• 随着Skullcandy成为这些商店头号耳机销售商收入增加了两至1.2亿美元,奥尔登的担忧逐渐消退了。

    Alden's fears faded as Skullcandy became the No.1 headphone seller in those stores and tripled its revenue to $120 million in one year.


  • 布拉德利前锋奥斯顿·巴尔入场球获得头球。

    Bradley Forward Auston Barnes takes the header on the inbounds pass.


  • 如果GQ》杂志的排行榜还不够说服力的话,那么《亚特兰大月刊》(The Atlantic)今年11月刊将贝南克列入27位勇敢思想家”榜单。 (榜单还包括巴马联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)董事长希拉•拜尔(Sheila Bair)人。)

    If GQ isn't enough for him, The Atlantic's November issue includes Bernanke on its list of 27 'Brave Thinkers' (alongside Barack Obama and Sheila Bair, among others).


  • 在他身上发现了童年某种幻想,对他说道:“肯定是老奥多家族的后代吧。”

    I recognized one of the children of reverie, and said, "You are doubtless of the stock of the old o 'donnells."


  • 第一批上网著作中关于法国王后玛丽·安托瓦·册子还有西班牙发明家西索•蒙图里奥尔在1858年世界最早潜艇之一写的计划

    Among the first works to go online are a pamphlet about French Queen Marie Antoinette and Spanish inventor Narciso Monturiol's 1858 plans for one of the world's first submarines.


  • 学校校长凯瑟琳·奥写道:“亲爱的家长,今后我校将会时常要求女儿携带卫生纸交给班主任。”

    The school's principal, Catherine o 'neill, wrote: "Dear parent, from time to time we will request your daughter to bring in a toilet roll to her class teacher."


  • 就是这样,豪厄尔·沃尔德第一次见面了。

    And that's how Howell was first introduced to Naomi Waldman.


  • 宽大的老爸式牛仔裤里游泳的时候,挺·罗宾森穿着奥尼尔衣服打球。

    Practically swimming in his dad jeans, Narayen looks like Nate Robinson playing dress-up in a Shaq suit.


  • 瑞银分析师奥尔吉称:“认为他们各自一个有限范围获得成功。”

    "I think they will both be successful to a limited extent," says UBS's Orji.


  • 《人物》杂志证实菲尔普斯开始约会真人秀演员布兰特妮-加斯蒂奥,出名得于老爸全国橄榄球联盟球员马克-加斯蒂奥。

    People confirms that Phelps has begun dating Brittny Gastineau, a reality-television personality whose claim to fame is that she's the daughter of former NFL player Mark Gastineau.


  • 明早就城里试穿告诉高维先生何时离开他离开前我将一直住在奥克·塔维姨妈家。

    I'm going to the city in the morning to have my spring gowns fitted. Let me know when Mr. Gouvernail is gone; I shall be at my Aunt Octavie's.


  • 比尔·佩里,约翰·多伊奇米基·坎特,鲍勃·赖克,黑兹尔·奥利里,劳拉·泰森亨利·西斯罗斯要离开了

    Bill Perry, John Deutch, Mickey Kantor, Bob Reich, Hazel OLeary, Laura Tyson, and Henry Cisneros were all leaving.


  • 个人得分也锁定27虽然以93比101败北没有怪罪奥尔阻挡了

    That was the last of Rondo’s 27 points in the game, although he did not credit O’Neal with stopping his run in the Cavaliers’ 101-93 victory.


  • 里奥尔·梅西——世界最佳球员——跨入球场参加星期六举行美洲杯四分之一决赛,广受支持阿根廷队不被看好的乌拉圭队之间的比赛时,自家制横幅向他致意

    This homemade banner greeted the world's best player, Lionel Messi, as he strode onto the pitch for Saturday's Copa America quarterfinal between heavily favored Argentina and underdog Uruguay.


  • 但是了奥多竞选广告之后——广告里这位参议员候选人骄傲地宣布,“没有上过耶鲁……我就是你们 ”——我发现更深层次的原因里面。

    But after listening to O'Donnell's latest campaign adsin which the Senate candidate declares proudly, "I didn't go to Yale. … I'm YOU"—I think something deeper must be going on.


