• 1991飞往肯尼亚首都内罗比随身产品编目一张地图。

    She flew to Nairobi, the capital of Kenya in 1991, armed only with a catalog of products and a map.


  • 然而无论从形式上还是上讲,电报服务无法罗比坎帕拉,拉各斯,卡里奥作为客户

    Yet the wire services in form and content do not recognise Nairobi, Kampala, Lagos or Cairo as clients.


  • 随着艾萨克这样来到城郊人们带着牛群到路边草,多个世代以来,内罗比大街第一牛群出现。

    For the first time in generations there are cows on the streets of Nairobi as nomads like Isaac come to the suburbs with their herds to feed on the verges of roads.


  • 马赛服务生提着灯笼晚宴游泳池所在处,这是一个奢华生态旅游住所位于罗比南部180千米的地方。

    A Maasai waiter brings lanterns to the dinner area and the swimming pool , a luxury eco-tourism lodge situated at some 180 km (110 miles) south of Nairobi, near the border with Tanzania, October.


  • 作家查尔斯·西伯特摄影师麦克·尼克尔斯本月探索达芙妮孤儿康复中心——大卫。歇尔德瑞野生动物基金会罗比托儿所

    This month, writer Charles Siebert and photographer Michael Nichols explore Daphne's orphan elephant rehabilitation center, the Nairobi nursery of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.


  • 作家查尔斯。西伯特摄影师麦克尼克尔斯本月探索达芙妮孤儿康复中心——大卫。歇尔德瑞野生动物基金会罗比托儿所

    This month, writer Charles Siebert and photographer Michael Nichols explore Daphne 's orphan elephant rehabilitation center, the Nairobi nursery of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.


  • 罗比特以新款Celta指出,新车型必须配置气囊,才能要满足巴西的监管要求就排除了沿用现行生产平台的可能性。

    The new Celta, for example, needs an airbag to meet Brazilian requirements, Robinet said, which precludes using the current platform.


  • 下周我们罗比马马罗高中毕业。我们感到悲伤。我们知道,拥有如此感受,我们是多么幸运

    Next week, our young Rob graduates from Mamaroneck High School. We will be sad. But we know how lucky we are to feel the way we do.


  • 说明罗姆先生密西根州竞选策略爱荷华州新罕布什尔州要好,在这两地试图利用负面宣传来打退卡比先生麦肯锡先生然而接连败北。

    That said, Mr Romney ran a smarter campaign in Michigan than in Iowa and New Hampshire, where he aimed lots of negative ads at Mr Huckabee and Mr McCain but lost.


  • 卡比支持者们认为罗姆因为虽有钱却缺乏魅力

    Mr Huckabee's fans reckon that Mr Romney will lose because his money can't buy him charisma.


  • 马拉·罗,2009年3月23日-很喜欢这个寒假往年多。

    Maranello, March 23th 2009 - I enjoyed this winter break more than usual.


  • 由于一种压缩真空泵通常压缩比真空泵需要级泵。

    As the Roots pump is a non-vacuum inside the compression, the compression ratio is usually very low, so high, medium and vacuum pumps need to pump before.


  • 确实很难想象罗姆会弹奏曲吉他,胡诌几个关于滚石乐队的笑话投票室外人打雪仗这些就是卡比在密西根做到的。

    And it is indeed hard to imagine him strumming a guitar, cracking jokes about the Rolling Stones or getting in a snowball fight outside a polling booth, as Mr Huckabee did in Michigan.


  • 18个月里罗比花了大约300个小时坐在海滩上,穿着御寒衣观察乌鸦

    Over the course of 18 months, Robinette spent about 300 hours sitting on the beach, cloaked in cold-weather gear, watching crows.


  • 至于伤员阿比亚蒂詹纳罗还有库·洛夫斯基以及能够在暂歇期之后重回队中。

    As for the injured players, I think Abbiati, Di Gennaro, Jankulovski and Bonera will return after the break.


  • 一个持有超过罗比·吉·普里之间游戏因为坐在索德林6月22日的比赛。

    A ball boy holds an umbrella over Robby Ginepri as he sits between games in his match against Robin Soderling June 22.


  • 我们携手合作,走出属于自己一条路就是单一葡萄园的葡萄酿制巴巴莱斯科葡萄酒。 我们采用比奥罗来酿制巴巴莱斯科葡萄酒,充分增强巴巴莱斯科葡萄酒的个性。

    Together we want to follow our own path, which is to have the single vineyards back to the Barbaresco denomination and to devote ourselves to Nebbiolo and fully enhance its expression "."


  • 我们携手合作,走出属于自己一条路就是单一葡萄园的葡萄酿制巴巴莱斯科葡萄酒。 我们采用比奥罗来酿制巴巴莱斯科葡萄酒,充分增强巴巴莱斯科葡萄酒的个性。

    Together we want to follow our own path, which is to have the single vineyards back to the Barbaresco denomination and to devote ourselves to Nebbiolo and fully enhance its expression "."


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