• 以色列继续军事行动摧毁恐怖主义基础设施逮捕恐怖主义活动幕后黑手严厉惩罚实施这些杀人活动的犯罪者

    Israel would continue its efforts to destroy the terrorist infrastructure, arrest those behind terrorist activities and harshly punish those who perpetrate these murderous activities.


  • 警方到达住所后,并不在家警方获得逮捕搜查的许可。

    He was not at home when they went to his house, but they had obtained an arrest and search warrant.


  • 来自卡林西亚男子事发不久便警方逮捕对自己的行为供认不讳,具体姓名尚未被警方确认

    The man, who is from Carinthia but was not identified by name, was arrested shortly after the incident and has admitted the act, Klammer said.


  • 上周韩国情报部门以泄露机密信息为由逮捕前任特工现役两星陆军少将

    Last week, South Korea's intelligence agency arrested one of its own former agents, as well as an active two-star army general, for handing over classified information.


  • 麦卡伦得克萨斯州警方已经逮捕涉嫌杀害2岁继女的男子因为上周六美国对加纳的世界杯比赛一直哭泣

    Police in McAllen, Texas, have arrested a man for allegedly killing his 2-year-old stepdaughter because she kept crying during the U.S.-Ghana World Cup game on Saturday.


  • 一名个月伊拉克神秘绑架伊朗外交官于是同样神秘地得到释放;而伊拉克则称努力尝试使名伊朗官员重获自由——他们在一月份被驻伊美军逮捕的。

    An Iranian diplomat who was mysteriously kidnapped in Iraq two months ago was released just as mysteriously, and Iraq said it was trying to secure the freedom of five Iranian officials arrested by.


  • 警方没过多久便将该男子逮捕,当时他正试图自己抢来14260欧元赃款中的一部分存入帐户,同时为那张已经丢失的卡挂失

    Police arrested the man a little later, after he tried to deposit some of his 14, 260 euros (9, 600 pounds) loot in his account to reduce his overdraft and reported his card as lost.


  • 几个月显著成就逮捕了若干贩毒集团的头目,而继承地位而争夺的人排成了长队

    The most visible successes of recent months have been the capture or killing of a string of cartel leaders. Long lines of deputies wait to inherit their positions.


  • 自从逮捕后,很多哈里斯粉丝伤心地表示,再也不能通过他不断更新的行动日记间接体验狂野的生活

    Since his capture, a number of people have written sadly about not being able to live vicariously through Harris-Moore anymore.


  • 他们企图媒体所获得的,一种降低逮捕风险技术

    What they're hoping to pick up from the media is the techniques that will lower their risk of apprehension.


  • 警方发言人介绍,警方逮捕名涉案的当地男子,并正在调查作案动机。

    A local man has been detained in connection with the poisonings and police are investigating whether he did it on purpose, a police spokesman said.


  • 哈梅内伊下令Kahrizak监狱必须关闭监狱长撤职因玩忽职守罪逮捕

    After Khamenei ordered the prison to be closed down, its head was dismissed and arrested for dereliction of duty.


  • 涉嫌妨碍执行公务而被日本海岸警卫队逮捕,同时起诉判决最高3年的徒刑。

    Zhan was arrested by the Japan Coast Guard on suspicion of obstructing officers on duty a charge that carries a maximum three-year prison sentence.


  • 涉嫌妨碍执行公务而被日本海岸警卫队逮捕,同时起诉判决最高3年的徒刑。

    Zhan was arrested by the Japan Coast Guard on suspicion of obstructing officers on duty, a charge that carries a maximum three-year prison sentence.


  • 科威特警方逮捕名著名反对派政客,称他们发表声明批评埃米尔。

    Police in Kuwait have arrested two prominent opposition politicians for making statements deemed critical of the emir.


  • 据亚洲新闻台报道警方已经逮捕女子马来西亚男友不清楚男友该案中扮演什么样角色

    Channel NewsAsia reported that the police had arrested the woman's Malaysian boyfriend in the case. It was unclear what role he may have had.


  • 以被怀疑渔船阻挠登船检查故意冲撞一日本巡逻艇遭到逮捕

    Zhan was arrested on suspicion of intentionally ramming his ship into one of the Japanese vessels to obstruct an onboard inspection.


  • 此前遭到逮捕嫌犯越南护照警方正在确认该护照是否反映真实国籍

    The woman who was arrested a day earlier was carrying a Vietnamese passport. The police were trying to confirm whether either passport reflected the women's true nationalities.


  • 7月初中国怒火演变成了愤怒,并逮捕了位于中国的力拓营销主管胡士泰和同事

    The anger turned to outrage in early July, with the arrest of Stern Hu, Rio's head of iron-ore marketing in China, and colleagues.


  • 克拉克于今年73日被逮捕的,邻居当时向警方报案说他们听到哀号声

    Clark was arrested July 3 after neighbors reported hearing the dog's cries and police found the injured animal.


  • 公诉人称逮捕女子同伙曾与联系通知警方进行追捕。

    Prosecutors say a member of her gang, who'd already been arrested, called the woman to warn her police were looking for her.


  • 公诉人称逮捕女子同伙曾与联系通知警方进行追捕。

    Prosecutors say a member of her gang, who'd already been arrested, called the woman to warn her police were looking for her.


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