑倾斜白色平面构成,天色阴沉时会内部发亮光,通过玻璃窗可以看到里面幻想世界”。

    In murky conditions, the building's structure of angled white planes glows from within, offering glimpses through huge Windows of an "imagined landscape" inside.


  • 厨房区域层高充分利用倾斜空间优势,让透过的南向阳光深透渗入建筑内部空间。”团队

    "The kitchen area is double height, taking full advantage of the tall gabled space and allowing the southern light from the window wall to penetrate deep into the Spaces of the house," the team said.


  • 折叠式内部纸盒盖板纸盒包装成品中倾斜

    The cover flaps of the inner folded carton are disposed at an Angle in the completed cardboard packaging.


  • 一些附加支撑穿过了内部结构但是典型的结构中,楼板系统需要承受外墙倾斜自重引起的水平荷载

    But in a typical structure, floor systems do not need to support lateral loads generated by the inclination of the exterior walls in addition to gravity loads.


  • 每个三角形往上倾斜,将光线反射教堂从而形成传统圆顶空间内部光学折射效果。

    Every other triangle is tilted upwards and reflects the light into the church. The result is an optical refraction is seen in traditional dome vaults.


  • 每个三角形往上倾斜,将光线反射教堂从而形成传统圆顶空间内部光学折射效果。

    Every other triangle is tilted upwards and reflects the light into the church. The result is an optical refraction is seen in traditional dome vaults.


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