
  • 达到双重装饰效果温馨高雅的实门窗室外则是高贵豪华铝合金表面

    With aluminum outside and wood inside, dual decoration effect is achieved. There are warm and elegant solid wood doors and Windows indoors, and noble and luxurious aluminum alloy surface outdoors.


  • 布雷特·林特内木•布莱克等设计师那租借过裙装和上衣其中包括她在G 20峰会的官方宴会上所穿的上衣

    She is also understood to have rented dresses and jackets from Brett Lintner and Graeme Black - including a jacket she wore to the official G20 summit dinner.


  • 斯托加式宽篷车白色帆布保护货物免受恶劣天气侵袭,篷车的底座有很多拱形,帆布上。

    The white canvas cover on the Conestoga wagon protected the freight from inclement weather; it was stretched taut over a series of wooden hoops that arched over the wagon bed.


  • 户外用品店把手的烧烤叉找到一块非常适合制作收纳袋复古窗帘布

    After picking up some wood-handled skewers from an outdoor store, I found the perfect vintage curtain to make the carrying case.


  • 野村证券(Nomura Securities)首席经济学家登英(TakahideKiuchi)日本可能无法没有美国同意情况下采取干预措施。

    'Japan likely couldn't intervene without the consent of the United States,' said Takahide Kiuchi, chief economist at Nomura Securities.


  • 报告称由联邦科学委员会认证成材隔板会是绿色产品市场成长最快的部分,未来4的需求将达到现在的3

    The report states that FSC-certified lumber and wood panels will be the fastest-growing segment of the green products market, more than tripling in the next four years.


  • 这家餐馆名叫Sirena,利用倒闭食堂厨房——帆船屋子个餐厅,加上旋转玻璃地板下面水族馆

    Called Sirena, it made use of the kitchen of a defunct canteen-adding a dining room in the style of a wooden galleon, plus a vertiginous glass floor with an aquarium below.


  • 退休研究中心的艾丽卡•尔解释说,“纳税人不得不提高纳税的金额。”

    "Taxpayers", explains the CRR's Alicia Munnell, "will have to ante up."


  • 一种罕见的珍贵生长承德山区避暑山庄

    "Ming opening night Aiki" is a rare, precious wood, which only grows in the mountains and Summer Resort in Chengde.


  • 封闭立面墙面所有设备都被整合一面橡树墙厨房炉子厕所洗浴间一些橱柜

    On the ling side of the closed façade all facilities are integrated into a wall of oak: the kitchen, wood stove, a toilet, shower, sink and several cabinets.


  • 酱园楼。还不错吧!还有床,有特色

    The wooden building of the soy-sauce store, and the wooden bed, very special.


  • 建筑使用混凝土玻璃一些清洁材料

    Clean, raw materials such as concrete, steel, wood, aluminum and glass are used throughout the house.


  • 本次地震周边10公里村庄50公里乡镇吉乡

    The quake within 10 km around the village has a broad slope its, 50 kilometres of villages and towns have wood township.


  • 屋顶地板绝缘材料纤维——一种吸水材料,可以建筑透气不用机械通风

    Inside the walls, roof and floor the insulation consists of wooden fibers - a hygroscopic material that allows for the construction to breath, excluding the need for mechanical ventilation.


  • 园林设计充分尊重场地一草一采取干预原则追求自然野趣

    Garden design with full respect for the plants and trees within the site, take the weak principle of intervention, the pursuit of natural, rustic charm.


  • 爱护沟一草一

    Please cherish the plants in the valley.


  • 这个既定虱一般形式建筑如同一个集装箱部的空间可以用于各种用途,如,钢铁工艺或是绘画等。

    Within its defined shape, evocative of a woodlouse, the building is a container whose spaces can be use for various purposes with workshops for carpentry, cabinetmaking, ironwork, and painting.


  • 研究聚糖酶糖苷酶预处理草浆漂白性能影响

    Effects of endoxylanase and xylosidase pretreatment on bleaching properties of wheat straw pulp have been investigated.


  • 聚糖将水不溶性阿拉伯聚糖转化水溶性阿拉伯聚糖,从而改善面团面筋网络弹性

    Endo-xylanase can transform insoluble Arab xylan into water-soluble Arab xylan, and then it can improve the flexibility of lattice texture in gluten.


  • 疑山郭公幼虫可以捕食纵坑切梢蠹幼期各虫态,捕食为8.3%。

    Thanasimus dubius larvae preyed all young stages of the beetle inside logs, recorded predation rate of 8.3%.


  • 这些要素补充丰富的前瞻性可可双色颜色主题樟脑树榴点缀其间。

    These elements complement a rich-looking Cocoa and Light Cashmere two-tone interior color theme, embellished with camphor burl wood.


  • 牛油室温软化,放进不锈钢,用匙压加入砂糖,以达至奶白色,加入打散的蛋黄匀。

    Soften butter under room temperature. Stir butter to cream shape in a mixing bowl. Add sugar, whisk until mixture changes to lighter colour. Stir in beaten egg yolk. Mix well.


  • 结果表明为难树种,主要干燥缺陷截面变形

    The results show that: C. ovata is difficult to be dried, its main drying defects are the honeycomb and the cross section deformation.


  • 得到首肯后,围观人群迅速散开柚子媒体报道999个柚子分钟一抢而空。

    When Mumu agreed, the crowd tore apart the displayed to get the fruit. All 999 pomelos were gone in about 2 minutes, media reported.


  • 建筑优雅大厅金色莱姆石地板的衬托下,以点缀性不锈钢装饰特色

    The elegant, three-story lobby features a decorative screen of cherry wood and ornamental stainless steel, set off by a floor of golden limestone.


  • 最后计算长八天线一定频带增益曲线。所得结果实验结果吻合较好

    The gain in a certain band of frequency is also calculated which shows good coincidence with the experimental results.


  • 一种罕见的珍贵生长承德山区避暑山庄洁白无瑕,细腻如玉外观有如象牙一样。

    Ming opening night Aiki is a rare, precious wood, which only grows in the mountains and the Summer Resort of Chengde, the wood perfectly clean, delicate jade, ivory-like appearance.


  • 神经分支情况:2个主要分支29条(81%)。多数分支位于浅层脂肪及皮下。

    The branches of medial plantar nerve 29 81% nerves had major branches most of which lay superficial to the abductor hallucis muscle AH in the fat pad or under skin.


  • 大众集团欧洲VDI会上主动推介纤维材料部分104公斤

    Volkswagen Group initiative recommend wood fiber material in VDI annual meeting of Europe, only the interior part can lose weight of 104 kg.


  • 大众集团欧洲VDI会上主动推介纤维材料部分104公斤

    Volkswagen Group initiative recommend wood fiber material in VDI annual meeting of Europe, only the interior part can lose weight of 104 kg.


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