• 其他行星方程呢?

    But what of other planetary systems?


  • 遗憾我们其他行星所知无法确定单星是否星。但是通过观测我们逐步发现一些恒星周围可能还有的存在。

    It is a pity we know really few to other planetary system, is unable the true order form star whether to have the planet.


  • 不过其他行星中,地球大小或者稍大一些卫星完全可能存在的,美国宾州大学伊利校区(PennState Erie)的天文学家戴伦·威廉斯(Darren Williams)

    But in other planetary systems, moons Earth-size or larger are not out of the question, says astronomer Darren Williams of Penn State Erie.


  • 由于我们这样寿命几十亿我们可以预测如果我们星系其他生物生存它们年龄几十亿岁不等

    Since the lifetime of a planet like ours is several billion years, we can expect that, if other civilisations do survive in our galaxy, their ages will range from zero to several billion years.


  • 随着仪器精度提高我们应该可以星那里了解有关大气成分的宝贵信息,以此类推,还可以了解到其他星系特性

    As the precision of our instruments improve, we should be able to learn some incredible information about the planet's atmosphere and composition, and, by extension, the nature of other solar systems.


  • 这个模型追踪海王星轨道无数个微小物体轨迹,可以帮助天文学家计算其他星系尘埃盘特性

    The new model, which tracks thousands of tiny particles beyond the orbit of Neptune, could help astronomers work out the properties of planets in other stars' dust disks.


  • 我们太阳系已知恒星星系中拥有数量最多的,这很可能是由于其他恒星周围探测星的存在是非常困难的。

    Our Solar System has the most planets of any known star, most probably because it is so hard to detect planets around other stars.


  • 太阳系就拥有这么非凡的卫星那么银河系其他数十亿星系我们找到怎样奇特的卫星

    If our solar system holds so many remarkable moons, then what strange satellite worlds might we find among the billions of planetary systems in the Milky Way?


  • WISE收录了从星到彗星我们太阳系整个银河星云再到宇宙其他遥远星系的各种天体。

    WISE cataloged objects ranging from asteroids and comets within our solar system to nebulae throughout the Milky way and faraway galaxies in other parts of the universe.


  • 传统理论认为太阳家族星是孤立形成的,并且其他星系相隔很远

    Conventional theory used to suggest that the Sun and its family of planets formed in near isolation, far away from other stars.


  • 流浪星系中游这个概念没有起来那么难以捉摸,其他星球流星的引力之战很有可能使星球脱离太阳系

    The idea of rogue planets wandering the galaxy is not as far-fetched as it may sound. Gravitational tugs-of-war with other planets or passing stars can boot a planet out of its solar system.


  • 虽然星际媒介研究并不依赖目标恒星特定选择,但其他科学目标明显需要目标恒星有着一个行星

    Although studies of the interstellar medium do not depend on the precise choice of target star, the other scientific objectives clearly require that the target star has a planetary system.


  • QGIS其他较为简单数据查看器用于探测各种数据格式覆盖行星的所有数据

    QGIS and other simpler data viewers lend themselves to exploring various data formats and the world of data sets covering this planetary system.


  • 天文学家发现他们相信一个至少像木星那么是来自其他星系

    Astronomers have detected what they believe to be a planet at least the size of Jupiter that came from another galaxy.


  • 我们星系中,地球其他星都太阳运动。

    In our planetary system the earth and other planets move around the sun.


  • 其他的一些行星系中,保证生命长存的可能性还是存在的,因此那些星系成为太阳系以外搜寻生命的主要目标

    But in other systems long-term survival is possible, and therefore these systems should be prime targets in searches for life beyond the Solar system.


  • 文学家们发现了一颗来自其他星系他们相信这颗星的大小至少相当于木星。

    Astronomers have detected what they believe to be a planet at least the size of Jupiter that came from another galaxy.


  • 2009年发射入太空WISE捕捉到了一些图像,可以显示7.5亿星体星系其他其中包括排放

    WISE, launched in 2009, snapped images of three-quarters of a billion stars, galaxies and other celestial objects, including the heat emissions of asteroids.


  • 2009年发射入太空WISE捕捉到了一些图像,可以显示7.5亿星体星系其他其中包括排放

    WISE, launched in 2009, snapped images of three-quarters of a billion stars, galaxies and other celestial objects, including the heat emissions of asteroids.


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