• 如果从时代需要历史内涵独特艺术创造等方面来解读,可以发现20世纪国际报告文学特有社会价值文学定位

    Decoded in the perspective of the demand of time, historical connotation, and the unique arts creation, the 20th century reportage has its own social value and literary orientation.


  • 潜在课程教育中的特殊文化现象但是文化内涵需要提升,其文化特点有待理论解读

    Hidden curriculum is a special cultural phenomenon in education. But its connotation should be upgraded, and its cultural characters should be unscrambled.


  • 影响力交易内涵,可以交易的影响力、交易主体、交易物和交易行为四个方面进行解读

    The intention of the crime includes the influential force, the subject of transaction, the object of transaction and the behavior of transaction.


  • 本文解读张爱玲小说女性异化表现形态内涵

    This article interprets the connotation and manifestation of female alienation in the novels by Zhang Ailing.


  • 重新解读概念内涵走出真理“迷梦”,解决人们认识问题提供一定的思维空间

    The article will unscramble the connotation of two concepts so that we go out of the lost dream of the truth, which will provide the vacuum for solving people's cognitive problems.


  • 第三章则语言意境内涵手法方面安徒生童话文本进行文学性解读

    The next chapter find the Andersen's literary interpretation from some aspects, like language, mood, content, methods and so on.


  • 这样影调架构一下子扩大了画面内容解读空间,引导影像阅读更具内涵张力。

    Such tone framework expands scrutable of picture once and for all and releases connotation and inclusiveness of photography reading.


  • 郁达夫小说中的自然可以作为整体意象来解读具有隐喻性象征性包涵有丰富心理内涵

    Natural imagery in Yu Dafu's novels can be understood as a whole, has the nature of metaphor and symbol and contains rich psychological connotation.


  • 巴渝婚俗作为巴渝地区日常性存在解读巴渝人文内涵钥匙

    As a routine being in Bayu area, Bayu marriage custom is a key to analyze the connotation of Bayu s humanities.


  • 通过对2008年北京奥运会标志内涵解读论述现代设计师立足本土文化挖掘传统文化精髓,并将其融入现代设计意义

    Through understanding the connotation of the logo of Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008, this paper discusses the significance of introducing traditional Chinese culture into modern logo design.


  • 台湾日据时期小说文本精神内涵解读不能脱离具体历史语境。受难感可谓台湾日据时期写作者小说建构“历史”中流露的具体情感。

    The interpretation of the spiritual connotations of novels in Taiwan during the Japanese-invasion period should be conducted in line with the concrete historical context.


  • 关于我国上市公司收购确切内涵学理解读的必要。

    It is necessary to unscramble the intension of the acquisition of listed company.


  • 本文意在借鉴国外前人研究基础女性哥特小说角度解读呼啸山庄》,来研究的独特内涵价值

    This article is to interpret Wuthering Heights from the Angle of female gothic basing on the former research, and to study its unique connotation and value.


  • 本文试图死亡悲剧现实之悲剧、英雄之悲剧超人之悲剧四个角度尼采的“悲剧”内涵进行解读

    This thesis tries to unscramble the intension of Nietzsche's tragedy from four points: the tragedy of death, the tragedy of reality, the tragedy of hero and the tragedy of overman.


  • 由于语言基于对话,所以,应该采取对话的方式理解语言深刻内涵不仅仅是对字表含义简单解读猜测

    As language is dialogically based, the meanings of language can be understood only through reading in a dialogical way rather than through decoding or guessing simply.


  • 正确解读不仅可以更好地理解一思想丰富内涵而且生活当今社会的人们也具有一定帮助

    To some extent, understanding this idea correctly not only can enrich this idea but also can help people who are living in now days.


  • 解读茶馆文化内涵解读设计的新视野,对于理解文化不同层面上对设计产生的影响具有重要意义。

    Thus, it will be an important meaning only when the design is influenced by culture in different levels.


  • 四个层次来解读姜夔客居意识独特内涵

    Besides, the paper also interprets the connotation of inquilinism from four sides.


  • 他们分别不同角度运用不同的批评方法海明威作品进行我们展示出海明威作品各个层面的不同内涵

    They use different methods of criticism to read Hemingway's works from different angles, in order to show us the different connotations at all levels of Hemingway's works.


  • 本文对比解读童话《小王子电影金刚》,发掘出影片多种内涵孤独主题

    This article probes into the theme of loneliness and love by studying the movie Kingkong and the fairy tale the Little Prince comparatively.


  • 客观报道事实真相、纵深解读事件内涵、犀利剖析内容本质

    It reports the nitty-gritty events with objectivity, disambiguating the meaning and analyzing the essence of content in a cutting way.


  • 齐白石绘画风格常常给观赏者留出运用想像力解读内涵余地。

    Qi Baishi's style of painting often leaves the audience guessing and makes them use their imagination.


  • 本文通过品特经典之作看管人》的分析解读来反映品特的思想内涵及其特有的“品特风格”。

    By analyzing one of the classic masterpieces the Caretaker, this article explores and shows Pinter 's philosophy and his unique "Pinteresque".


  • 作品中的道具成为独特符征意义内涵留待受众去个别解读

    A few props serve as signifiers to a meaning that is waiting to be made.


  • 哈贝马斯商谈论语境下对权利推定进行重新解读试图发掘权利推定背后更深层次内涵价值

    Under his conferring language circumstance, it has much valuable meaning to re-understand the right deduction and try to scout for the further value behind the right deduction.


  • 本文新闻角度概念出发,深入解读“新闻视角”内涵外延以及具有积极现实意义

    Here the article tries to give a overall definition for it through the idea "the Angle of news" which include the definition, extension, and the active realism meaning that it possesses.


  • 在对感官内涵进行解读基础上教学中感官的特性类型及其价值进行了分析

    On the basis of the sense organ connotation, the context analyzes the characteristic, style and value of the sense organ between the teaching system.


  • 在对感官内涵进行解读基础上教学中感官的特性类型及其价值进行了分析

    On the basis of the sense organ connotation, the context analyzes the characteristic, style and value of the sense organ between the teaching system.


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