• 这个写实剧取材于莎伦女儿凯莉儿子杰克另类生活

    The reality-based show followed the unorthodox lives of Ozzy, his wife Sharon, daughter Kelly, and son, Jack.


  • 认同将这些罗马雕塑复制品当作单纯复制品考虑本身所具有罗马特色功能以及意义而将这些复制品处理掉一个错误

    Gazda also believes that it's been a mistake to dismiss the Roman copies as copies for copy's sake and not to consider the Roman function and meaning of the statues.


  • 爱德华先生总是不厌提醒选民一个磨坊工人儿子

    Mr. Edwards never tires of reminding voters that he is the son of a millworker.


  • 吉甲概念——灵魂轮回的联系并不那么容易

    The concept of Gigaltransmigration of the soul and Zivugim are not so easily interrelated.


  • 瑞士赋税开支比较低劳动生产力却较高由于瑞士人能够投票决定财税问题海德堡大学·弗莱德说道

    Switzerland's taxes and spending are lower than otherwise, and its Labour productivity higher, because the Swiss can vote on fiscal issues, says Lars Feld of the University of Heidelberg.


  • 到了2045年,韦尔我们文明智能—包括那个阶段软件在内,能力会被扩充十亿

    By 2045, Kurzweil says, we will have expanded the capacity for intelligence of our civilization -comprised by that stage of both software and people -one billion fold.


  • 我们亲眼目睹团体意识上演,中一便是国会地板上自己康复历程来鼓舞我们的嘉比·吉福受到了同事深切怀念

    One of the places we saw that sense of community on display was on the floor of Congress, where Gabby Giffords, who inspires us with her recovery, is deeply missed by her colleagues.


  • E3 -3提出以静对静”的建议,据此,如果伊朗停止扩展纳坦浓缩设施国际共同体停止延长伊制裁。

    The E3 + 3 has also put forward a "freeze for freeze" proposal, under which the international community would stop extending sanctions if Iran stopped expanding its enrichment facility in Natanz.


  • 去年莫仕决定关闭在图卢附近多年不盈利的法国制造厂。

    Last year Molex decidedto close its French plant near Toulouse,which had been unprofitable for years.


  • 我们现在相信莫扎特具备格伍别无二致,都具有长期专注能力,以及父亲提升技能意图

    What Mozart had, we now believe, was the same thing Tiger Woods had - the ability to focus for long periods of time and a father intent on improving his skills.


  • 校长亚瑟·勒瓦尼卡,是洛皇家后代,王国巴罗茨兰位于赞比亚西部

    The headmaster was Arthur Lewanika, a scion of the Lozi royal family whose kingdom, Barotseland, lay in western Zambia.


  • 伊朗长期抗拒接受对位于纳坦铀浓缩工厂进行基于和平目的公开核查

    Iran had long contended that its enrichment plant at Natanz was intended for peaceful purposes and was open to international inspection.


  • 接下来罗斯博士知道是否阻止发生。

    Next, Dr Zierath wanted to know if she could prevent that.


  • 英国男子法国杀害妻子湖中的指控进行上诉评审团在法国西南部城市图卢进行复审后,判定有罪

    A British man who appealed against his conviction for killing his wife and dumping her body in a lake was tonight found guilty by a jury at his retrial in Toulouse, south-west France.


  • 现在塔基可能作为第十一个州加入到这一行列中来,因为该州被关押死囚区的两个死囚拉尔夫•托马斯•保林以被告身份诉至法院法院也已经决定审理该案。

    Now an eleventh, Kentucky, can be added, since it is the defendant in the appeal by two prisoners on Kentucky's death row, Ralph Baze and Thomas Bowling, which the court has agreed to hear.


  • 目标可能位于纳坦精炼厂离心器。

    The target may have been the centrifuges at its nuclear refinery at Natanz.


  • 说,“我们他们评价相貌时,大多数女性参选人表现相对较但是接着实际选举中的表现通常不如男性参选人。”

    "Most female candidates fare relatively better when we ask people to rate the faces, but then generally underperform their male counterparts in actual elections," Lenz notes.


  • 以后,阿纳尔掌管一个智囊团默多克新闻集团董事会谋得一席之地,一直主要是凭借极端夸夸谈来彰显自己

    Since then, Aznar, who runs a think tank and sits on the board of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. , has distinguished himself mainly by the extremity of his rhetoric.


  • 格俄开战数月俄军就开始击落格军飞机、轰炸格鲁吉亚领土、进军阿布·哈保证铁路线的安全。

    Months before the war began, the Russians had shot down Georgian drones, dropped bombs on Georgian territory and brought troops into Abkhazia to reinforce its railway line.


  • 周四福特探访大马士革反对派人士哈桑·阿卜杜勒·阿姆时,阿萨德支持者投掷鸡蛋

    Supporters of Assad pelted Ford with eggs on Thursday as he visited Hassan Abdul-Azim, an opposition figure in Damascus.


  • 霍尔玛雅有机重视良知公司生产玩具价格更好地反映生产过程中真实环境社会成本。

    The price of the toys produced by Holz, Maya Organic and other ethically-minded companies better reflects the true environmental and social costs of production.


  • 函寄上贵方往来, 显示我方顺差500美元。

    I hand you, enclosed, your account current, showing a balance in my fivour of $500.


  • 雷米·萨森积极思想创造性思维、动机培养自我提高内心平安、灵修冥想等方面有独特的见解。

    Remez Sasson teaches and writes on positive thinking, creative visualization, motivation, self-improvement, peace of mind, spiritual growth and meditation.


  • 能源问题上,能源印度几乎同样的担心,只不过咽喉要道不是在马六甲海峡而是霍尔木海峡。

    India has almost identical energy concerns, though its potential chokepoint is not Malacca but the Strait of Hormuz.


  • 授予矢田次郎先生代理公司签名签名如下

    I have granted power of procuration to my chief clerk, Mr. Y. Yada, whose signature is appended below.


  • 怀特教授表示研究小组已经开始一家手机生产商商讨研发相关应用软件。 在无法联系到医生的情况下,软件能够自动判断手机上拍摄的“纸芯片”检测图像并告知患者结果

    And Whitesides said his group is also working with a cell phone maker to develop apps that would tell patients the results of their tests automatically if doctors aren't available.


  • GMR首席执行长加里·雷诺表示这家公共活动市场营销公司没有成文的约会政策原因是即便没有这样的政策,500名员工自己对办公室恋情也已经处理好了。

    GMR Chief Executive Gary Reynolds says the event-marketing company doesn't have a written dating policy because its 500 employees handle it fine without one.


  • 让阿尔·帕西诺(Al Pacino)出演古怪巫师或者吉姆·凯瑞(Jim Carrey)靠身体喜剧饰演稻草人,想想都够疯狂

    Imagine crazy al Pacino as the strange Wizard of Oz or Jim Carrey's physical comedy in the role of the Scarecrow.


  • 让阿尔·帕西诺(Al Pacino)出演古怪巫师或者吉姆·凯瑞(Jim Carrey)靠身体喜剧饰演稻草人,想想都够疯狂

    Imagine crazy al Pacino as the strange Wizard of Oz or Jim Carrey's physical comedy in the role of the Scarecrow.


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