• 物理实验过程学生展示其综合能力过程

    Physics experiment is a course to show students' comprehensive capability.


  • 官员具体来说SAIC协助部门加强综合管理信息环境(IMEE)能力

    Specifically, SAIC will assist the directorate in strengthening the capabilities of its Integrated Management Information Environment (IMEE), the officials said.


  • 他们艺术家工程师综合:他们应具备设想装置想象力应具备变为现实能力

    They should be a combination of artist and engineer: with the vision to imagine a new device, and the ability to make it come to life.


  • 问题在于它们是否改善了反映能力综合水平,改善了日常生活自理能力

    The question is whether they improve in their general abilities that reflect their capacities, their operational abilities in everyday life.


  • 近年许多美国抵押贷款发放针对次级贷款(简称贷)的借款人;而依照次级贷款的定义这些所谓的借款人皆依照综合标准评量过,能力不足以偿清贷款

    Many U.S. mortgages issued in recent years were made to subprime borrowers, defined as those with lesser ability to repay the loan based on various criteria.


  • 加大一般农业服务支持力度、优化支持结构有效促进农民增收提高农业综合生产能力

    Intensifying general agricultural service support and optimizing its structure can increase farmers' income and raise the comprehensive capability of agricultural production effectively.


  • 纵观以往教学评测系统,缺乏综合分析辅助决策能力并且历史积累的海量信息隐藏知识利用无能为力。

    Most of the previous teaching systems are that have no ability of synthetic analysis, decision support, and the utilization of hidden knowledge from vast history information.


  • 竞争进取,是社会文明进步个标志;同样,一个人的竞争意识竞争能力素质能力综合反映

    Competition and enterprising indicates the social civilization and oness; one s competition consciousness and competence synthetically reflects ones diathesis and ability.


  • 成因在于学生语言非语言综合能力缺乏或不足

    Students' lack of comprehensive ability in both language and non-language is the contributing factor.


  • 指挥员作战指挥能力建立多层评估指标体系采用二级模糊综合评判模型评估。

    The aim of the project is to divide the commanders operational command capability index system, and to realize evaluating it by using two-level fuzzy synthesis evaluation model.


  • 本文采用了几种方法抗震能力进行评估根据几种方法评估结果地震稳定性进行综合评价

    In this paper, we estimate the capacity of earthquake resistance by several methods and give the synthesis estimation according to the results of these methods.


  • 资料综合骨髓基质干细胞具有多向分化能力具有特异性标志物,无法某种特异性标志进行鉴定分离

    DATA SYNTHESIS: The bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell had various ability of differentiation without specific sign, and could not evaluate and detach it with certain specific sign.


  • 本文通过13种植物水分生理指标分析,对抗旱能力综合评定

    A comprehensive evaluation on the drought resistance of 13 plants was made by analysing water physiological indices.


  • 低年资主治医师综合医院医教研等各项工作生力军,临床能力提高是医院人才梯队建设重要任务。

    How to improve the clinical capability of these doctors is an important task for the human resources construction of a general hospital.


  • 协调能力运动员的一综合运动素质竞技价值早已超越人们目前的想象

    Coordinative ability is a kind of synthesize sports quality, it's sport value exceed what people realize.


  • 文章介绍了国内外变电站综合自动化系统电磁抗干扰实验标准提出提高电磁抗干扰能力应注意的几个问题。

    This paper introduced the electromagnetic disturbance test standard of integrated automatization in substation. and advanced some method to improving its reliability in electromagnetic environment.


  • 文化交际能力培养英语教学中有必要性,为此加强学生跨文化交际能力培养培养学生英语综合应用能力关键

    It is essential to cultivate the students' intercultural communication ability in English teaching because it is the key to improve the students' comprehensive appliance ability.


  • 模糊处理利用加权求和-求大操作,综合函数权重调,提高处理器的自适应能力拓展应用场合

    Weights of synthetic function are able to be adjusted to improve adaptability of this system and extend its application field.


  • 根据已建立的项目质量实施能力指标体系演示进行多级模糊综合评价过程,分析评价结果监督实践中的应用

    The process for carrying out multi-step fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on it by its built rating index system is demonstrated. Rating outcome and application for supervisory practice are analyzed.


  • 而依照次级贷款定义这些所谓的借款人皆依照综合标准评量过,能力不足以偿清贷款

    S. mortgages issued in recent years were made to subprime borrowers, defined as those with lesser ability to repay the loan based on various criteria.


  • 结论早期了解患儿母亲心理状态通过综合护理提高心理应激能力患儿的治疗,护理效果起着决定性作用。

    Conclusions it is important to understand psychological states of mothers early for infants nursing and treatment, and their stress abilities can be raised through...


  • 三种辅助收剂石英萤石方解石捕收能力相同,对三种矿物的综合能力大小关系为:GYR>731>TAB-3。

    The collecting capability intensity to quartz, fluorite and calcite is different, the relation of the collecting capability intensity is GYR>731>TAB-3.


  • 通过培养药学学生信息收集处理能力以提高综合素质,并提升整体教学水平

    Eventually, their comprehensive quality was improved by this and the whole teaching level was also promoted.


  • 目标希望达到学科知识平衡跨学科知识综合局面,培养现代社会所必须的基本多样能力进而养成健全和谐人格

    The aim is to make students well equipped with diverse knowledge in many fields and develop student's essential abilities required in the society, then to form the sound and harmonious personality.


  • 目标希望达到学科知识平衡跨学科知识综合局面,培养现代社会所必须的基本多样能力进而养成健全和谐人格

    The aim is to make students well equipped with diverse knowledge in many fields and develop student's essential abilities required in the society, then to form the sound and harmonious personality.


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