• 可以说设计可以这个技巧用于其他

    Basically you can apply this border technique on every box in your design just with different colors.


  • 其他相关基因探讨形成内在遗传机制

    Study other related genes to explore the formation of color polymorphism in the internal genetic mechanisms.


  • 碰到了一形形,其中一些我合得来,而其他的则和我根本合不来。

    I found a very mixed group of individuals, some of whom I could relate to and others with whom I had very little in common.


  • 多萝西朋友们来到片罂粟旁边许多其他五颜六

    After crossing the river, Dorothy and her friends came to a poppy flower field, with many other colourful flowers next to it.


  • 正如可能知道的,从理论上所有其他形成基础

    As you probably know, primary colors are, theoretically speaking, the basic colors from which all other colors can be made.


  • 以前,主要机场周边地区机场酒店其他设施潜力承担成为活跃商业空间

    Previously it was primarily airport hotels and other facilities offered in the surrounding area of the airport that had the potential to take on this role and become active as a business space.


  • 这个网站实际存在的,里面包括寝室日历,寝室派对照片文件夹样本还有其他诺的号那个相关的细节

    This was an actual website that included a dorm calendar, dorm party photos, samples from Noel's portfolio, and other details related to Noel's life.


  • 中国其他菜系一样,“本帮菜”具有“”三大要素

    Like all other Chinese regional cuisines, Benbang cuisines takes "color, aroma and taste" as its essential quality element.


  • 录像功能,720p下的拍摄清晰明快的,同时平衡不能给人很深刻的印象,因为其他同类手机上也有差不多的效果

    Video footage, shot at 720p, was clear and crisp with good colour balance, but not quite as impressive as the performance found on some other comparable handsets.


  • 雷斯其他地方奶牛饲养方式Balabancik情况大致相同几天之内其他村庄管区兽医报告了同样的问题

    Dairy farming in the rest of Thrace is conducted in much the same way as it is in Balabancik, and within a couple of days district vets in other villages were reporting problems too.


  • 我们认识苏格拉底最初都是源于其他作家记录,来自学生如柏拉图,来自历史学家诺芬还有戏剧里斯多芬》。

    We know Socrates primarily from the accounts of other writers: from his student, Plato, from Xenophon, the historian, as well as from the plays of Aristophanes.


  • 甚至赞美诗纪念玫瑰也渐渐褪了园子里还是其他的玫瑰蜗牛

    Even the souvenir rose in the hymn-book was faded, but in the garden there were other rose trees and other snails.


  • 其他有些地区社会信任度教育水平低,出现负反馈循环大多发生位于南部阿肯西弗吉尼亚

    There are other regions with low social trust, low education levels and negative feedback loops. This mostly happens in southern states like Arkansas and West Virginia.


  • 这种植物其他地方人工培植。由于花朵碧玉翡翠,这种植物被人们当作至宝,时常用来制作装饰花环

    Its natural habitat is under threat, but the plant is cultivated elsewhere because its jade-coloured flowers are highly prized and used to make decorative garlands.


  • 一个英国研究表明蜜蜂行为其他方面也许会传统蜜蜂保护能够让它们远离天敌。

    A UK study has shown that other aspectsof bees' behaviour may matter more than the classic bee colour to keeppredators away.


  • 那些人是艾伯特隐蔽时间其他维度之中,忙忙碌碌形形

    All were Albert and myself, secretive, busy and multiform in other dimensions of time.


  • 背景还有炫目跌到一边,才是人们习惯阅读其他的颜都会眼睛吃不消。

    Forget about black backgrounds and swirling colors everywhere, white is what people are used to reading on, and anything else is upsetting to the eyes.


  • 斯潘塞具有明显爱尔兰相貌特征长着一头浓密头发曾经认识任何其他演员

    With his strong Irish features and thick, sandy hair, Spencer was unlike any actor she'd ever known.


  • 随着我们行程接近尾声,有人向展示了一个木盒装有附近地区收集来形形物品,除了这件雕像,其他一些毫无价值的物什。

    Towards the end of our visit, I was shown a wooden casket containing various items from the surrounding areas, of which none, apart from this statuette, was of any value.


  • 其他隐藏宝物之,亚克曾发现人像,她似乎一个有着皮肤光滑长发玫瑰脸颊年轻女子。 这幅画当初被认为是主教温顿的女儿、诺顿夫人。

    Among the other hidden treasures, Alec found a portrait of a person who appeared to be a young woman with smooth skin, long hair and rosy cheeks.


  • 还有,拜托,拜托,那些啊、松石啦、绿(其他所有珠宝调)的眼影留到明年万圣节再用哈

    And please, please — leave the blue, turquoise, bright green (and all other jewel-tone) eye shadows for next Halloween.


  • 其他的说法可能彩虹发生水滴水晶散射光芒的时候。

    Others have also said it could have been cloud iridescence, which happens when water droplets or crystals scatter light.


  • 阿肯大学格林教授(Jay Greene)称:近几年相比其他地区南部各州教育方面取得了更大进步

    Jay Greene, a professor at the University of Arkansas, says there has been more educational progress in the South than in other regions in recent years.


  • 设计网站边界悬浮(hover)效果时表现同样可以用它来PPT排版其他要素寻找重点

    This makes it perfect for hovers and borders in web design but it can also be great for finding an accent color for typography or other elements in a presentation.


  • 头发——而且还有头发绿头发以及其他乱七八糟有。那种对于现实人类来说可能的。

    Yellow hair - but they also have blue hair and green hair and all the rest. Therefore hair colour is not about being true to life.


  • 长方形其他形状一样)种是填充,另个是边框

    Rectangles (as well as other shapes) have both a fill color and an outline color.


  • 利兹其他地方鲜艳形形销售标牌布满商店橱窗,就像情趣内衣连锁店萨默斯(Ann Summers)尼科尔斯一个昂贵百货商店里。

    Elsewhere in Leeds brightly coloured sale signs fill shop windows as varied as Ann Summers, a racy lingerie chain, and Harvey Nichols, a pricey department store.


  • 以及其他他们这般人物应该提到这里马基雅维里随意的把历史人物文学人物混为一谈了,旧约,李维,普鲁塔克,以及诺芬的时候。

    And others of their kind: it should be noted that Machiavelli mixes historical and literary figures somewhat indiscriminately here from his readings of the Old Testament, Livy, Plutarch, and Xenophon.


  • 以及其他他们这般人物应该提到这里马基雅维里随意的把历史人物文学人物混为一谈了,旧约,李维,普鲁塔克,以及诺芬的时候。

    And others of their kind: it should be noted that Machiavelli mixes historical and literary figures somewhat indiscriminately here from his readings of the Old Testament, Livy, Plutarch, and Xenophon.


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