• 他们还有其他比赛。

    They play with volleyballs, tennis balls, and other balls, too.


  • 我们并不其他我们对阵里昂场比赛临近结束时

    We were not any worse in them than others but we paid for the two late goals against Lyon.


  • 其他球评更相信终于能为美国在2018世界杯美国赢得美国第一世界杯冠军的希望。

    Many sports commentators have hailed Fred as Lionel Messi's successor in 2 years, and that he will finally bring the 2018 FIFA World Cup to the USA, a first for the Americans.


  • 其实战略性移动墙壁这样就可以收集宝藏你记得还得阻止其他玩家路径

    It is up to you to strategically move the walls so you can collect your treasures, but block the path for the other players.


  • 根据美国已经了解的情况,统计局专家其他人口统计学家他们视野提供了一个不可抗拒水晶

    Working from what America already knows about itself, the bureau's experts and other demographers offer an irresistible, if clouded, crystal ball among their visions.


  • 有时大炮固定位置其他时候必须使用发射力量它推到一个你可以击中

    Sometimes the cannon is fixed in position, and other times you have to use the force of firing it to push it into a spot where you can hit the ball.


  • 喜欢羽毛其他户外运动

    I like badminton and other outdoor games.


  • 把最大、最漂亮的放在口袋里,把其他都给了女孩。

    He kept the biggest and the prettiest ball in his pocket and gave the others to the girl.


  • 法比奥·卡佩罗巴尔·迪尼国家队其它教练组成员只能接着忍受完这场郁闷和本轮其他比赛

    Fabio Capello, Baldini and the remainder of the national team's backroom staff will continue to look on the gloomy side of this fixture and others.


  • 说“我一直人们传给其他啊,到底在讲什么?”

    I've just seen people passing a basketball to each other. What are you talking about?


  • 部分接到次数相同其他的人没玩成游戏。

    Some participants received the ball an equal amount of times while other participants were excluded.


  • 部分蜣螂干脆居住粪便当中,其他蜣螂自己将粪便完美进行距离的运输,直到到达它们埋藏地方

    Some species simply live in the dung, while others form perfectly spherical dung balls, which they roll with their hind legs, often over large distances, to a place where they can bury it.


  • 小组用类似方式测试优化鼠标其他关键部件,囊括了鼠标按键敲击卡的橡胶敷工艺。

    The team similarly tested and refined the mouse's other key components, from the audible and tactile click of the mouse button to the rubberized coating on the ball.


  • 古德赫速度1.14,仅略高于平均水平大大其他美职业高尔夫冠军选手,CaryMiddlecoff(1.88)Dow Finsterwald(1.97)。

    Guldahl clocks in with an unremarkable score of 1.14, which is a little higher than average, but significantly lower than other PGA champions such as Cary Middlecoff (1.88) and Dow Finsterwald (1.97).


  • 所以员工成了上司忠实听众,听他们爵士乐队表演、高尔夫高谈阔论其他被错当成工作内容业余爱好

    And so the staff is a captive audience for their manager's jazz-band gigs, elegies over his approach shot to the 17th green, or any other avocation mistaken as part of the vocation.


  • 如果离现在最近一次社区服务活动还是在校期间组织beerpong筹款(译者注:beer pong fundraiser有人翻译成啤傍筹款,但网上没查这样的说法,故未采用。 它可能是通过比拼投乒乓入酒杯的准确率来募集资金的活动),那么也许会考虑寻找其他途径,证明工作之余你也有自己的生活

    If your last community service activity was organizing a beer pong fundraiser in college, you might want to consider finding some new avenues to show you have a life outside of work.


  • 其他游戏例如生物弹珠通过注射一种化学物质液体环境中使得草履虫不同方向游走。

    Other games, such as biotic pinball, work by injecting a chemical into the fluid causing the paramecia to swim in different directions.


  • 其他女人眼中看见怀疑眼色:她是一个没有孩子女人丈夫正和她们的丈夫在一起打高尔夫,除了秘密恋情之外,还能什么要紧电话呢?

    She could see the suspicion in the other women's eyes: she, a childless woman whose husband was enjoying a round of golf with their husbands-what urgency could she have but a secret love affair?


  • 正是在和其他银行家高尔夫时,察觉的情况。

    It's exactly what you find out about when you're playing golf with the other bankers.


  • 经过练习自己能够将击入其他九个中。

    After practice, I'd hit another nine holes by myself.


  • 就是说一般也许认为高尔夫沉迷其他休闲活动就像爱好以及时间朋友相处一样,实际上他们是用来深化生意关系的。

    That said, mere mortals might regard playing lots of golf and indulging in other leisure activities designed to "deepen business relationships" as hobbies, and time spent with friends.


  • 其他任何地方,巴西并不缺少技术-巴西具有危险防反出色的定位能力。

    There's no shortage of skill elsewhereBrazil will be dangerous on the counterattack and it remains the set-piece grandmasters.


  • 加盟的其他任何队,他可以在比赛中至少一个但是曼联,在他出场的98比赛中,却仅仅打进17

    Everywhere else he has gone, he has scored at least a goal every two games, but at United he managed just 17 in 98 matches.


  • 类似,随着半径增长(正如宇宙膨胀),(宇宙)表面的任意同样方式其他远离

    In the ball analogy, the radius of the ball grows as the universe expands, but all points on the surface of the ball (the universe) recede from each other in an identical fashion.


  • 作用逝者的祭奠,除它之外,获胜者没有其他奖励

    The lelo ball functions as a tribute to the deceasedthere is no other reward for winning.


  • 加盟的其他任何队,他可以在比赛中至少一个但是曼联,在他出场的98比赛中,却仅仅打进17

    Everywhere else he has gone, he has scored at least a goal every two games, but at United he managed just 17 in 98 matches. Just why, nobody ever figured out.


  • 2002年刚推出时候并没有广泛运用,因为时候推出主要意图抵消大力发员产生的力量,但很快这个问题其他形式解决了

    This did not catch on when introduced in 2002 because the problems it was intended to address, such as nullifying the power of the big servers, were soon being solved in other ways.


  • 2002年刚推出时候并没有广泛运用,因为时候推出主要意图抵消大力发员产生的力量,但很快这个问题其他形式解决了

    This did not catch on when introduced in 2002 because the problems it was intended to address, such as nullifying the power of the big servers, were soon being solved in other ways.


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