• 换个角度思考很难找到勇气动力激情其他自己需要东西

    Without those changed perspectives it will be hard to find the courage, motivation, enthusiasm and whatever else you may need. And then there are self-fulfilling prophecies.


  • 因此以上给出这个列表非常完整如果其他自己喜欢网站建议方式出来

    By no means should you consider this list exhaustive, and if you have a site you prefer, please mention it in the comments.


  • IBMSupportWeb站点每个产品产品系列页面都具有其他自己搜索工具,可以搜索所有产品或产品系列相关文档

    Each product or product family page on the IBM Support Web site has its own search tool that searches for all documents associated with that product or product family.


  • 他正通过混杂自己其他电影片段来制作一部电影。

    He's making a new film by jumbling together bits of his other movies.


  • 三洋公司销售自己品牌个人电脑作为原始制造商其他厂家供货。

    Sanyo sells the PC under its own brand name and also supplies the PC to other manufacturers on an OEM basis.


  • 他们训练其他男性竞争所以一个成功女性他们觉得自己确实是失败者

    They've only been trained to compete with other men, so a successful woman can make them feel like a real loser.


  • 其他几位正在休息的办公室人员旁边自己三明治

    She ate her sandwich alongside several other office workers taking their break.


  • 运动员选择恶劣天气条件进行比赛,有飞盘击中伤害自己其他运动员的危险

    Players choosing to compete in poor weather conditions risk being hit by the frisbee and injuring themselves or other players.


  • 他们展示了自己作品其他学生如何

    They showed their works and taught other students how to fold paper.


  • 例如他们不同房间里自己电视节目,他们使用互联网,他们通过电话朋友交谈,他们自己其他事情

    For example, they watch programs on their own TVs in different rooms, they use the Internet, they talk with friends on the telephone, and they do other things by themselves.


  • 如果继续坚持自己创业梦想,我没有其他选择

    If I want to continue ahead with this dream of owning my own business, I have no other choice.


  • 包括亚马逊迪士尼在内其他公司承诺制定自己计划

    Other companies including Amazon and Disney had also pledged to create their own plans.


  • 汽车零件其他东西制作了自己发明比如电子玩具

    I made my own inventions, such as electronic toys from car parts and other things.


  • 希望自己激励其他来自贫困家庭年轻人

    He hopes he will be an inspiration for other young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.


  • 如果注意最小事情同时知道什么重要的,那么其他事情就会自己解决

    If you pay attention to the smallest things while knowing what's important, then everything else takes care of itself.


  • 现在我们改正这些错误其他国家合作自己重归正道

    Now we want to correct these mistakes and work with other countries to get ourselves back on track.


  • 自我形象包括自己定位,你所扮演角色以及其他用来定义自己的类似描述

    Included in your self-image are the categories in which you place yourself, the roles you play, and other similar descriptors you use to identify yourself.


  • 警察保卫他们自己其他免受致命危险

    The police were defending themselves and others against mortal danger.


  • 父母同意替他房租其他的则自己解决。

    His parents agreed to pay the rent for his apartment but otherwise left him to fend for himself.


  • 谈起其他文化它们对于自己文化熟悉

    He talked of other cultures as if they were more familiar to him than his own.


  • 自己安排了体现男子气概的任务期待其他效仿

    He set himself manly tasks and expected others to follow his example.


  • 回想起来,希望自己当初考虑其他行动方案。

    In retrospect, I wish that I had thought about alternative courses of action.


  • 自己不会相信,更不用说说服其他了。

    I'm not going to believe it myself, never mind convince anyone else.


  • 其他动物通过展示自己颜色保护自己

    Other animals stay safe by showing their colors.


  • 提问一个有力的工具尤其是他们鼓励其他说出自己信息时。

    Questions are a powerful tool, especially when they encourage others to disclose information about themselves.


  • 妇女使用这种互动式领导方法可以鼓励人们参与分享权力信息增强他人自我价值使其他自己工作感到兴奋

    Using this "interactive leadership" approach, women encourage participation, share power and information, enhance other people's self-worth, and get others excited about their work.


  • 通过这样做,我们鼓励其他人也利用废弃材料创作自己变形金刚或者其他玩具

    By doing this, we want to inspire others to make their own transformers or other toys with waste materials.


  • 通过这样做,我们鼓励其他人也利用废弃材料创作自己变形金刚或者其他玩具

    By doing this, we want to inspire others to make their own transformers or other toys with waste materials.


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