• 图片或者工件(如果人的工件就是需求,那么联系会添加Requirements工具条)。

    Inserting an image or artifact (if the inserted artifact is a requirement, this association will be added to the Requirements sidebar).


  • 任何引起注意的范围,我们似乎不可能认为共同站在同一仅仅30秒钟的人形成一个群体。

    It seems impossible that people stood together for only 30 seconds to look at a painting can be said to form a group in any measurable way.


  • 《戴珍珠耳环少女公认约翰斯·维米尔代表作之一也是17世纪重要油画作品。

    The Girl With a Pearl Earring is considered as one of Johannes Vermeer's masterpiece and as a major painting of the 17th century.


  • 美术馆经理安东尼·布鲁(展览会)展出玛勒10画,其中6已经售出了其余预计可以卖到8000到10000美元。

    Gallery owner Anthony Brunelli said of 10 pieces about to go on show, six were already sold, and that the remaining four could fetch between $8-10,000.


  • 垂直水准线调整图像

    Alignment of the vertical and horizontal lines in an image.


  • 之间变化水准图像或者他们最大之间比率估价领域以及最小价值

    The level of variation between light and dark values areas in an image, or the ratio between their maximum and minimum values.


  • 因此V型阀可以广变化范围提供精确控制

    Therefore, V-type valve in the wide range of rate changes to provide precise control.


  • 美国篮球队选手艾琳娜·戴尔·多恩在网上贴出了一张照片上面图画列出了厕所禁止行为其中一一个举着鱼竿的小人上打了叉。

    US basketballer Elena Della Donne posted a photograph of a sign warning of forbidden lavatory activities. One of them shows a stick figure holding a fishing rod.


  • 电源输出脉冲电流值、脉宽和频率可以规定的范围连续调。

    Pulse width and frequency can be adjustable in succession within the range of the fixed one.


  • 画廊通常没有公众展出过的画。

    In the gallery were hung three paintings not ordinarily displayed for public viewing.


  • 腾王阁壁画

    Before one wall painting, in Tengwang Pavilion.


  • 场地地震动傅立叶值谱可以表示震源传播路径影响因子场地效应乘积

    The Fourier amplitude spectrum used in a seismological model can be expressed as a product of source spectrum, propagation path factor and site effect in frequency domain.


  • 为了保证冻结轨道冻结特性平面轨道控制需要对半偏心率和近地点角都控制。

    In order to guarantee the characteristics of frozen orbit, in-plane orbit control needs to adjust the semi-major axis, eccentricity, argument of perigee simultaneously.


  • 一个天然之力力场逝世亡时,他躯体花费,时刻法师年夜增进生命答复速度。

    When an enemy dies within the field of One with Nature, the body is consumed, giving the mage a large bonus to health regeneration for a short time.


  • 计算结果表明:沿盘片位置误差使DPD变小,在25%的范围DPD的值随切向位置误差的变化系数1.52T

    The poison error along disk tangential direction decreases the DPD signal amplitude, and the factor is 1.52T when position error is less than 25%.


  • 中华世纪坛一楼中心展厅名叫作品展示了冬日衡水湖畔鸟类嬉戏玩耍画面

    Inside exhibition hall of center of first floor of China century altar, one is called " wintry charm " work, revealed in wintry day judge water lakefront, avian play the picture of amuse oneself.


  • 暑假做了抄报,涉及读书的,还有一副是环保,一起我是执迷不悟翻来覆去

    In summer vacation, I made two of his hand out the newspaper, a pair of is about reading, and a pair of is environmental protection, at first I is bigotry, over.


  • 结果表明预应力表面应力了较大降低

    The results illustrate that the values of stress at both inside and outside surfaces of prestressed pull-straightening roller are much lower.


  • 分别声波频谱声波能量峰值频率,以及值等方面对管道单相气体流体两种状态下声波信号进行了研究。

    Studied two conditions of acoustic signals when it was single-phase gas and two-phase flow in the pipeline from sound spectrum, acoustic energy, peak frequency and amplitude.


  • 虽然胶囊窥镜检查提供来自整个小肠的一图像但是既不活检也不窥的治疗可以执行

    Although capsule endoscopy can provide an endoscopic image from the entire small intestine, neither biopsy nor endoscopic treatment can be performed with it.


  • 本次展览将从世界范围选取10位概念艺术家共计60作品进行展览。

    Altogether 60 works of 10 conceptual artists worldwide are selected to be displayed at the exhibition.


  • 本文给出一种新的利用前场预测均方误差adpcm编码方法方法根据典型图象,给出三种预测器,五种量化器的设计参数

    This paper proposes a new method of interframe ADPCM Coding based on MSEP of last field, which gives design parameters of three predictors and five quantizers by five typical image.


  • 莫奈近乎痴迷地画这些莲花池,同时多达50画布创作不同画布间穿梭尽力捕捉一天某个时刻光线

    He would work on up to 50 different 8 canvases at any one time, moving from one to the other as he tried to capture the specific light at that precise moment of the day.


  • 这些模型一定范围都能够预测载荷裂纹扩展。

    The predicted lifes by using this model under spectrum loading are in good agreement with experimental data.


  • 同一图像不同条带成像时间不一致,将会导致条带间的几何错位地球自转引起的几何畸变

    Then different belts in the same image have the different imaging time, making the geometric dislocation within different belts, which is also named as deformation caused by the earth-rotation.


  • 单株性状变异系数均值最大的花冠冠最小的是柱头

    The maximal average of coefficient of variation of flower characters is the crown size of flower and the minimal is the number of split of stigma.


  • 发明涉及数字视频测试序列(1),包括编码图像(I)所述帧编码图像之后多个预测图像(p,B)。

    The invention relates to a digital video test sequence (1) comprising an intra coded picture (I) and a plurality of predicted pictures (p, B) following said intra coded picture.


  • 发明涉及数字视频测试序列(1),包括编码图像(I)所述帧编码图像之后多个预测图像(p,B)。

    The invention relates to a digital video test sequence (1) comprising an intra coded picture (I) and a plurality of predicted pictures (p, B) following said intra coded picture.


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