• 咨询公司奥(Oliver Wyman)顾问AndyRear风险管理显著改善资本状况重建

    Andy Rear of Oliver Wyman, a consultancy, says risk management has improved dramatically. Capital positions have been rebuilt.


  • 5月30日穆迪评级公司苏格兰皇家银行评级定为观察,指出可能存在执行风险相对脆弱资本基础

    On May 30th Moody's, a rating agency, put RBS on a negative rating-watch, citing possible execution risk and the bank's relatively weak capital base.


  • 相对银行资本来说,新法提高必须持有权益资本,这是为了降低银行破产风险

    The new law increases the amount of equity capital that Banks must hold, relative to their total capital, in order to reduce bankruptcy risk.


  • 一个银行担心资本损失时候,就会远离风险业务。

    A bank will walk away from some risky deals because it is afraid of losing money.


  • 常用方法迫使想要进行风险贷款银行增加资本,以此给银行资产设置一个限制。

    The more common remedy is to put limits on Banks' assets by forcing them to increase their capital if they make risky loans.


  • 苏格兰皇家银行计划进一步激发公共资产一起达到大幅提高资本风险权重资产比例

    Together with a further infusion of public capital, the effect of the scheme for Royal Bank of Scotland has been greatly to raise its ratio of capital to risk-weighted assets.


  • 再者银行太多时间就肯能存在风险,银行可能会缩减资产负债表提高资本比率

    Given too much time, moreover, there is the risk that Banks will, in fact, shrink their balance-sheets to bolster their capital ratios.


  • 银行向美国国际集团这样保险公司支付费用,由后者为承担自身资产违约风险,此举使得银行不用按照规制要求储备部分资本

    Banks paid insurers such as AIG to take on the risk that their assets would default, which saved them having to put capital aside as the regulations required.


  • “买者慎”原则大行19世纪这种风险决策总体价格利率市场中的资本配置决策密不可分。

    In the 19th century, when caveat emptor ruled, such risk judgments were not separable from the overall price, interest rate and other capital-allocating decisions struck in the marketplace.


  • 所有这些都需要风险资本家奉献宝贵、最稀缺资源(不是金钱)——时间

    All of this requires the VCs' most scarce and valuable resource (and it's not money) - time.


  • 结果降低一级资本中的风险调节性资产,至少降低了2%。

    The effect was to lower Tier 1 capital to as little as 2% of risk-adjusted assets.


  • 美国风险资本此类问题上的投入是欧洲同僚7有余,简直可以用挥霍来形容。

    American venture capitalists lavish seven times more on greenery than their counterparts in Europe.


  • 这些解决方案帮助客户满足节能增效业务盈利能力资本生产率风险管理全球责任领域关键业务需要

    These solutions help customers meet their critical business needs in the areas of energy efficiency, operational profitability, capital productivity, risk management, and global responsibility.


  • 我们会介绍“导入性研究概念Vande VenJohnson, 2006,评价风险资本研究的适用性

    Next, we introduce the concept of 'engaged scholarship' (Van DE ven and Johnson, 2006), examining its applicability to venture capital research.


  • 协议作为各国监管机构和银行界配置资本首要指导性文件,变化势必我国银行风险管理产生影响

    As a chief accord of capital allocation of Banks worldwide, the New Basel capital accord certainly would have effect on risk management in our country.


  • 前项所称自有资本风险资产范围计算方法主管机关定之。

    The scope and the method of calculating the aforesaid equity capital and risk assets shall be as prescribed by the Competent Authority.


  • 由于风险管理措施得当,高盛坚信自有资本能够满足日常周转,继续正常经营(punt踢凌空球,球未落地就踢出,这里解释资金周转)。

    Goldman believes it can continue to punt its own money as long as its risk management remains strong.


  • 风险投资公司风险主要源于资本运营过程存在的大量不确定性(随机性)。

    Risks of venture capital firms mainly stem from a large number of indefiniteness (or called randomness) in the course of operating capital.


  • 银行主管机关规定编制合并报表时,合并后之自有资本风险资产比率同。

    For Banks which are required by the Competent Authority to produce consolidated financial statements, such ratio between equity capital and risk assets shall also be met on such consolidated basis.


  • 证券商风险资本限额管理有一套完备之程序,包括估算方法配置之方式监控作业执行等。

    A securities firm shall have a complete procedure for the management of risk limits. The procedure shall include the calculation method, allocation method, and implementation of monitoring processes.


  • 商业银行的“危机短视症”,使银行承担了相对资本实力较大风险敞口

    The crisis myopia in commercial Banks has led Banks to shoulder larger risk exposures compared with their capital power.


  • 看门狗的唯一约束力那些银行资本进行监管薪资水平已经表现出让公司陷入了极大风险

    The watchdog's only sanction is to demand more regulatory capital from those Banks whose pay policies appear to be putting their firms at greater risk.


  • 各方出资额合营公司注册资本中的比例分享利润分担风险亏损

    The parties shall share the profits and bear the risks and losses in proportion to their respective contribution to the registered capital of the JV Company.


  • 随着应用越来越广泛经济资本管理成为国际银行业普遍接受风险管理模式

    Along with its application more and more and extensively, the economic capital management becomes the risk management style of accepting by international Banks.


  • 风险企业或者部分股份能否高价出售风险资本丰厚的利润退出风险投资关键

    As to whether an entrepreneurial firm or its shares can be sold at high price, the key is to make venture capital have a profitable exit.


  • 甲方乙方合营企业注册资本中所比例分享利润和分担风险亏损

    The profits, risks and losses shall beshared by both Party A and Party B in proportion to their respectivecontributions to the registered capital of the Joint Venture.


  • 风险投资公司风险主要源于资本运营过程存在的大量不确定性。

    Risks of venture capital firms mainly stem from a large number of indefiniteness in the course of operating capital.


  • 风险投资公司风险主要源于资本运营过程存在的大量不确定性。

    Risks of venture capital firms mainly stem from a large number of indefiniteness in the course of operating capital.


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