• 总结出河段河床演变特点塞演变的相互关系得出了河床冲内冰堆积计算的经验关系式及河床冲淤平衡的临界水力参数。

    The relationship between the particular features of scouring and deposition of riverbed and evolution of ice jam in He-qu Reach has been obtained.


  • 现在研究表明最后一次时期尾声阶段,阿拉斯加东南部沿岸的大陆架相当大区域并未覆盖。

    Research now indicates that sizable areas of southeastern Alaska along the inner continental shelf were not covered by ice toward the end of the last Ice Age.


  • 容器充满50万加仑超冷液态氢时,绝缘泡沫可以防止容器形成

    The insulating foam prevents ice from forming on the tank when it is filled with 500,000 gallons of supercold liquid hydrogen.


  • 对于那些依赖生存北极生命而言——无仍行走的北极熊还是寄居细小生物——全部融化场浩劫

    When it disappears, it will be a disaster for all the Arctic life that depends on ice, from the polar bears that walk on it to the tiny creatures that live within it.


  • 因此冷藏肉类需要进行事先腌制,同时保持马铃薯沙拉凉爽挤满冷冻包装储存。

    So refrigerate meat while it marinates, and keep that potato salad in a cooler that's well-packed with ice or freezer packs.


  • 2007年,通常横跨格林兰岛埃尔斯米尔之间尔斯海峡上的未能形成这给流逝的一个额外路径

    Arches of ice that usually span Nares Strait, between Greenland and Ellesmere Island, failed to form in 2007, giving sea ice an additional exit route from the Arctic.


  • 警告负责区的部长如果再不下措施抑制温室气体的排放,则北极将在完全消失

    He is expected to warn ministers in polar regions that the arctic ice cap may totally disappear in as little as five years if nothing is done to curb greenhouse emissions.


  • 有些研究证明格陵兰岛南极洲加速可能很快会破坏它们——几十导致海平面上升

    Some studies suggest that the acceleration of melting ice in Greenland and Antarctica could soon destabilise their great ice sheets - causing sea levels to rise by several metres over a few decades.


  • 2007年时,有着大量区域卫星的监测面积,融化率达到了历史最高点。 最近几年来融率一直保持历史以下的水平。

    The drastic melt of 2007 remains the record loss of ice area in the satellite era, although subsequent years have still been below the long-term average.


  • 科学家估计环形山埋藏总量至少达到6亿吨。

    Scientists estimate at least 600 milliontons of ice could be entombed in these craters.


  • Nicklen如果线继续消退的话,50年100北极熊面临灭绝

    Nicklen said that polar bears could face extinction within 50 to 100 years if ice continues to recede.


  • 那是1879年,美国船只吉西伯利亚上方棚里,并在洋里漂浮21月,最后由于受不住压力破裂于1881年6月沉没

    Jeannette became locked in the ice pack above Siberia. It drifted in the Arctic for 21 months, but was eventually crushed by the pressure, and sank on June 13, 1881.


  • 科学家估计环形山埋藏总量至少达到6亿

    Scientists estimate at least 600 million tons of ice could be entombed in these craters.


  • 做这套目的为了推广2011年初发布家具家用

    The room has been created to promote a new line of furniture and interior products that the duo are creating ready to launch in early 2011.


  • 一温度低(约为- 235摄氏度,个大气压下- 210度左右氮气凝固——译者注),以至大部分氮气都凝聚到了其表面形成,这使海卫一成为太阳系唯一以“氮”为主要地表成分的星球。

    Triton is so cold that most of its nitrogen is condensed as frost, making it the only satellite in the solar system known to have a surface made mainly of nitrogen ice.


  • 大约Cabeus 5.6%陨石坑同事报告Coleprate一系列文件本周的《科学》杂志上。

    In Cabeus, approximately 5.6 percent of the mass inside the crater could be water ice alone, Coleprate and colleagues report in a series of papers in this week's Science.


  • 一旦着陆器上的机械臂开始挖掘,被起的灰尘放入几个炉子进行加热。测量装置测试产生的各种气体

    Once the arm starts digging, dirt and ice it scoops up will be deposited in several small ovens to be heated. Measuring devices will test the resulting gases.


  • 巴西艺术家莱阿泽·维多努力作为世界自然基金会最近安装一部分微型数字数百只能看着他们慢慢融化一天热量

    Brazilian artist Nele Azevedo diligently carved hundreds of miniature ice figures as part of a recent installation for WWF, only to watch them slowly melt in the heat of the day.


  • 电磁安装机台用于控制机台的冷凝压力避免机台冷凝压力过造成蒸发器

    Thirdly, defrosting electromagnetic valve is arranged on the machine table, is used to control the machine condensing pressure, avoid machine low pressure evaporator condensate, causing ice jam.


  • 然而目击者表示,流在短短一周融化

    However, recently eyewitnesses say drift ice now melts in as little as one week.


  • 得意谈天,俱水中捞月;拂意齿才力

    Theory to chat when you up, all is the main; FuYi swallow ice snow, when planted lotus wit in the fire.


  • 一旦着陆器上的机械臂开始挖掘,被起的灰尘放入几个炉子进行加热。

    Once the arm starts digging, dirt and ice it scoops up will be deposited in several small ovens to be heated.


  • 介绍模型密度液体含量实测方法结果

    The measurements and the results of ice density and unfrozen solution are introduced.


  • 可供区域架空线路设计确定性质、进行频率分析估算设计荷载等进行参考。

    It can be a certain reference for determining ice sort, frequency analysis and estimating the design ice load on overhead electrical conductors for designing lines in icing areas.


  • 关注冻人挑战一度在世界范围非常流行这项挑战的目的是为患有肌肉萎缩病人的治疗研究筹集资金。

    The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was popular worldwide as a way to raise moneyfor the treatment and research of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, commonly knownin North America as Lou Gehrig's disease.


  • 关注冻人挑战一度在世界范围非常流行这项挑战的目的是为患有肌肉萎缩病人的治疗研究筹集资金。

    The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was popular worldwide as a way to raise moneyfor the treatment and research of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, commonly knownin North America as Lou Gehrig's disease.


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