• 每个分区本身台机器:自己处理器内存等等

    Each partition is like it's own machine: it has its own processors, memory, and so on.


  • 需要选择虚拟机器容量——CPU内存等等——以便提供出色的性能

    You'll need to choose the size of your virtual machines-in terms of CPU, memory, and so on-in order to deliver good performance.


  • 由于这些进程已经存在,因此操作系统需要浪费宝贵的时间创建进程为之分配内存等等

    Since these processes already exist, there's no need for the operating system to waste valuable time to create a process, allocate memory to it, and so on.


  • MS觉得含义是计算机资源按需供应包括存储处理器操作系统内存等等

    MS: From my experience, clouds tend to refer to the provisioning on-demand of computing resources. This would include storage, processors, operating systems, memory.


  • 添加管理程序软件相关资源(例如VMWareESXServerCPU、硬盘、内存等等)。

    Add the hypervisor software and related resources (for example, VMWare ESX Server, CPU, Harddisk Memory, and so on).


  • 所以取决于应用程序部署硬件大小CPU内存等等),也许将来还需要考虑这些因素。

    So, depending on the applications, deployment, and size of the hardware (CPUs, memory, and so on), this may or may not be something to consider further.


  • 类型属性用于指示内存应该怎样赋值,十六进制、十进制ASCII等等格式。

    The type attribute is used to indicate how the memory should be rendered, in HEX, Decimal, ASCII, etc.


  • 除了死锁以外PDTK帮助诊断其他一些常见问题比如内存泄漏CPU过度使用J VM崩溃等等

    Besides deadlocks, PDTK also helps troubleshoot several additional common problems, such as memory leaks, extreme CPU usage, JVM crashes, and so on.


  • 跟踪每个用户内存使用情况CPU情况、IP利用情况等等,从而支持企业内部收费

    Each user's memory consumption, CPU usage, IP utilization, and so on, is tracked to enable chargeback within an enterprise.


  • 通常分区配置文件指定了操作系统启动资源需求例如内存数量处理器权限适配器等等

    In general, a partition profile specifies operating system boot time resource requirements, such as the desired amount of memory, processor entitlement, adapters, and so on.


  • 重新划分空间大小、回收不再被使用内存数据另一等等

    These activities include heap space re-sizing, reclamation of memory no longer used, moving data from one place to another and so on.


  • SSI解决方案修改内核几乎所有部分进程管理文件系统内存 管理、调度器等等通过不加修改地运行内核进程模拟器简化部署工作

    SSI solutions modify almost every area of kernel: process management, filesystem, memory management, scheduler, etc. Emulators simplify the deployment by letting the kernel processes run unchanged.


  • 负荷测试运行过程中,测试团队应当密切关注以下几个方面的性能cpu内存磁盘使用情况、响应时间等等

    During load testing runs, the testing team will carefully monitor various aspects of performance: CPU, memory usage, disk usage, response time, etc.


  • 可以指定一些硬件相关规格比如处理器类型、处理器速度特定内存等等

    You can specify some hardware-like specifications, such as a type of processor, possibly of a certain speed, with a certain amount of memory, etc.


  • 内存限制——64提供额外内存可以支持更好缓冲策略使得应用程序可以避免开销很高查询等等

    Memory constrained -- The extra memory provided by 64-bit supports a better caching strategy, enabling the application to avoid expensive queries, and so on.


  • NSD给出服务器状态所有当前信息(所有线程调用堆栈内存信息,等等)。

    NSD gives you all current information about the state of the server (call stacks for all threads, memory information, and so on).


  • AIXVMM缓存文件数据其它类型虚拟内存(例如进程数据、进程堆栈等等)的管理集成到了一起。

    The AIX VMM integrates cached file data with the management of other types of virtual memory (for example, process data, process stack, and so forth).


  • 由于Linux这样一个庞大软件内核概念上划分不同子系统——网络、内存管理视频等等

    As Linux is such a vast piece of software the kernel is conceptually divided into various subsystems -networking, memory management, video, and so on.


  • 使用情况图表(utilisation figure)创建销毁session数量加载重载servlet的数量、空闲JVM内存以及EJB创建删除加载存储等等

    Utilisation figures such as the number of sessions created and destroyed, the number of loaded or reloaded servlets, free JVM memory and EJB creates, removes, loads, stores and so on.


  • 如果再次发生,认为是问题这会我们对其进行调试,查找内存泄漏QA中重新创建bug等等

    If it happens again, it would be considered a problem, which would trigger debugging, looking for memory leaks, reproducing the bug in QA, and so on.


  • 可能不只是从内存检索property有可能涉及这样的计算:在网络上传送数据检查系统状态等等

    Might not just retrieve the value of "property" from memory, but might involve a calculation that pulls data across a network, checks system status, and so on. Similarly, when I write.


  • 比方说字在每次登录时打印一些关于机器很长的诊断信息,比如平均负载内存使用情况当前用户等等

    Say, you'd like to print some lengthy diagnostic information about your machine each time you login (load average, memory usage, current users, etc).


  • 再次声明这个可能会因应用程序或装载dll本地com组件内存分配模式(等等)不同会有所差别。

    Again, this value will differ depending on your application, the DLL's that are loaded and memory allocation patterns of native com components etc.


  • wxWidgets 确实一种功能强大的工具包但并不是所有人都愿意使用 C++构函数、内存管理等等

    While wxWidgets is a powerful toolkit, not everybody wants to deal with C++ destructors, memory management, and all the rest.


  • SyncMLDeviceInformation(SyncML 设备信息,DevInf):用来描述被同步的设备比如支持何种内容类型、有多少可用内存等等)。

    SyncML Device Information (DevInf): Enables the devices being synchnronized to be described (for instance, which content types are supported, how much memory is available, and so on).


  • 详细级别包括一般计数器(包括处理器磁盘内存等等)具体的计数器(包括网卡接口)。

    This detail level includes generic counters (including processor, disk, memory, and more) and specific counters (including network card interfaces).


  • 显示内存泄漏溢出等等位置工具可以解决内存管理问题发现MEMWATCHYAMD很有帮助

    Tools that show the location of memory leaks, overruns, and the like can solve memory management problems, and I find MEMWATCH and YAMD helpful.


  • 操作系统通过内部处理器地址空间中的内存映射到内存,该表定义哪些内存哪些处理器所拥有,等等

    Operating systems map memory segments in a processes' address space to memory pages through an internal table which defines what memory segments are owned by what processes, and so on.


  • 所有程序都不可避免地会生成错误——不到文件内存不足等等

    All programs inevitably generate errorsfiles not found, running out of memory, etc.


  • 所有程序都不可避免地会生成错误——不到文件内存不足等等

    All programs inevitably generate errorsfiles not found, running out of memory, etc.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定