  • 接着伦敦周末时报过去曾经是外国报道或者高端时尚一个论坛板块开始自己刊登莱昂尔施赖弗(LionelShriver奥克里(BenOkri)的短片小说

    Then the London Sunday Times, usually a forum for bloody foreign reporting or high fashion, began commissioning short fiction of its own from such authors as Lionel Shriver and Ben Okri.


  • 联系前面一点奥姆斯特德霍勒斯·布什(Horace Bushnell)有关人们潜意识影响”的著作的忠实读者。

    Related to the previous point, Olmsted was a fan of Horace Bushnell's writings about "unconscious influence" in people.


  • 几个一次疯狂行动,埃尔·特奥手下短短45分钟杀害了7名警察打伤了另外3名。

    El Teo's men had already, in a frenzy a few months earlier, killed seven cops and wounded three in the space of forty-five minutes.


  • 然而临床心理医生兼梦境专家罗德里希•奥博士认为这种影像对于解读复杂梦境故事帮助不大。

    However, Dr Roderick Oner, a clinical psychologist and dream expert, said that this kind of visualisation would be of limited help when it came to interpreting the "complex dream narrative".


  • 巴塞罗那,诸如安东尼·高迪(Antoni Gaudí)或者多梅克·蒙塔尔(DomènechiMontaner),想必同时艺术家和营造商,维也纳脱·瓦格纳(Otto Wagner)或者格拉斯哥的查尔斯·雷尼·麦金托什(Charles Rennie Mackintosh)也是如此。

    In Barcelona, the likes of Antoni Gaudí or Domènech i Montaner were surely artists as well as builders, as were Otto Wagner in Vienna or Charles Rennie Mackintosh in Glasgow.


  • 克·尔斯如果资金支持商业模式5就可以投入运行否则10年后科技实验室凋零

    Ockels said that commercial systems could be operational within five years if the money was made available; otherwise the technology could languish in the lab for a decade or more.


  • 可汗还写道伴随着巴勒斯坦奥赛梯索马里以及达尔富尔等地区主权追求,在未来的几十我们生活在一个由300多个国家组成世界

    With entities like Palestine, South Ossetia, Somaliland, and Darfur pushing for sovereignty, Khanna writes, "Within a few decades, we could easily have 300 states in the world."


  • 马里奥·查斯·阿马斯菲德尔·卡斯特罗之,于2月24日去世享年80岁。

    Mario Chanes DE Armas, prisoner of Fidel Castro, died on February 24th, aged 80.


  • 例如电影导演赛尔乔·莱翁作曲家埃尼奥·莫里康合作电影《美国往事》,一部画面音乐完美融合的作品(参见下列文章1、2)。

    The filmmaker Sergio Leone and the composer Ennio Morricone, for instance, did one of the most fertile associations (see the following articles here and here).


  • 布罗基还有塞尔·吉尼奥不错他们现在没有很多比赛,但是他们表现出他们能够一直得很为什么他们使用

    Brocchi, Bonera, and Serginho all did well, they haven't played a lot until now but they showed they can always do well, that's why they will be used more.


  • 塑造大师•里恩开始相信绝地大师科尔·天行者,那个一起实施奥苏斯工程的,如此命名的工程发起人,被云-舍尔慈祥地注视着。

    Master Shaper Nei Rin came to believe that the Jedi Master Kol Skywalker, with whom she worked alongside on the Ossus Project, as the initiative was named, was looked kindly upon by Yun-Ne 'shel.


  • 阿尔维斯右路传中,马尔后点甩头攻门角度已经十分刁钻全部巴西球迷准备欢呼时墨西哥门将乔亚不可思议扑出。

    Alves cross from the right Angle and shakes Leipzig after Neymar has been very tricky, you prepare when all the fans cheering Brazil, Mexico keeper Ochoa unbelievable saved.


  • 晓得吗带党分支鼓动废除联合议会要比奥康这样做,以及你们教派主教、教长们把斥为煽动者,还二十呢!

    Do you know that the orange lodges agitated for repeal of the union twenty years before o 'connell did or before the prelates of your communion denounced him as a demagogue?


  • 晓得吗带党分支鼓动废除联合议会要比奥康这样做,以及你们教派主教、教长们把斥为煽动者,还二十呢!

    Do you know that the orange lodges agitated for repeal of the union twenty years before o 'connell did or before the prelates of your communion denounced him as a demagogue?


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