• 如果对于迁移门户内容安全性一个问题现在就是开始研究新的环境处理这个问题的时间

    If security is an issue for some of the content you are migrating into the portal, then now is the time to start examining how that will be handled in the new environment.


  • 由于这个信封内容机密,所以安全性就是必须解决问题

    Since the content of this envelope can be confidential, security is an issue that you must address.


  • 一个内容审计选项,用来决定安全性策略计算是否FM内完成

    A Content Audit option that determines whether security policy calculation should be done in FM.


  • 谈到进一步区分静态日志文件系统时,我强调一致性以及某种程度上的文件系统内容安全性

    When I talk about further distinctions like static and journal file systems, I'm emphasizing the consistency and, to some extent, security of file system contents.


  • 门户安全性控制所有门户资源(包括内容)访问级别

    Portal security controls the level of access to all the portal resources, including content.


  • 看到如何发送POST请求、如何设置请求头部内容类型、如何消息中编码X ML、如何增加请求的安全性可以工作还有很多

    You'll learn how to send POST requests, how to set request headers and content types, how to encode XML in your message, how to add security to your request — the list is pretty long!


  • 客户机可以根据内容建立全面分级安全性策略而不是无论是否需要相同密钥强度加密所有内容

    Instead of encrypting everything with the same key strength regardless of needs, rich clients can establish a comprehensive differentiating security policy based on the content.


  • 通信协议差异路由审核交互安全性之类内容可以实际服务请求程序和提供程序之外处理

    Things like communication protocol differences, routing and auditing of interactions, security, and so on, can be handled outside of the actual service requester and provider.


  • 本文阐述了将定制安全性插件部署DB 2系统插件编写人员数据库管理人员应该测试内容

    This article explains what the plug-in writer or database administrator should test before deploying the customized security plug-ins to the DB2 system.


  • 不过大多数时候,如果能将所关注内容提升一下考虑应用程序架构级别安全性,将颇有裨益。

    Most of the time, though, it pays to elevate your gaze a bit and think about security at the application architecture level.


  • WHO不久推出一个针对佐剂临床评价网站内容包括佐剂安全性及其临床试验的数据库

    A WHO web site on adjuvants in clinical evaluation including adjuvant safety, with a database of clinical trials, will be made available shortly.


  • 准确地说安全性一个过程,它应用多种技术防止未经授权的用户(通常称为入侵者)对内容进行未经授权的访问

    More precisely, security is the process of applying various techniques to prevent unauthorized parties, known as intruders, from gaining unauthorized access.


  • 基本上建立安全性所需所有内容

    This is basically all that is needed to be done in order to set up the security.


  • 内容访问个性化关系如何安全性如何影响Portlet布置

    How is content access related to personalization, and how security affects the placing of portlets?


  • 门户内容用来实现Portlet可搜索能力时使用文档安全性

    When the portal content source is used to make the portlets searchable, it uses document level security.


  • 创建ContentTemplates描述Web内容属性例如工作流安全性组件属性。

    Create the content Templates to describe the attributes for your Web content, e.g workflow, security and component attributes.


  • 本文介绍了Android平台安全性包括沙箱应用程序签名、应用程序权限以及文件内容提供者权限。

    This article introduced security on the Android platform, including sandboxes, application signing, application permissions, and file and content provider permissions.


  • 本文展示创建CommunityEdition提供安全领域时所需内容以及如何使用它们配置Web应用程序安全性

    This article will show you what is required to create the security realms provided by Community Edition and how to use them to configure Web application security.


  • 了解了这些内容后,更加容易理解利用Acegi方法安全性拦截器下一节将具体介绍主题

    With this background, it will be easier to understand and utilize Acegi's method security interceptor, which is the topic of the next section.


  • keytool文档地介绍证书结构处理以及keystores(稍后讨论)和其他安全性内容

    The keytool documentation gives a good introduction to certificate structure and handling, along with keystores (discussed next) and other aspects of security.


  • 有些内容可以自由使用,有些则安全性商业限制,很大程度上来说这一切只是Web开发人员已经能够处理细枝末节

    Some will be free for use, and some will be restricted for security or commerce, but these are just details that Web developers have already sorted out, for the most part.


  • reflectedXSS攻击利用Web应用程序安全性低的弱点,该应用程序在浏览器中显示输入参数不对其中是否存在活动内容进行检查

    A reflected XSS attack exploits vulnerable Web applications that display input parameters back to the browser without checking for the presence of active content in them.


  • 另一个示例可以表述为:允许某些查看消息所包含信息,其中所涉及的内容可以链接以前关于安全性保密性讨论

    Another example may be an expression that only allows certain people to view the information contained within the message, which links back to the previous discussion about security and privacy.


  • 尽管乐意展示制作过程安全性遵守所有规定,但研究了规定上的内容时还是吃了一

    Nonetheless, she was eager to demonstrate the safety of her process and to comply with all regulations. Hence her surprise when she researched just what those regulations said.


  • 信息管理一个庞大主题涉及到有关内容管理策略分布式访问联合安全性讨论

    Information management is a huge topic that can involve discussions of content-management strategies, distributed access, federated security, and much more.


  • 大多数内容访问实现中安全性是以二进制方式设置的——用户要么能够看到内容要么不能看到内容

    In most content or access implementations, security is set in a binary fashionusers either see the content or they don't.


  • 一旦知道程序安全性目标可以通过详细填充内容来确定安全性需求

    Once you know your program's security objectives, you can identify the security requirements by filling in more detail.


  • 特别是网站它提供一些应用程序安全性基本知识概要性概述不过,有些内容是过时的。

    In particular, my Web site provides a high-level, if somewhat dated, overview of the basics of application security.


  • 因此为了验证系统安全性必须考虑抽象每个级别:从最高级的体系结构最低详细内容

    Thus, to validate a system's security, you have to think about it at every level of abstraction: at the highest architectural level, but also at the lowest level of detail.


  • 了解平台详细信息需要保护内容可以增强系统安全性

    Learn your platform's details and what to secure so that you harden your system against attacks.


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