• 这种方法同样减少肿瘤细胞CD47蛋白的水平,从而可以使肿瘤细胞对于患者免疫系统更加敏感

    Decreasing CD47 levels on tumour cells could also make them more sensitive to attack by the patient's immune system after treatment.


  • 如果提高胱甘肽水平可以停止大多数细胞病原体复制

    If you raise the glutathione levels you can stop the replication of most any intracellular pathogen.


  • 有效降低体外培养神经细胞朊病毒水平

    These are quite effective in reducing the prion levels of cultured nerve cells.


  • 在此之后他们多少病毒粒子恢复活性进行计算结果发现,接受治疗细胞恢复活性的病毒粒子数量处于完全无法探测水平相比之下,未接受治疗细胞却处于可探测状态。

    Then they counted how many virus particles were reactivated, finding completely undetectable levels in the treated cells versus detectable levels in the untreated cells.


  • 分子水平来看,电离辐射生物体损伤主要由于电离辐射引起生物细胞DNA分子损伤。

    On a molecular level these effects to the organism are caused mainly by the damage induced by the ionizing radiation to the DNA of the living cell.


  • 本研究首次使利用SRS显微镜制作无标记化学影片成为可能细胞水平拍摄流水线式连续镜头捕获细胞蛋白脂质视频图像。

    For the first time, SRS microscopy makes possible label-free chemical movies, with streaming footage at the subcellular level, catching video of proteins, lipids, and water within cells.


  • 这项研究说明EGFRSGLT1通路通过维持细胞葡萄糖水平阻止细胞死亡,从而为肿瘤细胞提供生存优势

    This study reveals that EGFRSGLT1 may confer a survival advantage to cancer cells by maintaining a basal level of intracellular glucose and preventing autophagy.


  • 多巴通过主动传输过程转运细胞后,水平下降。

    Dopamine levels wane as dopamine is taken back into cells by an active transport system.


  • 氧化低密度脂蛋白诱导通过细胞活性氧脂质过氧化反应产物水平测量氧化应激。

    OxLDL induced oxidative stress, measured by the intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and lipid peroxidation products.


  • 细胞水平过载研究使人们进一步搞清应力形成重建生长影响细胞响应机制

    The research of overloading on cellular level may elucidate the mechanical effect on the formation, regeneration and growth of bone and the mechanism of cell response in bone.


  • 这些发现表明测定肿瘤细胞两类蛋白水平帮助预测患者对微管蛋白抑制剂抗癌药的治疗效果。

    Their findings suggest that testing tumor cells for levels of these proteins could help to predict patient response to antitubulin agents.


  • 同时通过细胞注射免疫组织化学方法,确定了D1受体家兔a类水平细胞胞体突起上的表达。

    Also we did intracellular injection, immunocytochemistry, and detected the localization of D1 receptors in rabbit A-type horizontal cell soma and dentrites.


  • 结论吗啡影响神经细胞嘌呤核苷酸代谢使细胞腺苷酸及腺苷水平增高,可能吗啡依赖和耐受形成机理之一

    Conclusion morphine may affect purine nucleotide metabolism of nerve cells, increase the adenylate and adenosine levels, which may be one of the mechanism of morphine dependence and tolerance.


  • 既可以作为整合各种信号转导通路上游信号胰岛素生长因子有丝分裂原整合,又可以作为感知细胞营养能量水平还原状态的感受器。

    It combines input from multiple upstream pathways, including insulin, growth factors and mitogens while functioning as a sensor of cellular nutrient and energy levels and redox status.


  • 目的:探讨叶酸治疗胃癌癌前状态细胞叶酸水平影响

    Objective To study the effects of the treatment with folic acid on intracellular folic acid levels of precancerous condition of gastric cancer.


  • 新的研究提示牙龈疾病除了口腔卫生不良以外,还可能由于细胞一种重要水平降低而发生

    A new study suggests that gum disease may result from reduced levels of a key enzyme in cells in addition to indifferent dental hygiene.


  • 临床剂量异丙酚正常细胞GRP78水平是否影响清楚有待进一步研究

    Whether propofol in clinical dose affects the levels of GRP78 in normal liver cell is not clear, and further research is needed to resolve this question.


  • 结论HCMV感染改变细胞P 53水平可能影响细胞周期中的正常功能,营造有利于病毒复制的环境。

    Conclusion HCMV induces elevated levels of P53, which may affect its normal function in regulating checkpoints of cell cycle, and facilitate its own replication in host cell.


  • 激素水平差异均显著性,培养细胞移植30激素水平一直维持于较高水平

    The differences between all 3 groups were significant. The hormone levels in the cultured pituitary cell group were persistently high in 30 days.


  • 由此可见,AMPK基本作用维持细胞基本ATP水平防止细胞由于ATP水平而发生细胞凋亡

    So the basic function of AMPK is to keep the minimal level of cellular ATP and protect the cell from apoptosis induced by low concertration of ATP.


  • 细胞细胞血液中的AMP水平机体能量感知睡眠冬眠食物摄取代谢信号

    AMP levels in cellular, interstitial and blood are potential metabolic signals associated with body energy sensing, sleep, hibernation and food intake.


  • 结果正常大鼠肺组织BALFIL-17水平表达主要表达于气道上皮细胞

    Result:IL-17 was expressed at lower level in lungs and BALF of normal rats, mainly by epithelial cells.


  • 机制可能与其能降低细胞活性氧化物水平进而抑制神经细胞凋亡有关

    The mechanism may have relation with its decrease the level of active oxide in cells so as to inhibit the neural apoptosis.


  • 研究Queen ' sCollegeDonaldMaurice教授领导,其研究的焦点问题就是:细胞伟哥PDE5被抑制水平之间的关系。

    This study, led by Prof. Donald Maurice of Queen's College focused on the relationship between Viagra and the levels of PDE5 inhibition in cells.


  • 真核细胞基因组染色质状态存在细胞基因表达调控首先染色质水平发生变化

    Eukaryotic genome is packaged into chromatin in the nucleus. There must be some change at chromatin level during gene expression regulation.


  • 韧皮组织,蓝污真菌主要沿着细胞向在垂直方向上生长,通过细胞孔纹进入水平方向上的相邻细胞

    Inside phloem tissue, the fungi mostly extended along various cell axes in vertical, and horizontally entered the adjacent cells through cell pets.


  • 细胞生长因子(HGF)刺激增强ECV304细胞SPK活性细胞s1p水平

    HGF stimulation could increase the activity of SPK and cellular S1P in ECV304 cells.


  • DNA水平染色体水平调控都是细胞发生的,那么就的复杂结构密不可分。

    The regulation at both DNA level and chromatin level happen in the nucleus and are closely related to the nuclear structure.


  • 结论免疫增强型营养有效调节重症急性胰腺炎细胞因子水平增强免疫功能缩短病程,降低死亡率

    Conclusion Immune-enhancing enteral nutrition can reduce cytokines, strengthen immune function, shorten disease course, and decrease the mortality in rats with severe acute pancreatitis.


  • 结论免疫增强型营养有效调节重症急性胰腺炎细胞因子水平增强免疫功能缩短病程,降低死亡率

    Conclusion Immune-enhancing enteral nutrition can reduce cytokines, strengthen immune function, shorten disease course, and decrease the mortality in rats with severe acute pancreatitis.


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