• 先将这些实际问题放一边看看法国政策制定者是否意识到一个基本的问题就是他们有必要担忧苹果音乐商店播放器的不可分割性么?

    Put these practical difficulties aside, and ask whether France's policymakers identified a real problem. Are they right to worry about the inseparability of Apple's store and its player?


  • 播放器进程将更新中的指示当前状态

    Each player process updates the row to indicate its current status.


  • 如果客户视频播放器放在他们网站主页上,并让打开网站时自动播放。这时即使经验表明网站用户讨厌这样做的,花费很多时间反对

    If a client wants to put a video player on their home page that auto-plays even though your experience shows that website users hate this, you should spend some time to argue against it.


  • 本文讨论如何使用Linux操作系统功能正常计算机系统赋予新的活力,让充当服务器媒体播放器客户机

    This article describes how to use the Linux operating system to repurpose an older but functional computer system, giving it a new life as a server, a media player, or a thin client.


  • 因为DeMonsterDebugger需要运行什么开发环境,所以可以用它调试正在运行的应用或者网站不需要更改配置或者使用调试播放器

    And because DE MonsterDebugger doesn't need a development environment to run you can debug live applications or sites without changing configuration or using debug players.


  • 相较于把界面切换Unity上,最有争议的改变就是Ubuntu默认音乐播放器Rhythmbox切换到Banshee上。

    The most controversial change, other the switch to Unity for the main interface, is that Ubuntu is changing its default music player from Rhythmboxto Banshee.


  • Android很多方面很好有一个领域则长期受到用户的批评,这就是媒体播放器

    Android may do a lot of things well, but one arena where its users regularly voice complaint is with its default media player.


  • Adobe公司Flash播放器成为质疑必要性开发者公司攻击目标,但是现在这个插件已经受到来自Google大力支持

    Adobe's Flash Player has come under fire from developers and companies who question its necessity, but the plug-in has just received a big vote of confidence from Google.


  • 苹果公司回应说,多数产品体积比较,也不重(iPod音乐播放器),而绿色和平组织却指出诺基亚生产也是小型装置回收再利用方面表现得就苹果公司很多。

    Apple responds that many of its products (such as the iPod music-player) are small and light. Greenpeace points out that Nokia also makes tiny devices, but is much better at recycling them.


  • 只需轻轻按,产品便会蓝牙扬声器自动转变为200功率立式音乐播放器两侧高频扬声器排列紧凑,使得播放出的音乐更为洪亮清晰。

    This dock transforms from Bluetooth speakerphone to floor-thumping 200-watt music player with the press of a button.


  • 我们已经MP3播放器进行研究并且对于制造商,我们取得了非常相似的成果

    We've conducted studies of a few MP3 players and found very similar results across the MP3 manufacturers.


  • 法国法条支持者们认为假如商店了一卡带,你就可以任何喜欢的卡带播放器它,而不必非要在Walkman播放,那么为什么消费者不能在他们所喜欢的任意播放器上播放在苹果公司音乐商店里购买的音乐呢?

    Supporters of the French law point out that if you buy a music cassette at a shop, you can listen to it on any cassette player that takes your fancy. You do not have to play it on a Walkman.


  • 数字音乐播放器体积越来越小,储存容量却到足够人们下载全部音乐收藏。

    Digital music players got smaller in size but large enough for people to download their entire music collections.


  • 添加自动暂停游戏会自动暂停玩家崩溃如果感染的播放器崩溃,产卵定时器恢复后再。

    Added AutoPause: Game automatically pauses when a player crashes. If an infected player crashes, their spawn timer is restored upon rejoining.


  • Steve Jobs深知这个原则的重要性应用到了ipod的设计中设计出了仅有一个按键的播放器

    Steve Jobs knows this and has used it to sell a one-button iPod.


  • 英国每日邮报》报道,索尼公司宣布标志性便携式卡带音乐播放器(随身听)连续生产30多年最终停产。

    The Daily Mail of London: Sony has announced that it will no longer be making its iconic portable cassette player (Walkman) after more than 30 years of continual production.


  • 工厂制造NAND闪存芯片广泛用于多种设备如mp3播放器、窝式移动电话、相机等。

    The new plant will manufacture NAND flash memory chips, which are widely used in a host of products including MP3 players, cellphones and digital cameras.


  • 微型投影作为便携式多媒体播放器一个附加功能满足人们日益增强的大屏高清视频需求应用前景相当广阔。

    As an additional feature of Portable Multimedia Player, Micro-projection can satisfy the growing demand of large screen and high definition video, its application prospects must be very good.


  • 微型投影作为便携式多媒体播放器一个附加功能满足人们日益增强的大屏高清视频需求应用前景相当广阔。

    As an additional feature of Portable Multimedia Player, Micro-projection can satisfy the growing demand of large screen and high definition video, its application prospects must be very good.


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